1. Generating GCG Suffixes Using Azure Machine Learning#

This notebook shows how to generate GCG suffixes using Azure Machine Learning (AML), which consists of three main steps:

  1. Connect to an Azure Machine Learning (AML) workspace.

  2. Create AML Environment with the Python dependencies.

  3. Submit a training job to AML.

Connect to Azure Machine Learning Workspace#

The workspace is the top-level resource for Azure Machine Learning (AML), providing a centralized place to work with all the artifacts you create when using AML. In this section, we will connect to the workspace in which the job will be run.

To connect to a workspace, we need identifier parameters - a subscription, resource group and workspace name. We will use these details in the MLClient from azure.ai.ml to get a handle to the required AML workspace. We use the default Azure authentication for this tutorial.

import os
from pyrit.common import default_values


# Enter details of your AML workspace
subscription_id = os.environ.get("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID")
resource_group = os.environ.get("AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP")
workspace = os.environ.get("AZURE_ML_WORKSPACE_NAME")
compute_name = os.environ.get("AZURE_ML_COMPUTE_NAME")
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

# Get a handle to the workspace
ml_client = MLClient(DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id, resource_group, workspace)

Create Compute Cluster#

Before proceeding, create a compute cluster in Azure ML. The following command may be useful: az ml compute create –size Standard_ND96isrf_H100_v5 –type AmlCompute –name -g -w –min-instances 0

Create AML Environment#

To install the dependencies needed to run GCG, we create an AML environment from a Dockerfile.

from pathlib import Path
from pyrit.common.path import HOME_PATH
from azure.ai.ml.entities import Environment, BuildContext

# Configure the AML environment with path to Dockerfile and dependencies
env_docker_context = Environment(
    build=BuildContext(path=Path(HOME_PATH) / "pyrit" / "auxiliary_attacks" / "gcg" / "src"),
    description="PyRIT environment created from a Docker context.",

# Create or update the AML environment

Submit Training Job to AML#

Finally, we configure the command to run the GCG algorithm. The entry file for the algorithm is run.py, which takes several command line arguments, as shown below. We also have to specify the compute instance_type to run the algorithm on. In our experience, a GPU instance with at least 32GB of vRAM is required. In the example below, we use Standard_ND40rs_v2.

Depending on the compute instance you use, you may encounter “out of memory” errors. In this case, we recommend training on a smaller model or lowering n_train_data or batch_size.

from azure.ai.ml import command

# Configure the command
job = command(
    command="cd pyrit/auxiliary_attacks/gcg/experiments && python run.py --model_name ${{inputs.model_name}} --setup ${{inputs.setup}} --n_train_data ${{inputs.n_train_data}} --n_test_data ${{inputs.n_test_data}} --n_steps ${{inputs.n_steps}} --batch_size ${{inputs.batch_size}}",
        "model_name": "phi_3_mini",
        "setup": "multiple",
        "n_train_data": 25,
        "n_test_data": 0,
        "n_steps": 500,
        "batch_size": 256,
    environment_variables={"HF_TOKEN": os.environ["HF_TOKEN"]},
    description="Generate a suffix for attacking LLMs.",
# Submit the command
returned_job = ml_client.create_or_update(job)