Source code for pyrit.score.scorer

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import abc
import json
import uuid
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Optional, Sequence

from pyrit.common.batch_helper import batch_task_async
from pyrit.exceptions import (
from pyrit.memory import CentralMemory, MemoryInterface
from pyrit.models import (
from pyrit.prompt_target import PromptChatTarget

[docs] class Scorer(abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for scorers. """ scorer_type: ScoreType @property def _memory(self) -> MemoryInterface: return CentralMemory.get_memory_instance()
[docs] @abstractmethod async def score_async(self, request_response: PromptRequestPiece, *, task: Optional[str] = None) -> list[Score]: """ Score the request_response, add the results to the database and return a list of Score objects. Args: request_response (PromptRequestPiece): The request response to be scored. task (str): The task based on which the text should be scored (the original attacker model's objective). Returns: list[Score]: A list of Score objects representing the results. """ raise NotImplementedError("score_async method not implemented")
[docs] @abstractmethod def validate(self, request_response: PromptRequestPiece, *, task: Optional[str] = None): """ Validates the request_response piece to score. Because some scorers may require specific PromptRequestPiece types or values. Args: request_response (PromptRequestPiece): The request response to be validated. task (str): The task based on which the text should be scored (the original attacker model's objective). """ raise NotImplementedError("score_async method not implemented")
[docs] async def score_text_async(self, text: str, *, task: Optional[str] = None) -> list[Score]: """ Scores the given text based on the task using the chat target. Args: text (str): The text to be scored. task (str): The task based on which the text should be scored (the original attacker model's objective). Returns: list[Score]: A list of Score objects representing the results. """ request_piece = PromptRequestPiece( role="user", original_value=text, ) = None return await self.score_async(request_piece, task=task)
[docs] async def score_responses_inferring_tasks_batch_async( self, *, request_responses: Sequence[PromptRequestPiece], batch_size: int = 10, ) -> list[Score]: """ Scores a batch of responses (ignores non-assistant messages). This will send the last requests as tasks if it can. If it's complicated (e.g. non-text) it will send None. For more control, use score_prompts_with_tasks_batch_async """ responses = [piece for piece in request_responses if piece.role == "assistant"] tasks = [self._extract_task_from_response(response) for response in responses] return await self.score_prompts_with_tasks_batch_async( request_responses=responses, tasks=tasks, batch_size=batch_size )
[docs] async def score_prompts_with_tasks_batch_async( self, *, request_responses: Sequence[PromptRequestPiece], tasks: Sequence[str], batch_size: int = 10, ) -> list[Score]: if not tasks: raise ValueError("Tasks must be provided.") if len(tasks) != len(request_responses): raise ValueError("The number of tasks must match the number of request_responses.") if len(request_responses) == 0: return [] prompt_target = getattr(self, "_prompt_target", None) results = await batch_task_async( task_func=self.score_async, task_arguments=["request_response", "task"], prompt_target=prompt_target, batch_size=batch_size, items_to_batch=[request_responses, tasks], ) # results is a list[list[Score]] and needs to be flattened return [score for sublist in results for score in sublist]
[docs] async def score_image_async(self, image_path: str, *, task: Optional[str] = None) -> list[Score]: """ Scores the given image using the chat target. Args: text (str): The image to be scored. task (str): The task based on which the text should be scored (the original attacker model's objective). Returns: list[Score]: A list of Score objects representing the results. """ request_piece = PromptRequestPiece( role="user", original_value=image_path, converted_value=image_path, original_value_data_type="image_path", converted_value_data_type="image_path", ) = None return await self.score_async(request_piece, task=task)
[docs] def scale_value_float(self, value: float, min_value: float, max_value: float) -> float: """ Scales a value from 0 to 1 based on the given min and max values. E.g. 3 stars out of 5 stars would be .5. Args: value (float): The value to be scaled. min_value (float): The minimum value of the range. max_value (float): The maximum value of the range. Returns: float: The scaled value. """ if max_value == min_value: return 0.0 normalized_value = (value - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) return normalized_value
[docs] def get_identifier(self): """ Returns an identifier dictionary for the scorer. Returns: dict: The identifier dictionary. """ identifier = {} identifier["__type__"] = self.__class__.__name__ identifier["__module__"] = self.__class__.__module__ identifier["sub_identifier"] = None return identifier
def _extract_task_from_response(self, response: PromptRequestPiece) -> str: """ Extracts a task from the response using the last request (if it exists). Args: response (PromptRequestPiece): The response to extract the task from. Returns: str: The task extracted from the response. """ if response.role != "assistant": return "" conversation = self._memory.get_prompt_request_pieces(conversation_id=response.conversation_id) # Every text request piece from the last turn last_turn_text = "\n".join( [ piece.original_value for piece in conversation if piece.sequence == response.sequence - 1 and piece.original_value_data_type == "text" ] ) return last_turn_text @pyrit_json_retry async def _score_value_with_llm( self, *, prompt_target: PromptChatTarget, system_prompt: str, prompt_request_value: str, prompt_request_data_type: PromptDataType, scored_prompt_id: str, category: str = None, task: str = None, orchestrator_identifier: dict[str, str] = None, ) -> UnvalidatedScore: """ Sends a request to a target, and takes care of retries. The scorer target response should be JSON with value, rationale, and optional metadata and description fields. Args: prompt_target (PromptChatTarget): The target LLM to send the prompt request to. system_prompt (str): The system-level prompt that guides the behavior of the target LLM. prompt_request_value (str): The actual value or content to be scored by the LLM. prompt_request_data_type (PromptDataType): The type of the data being sent in the prompt request. scored_prompt_id (str): The ID of the scored prompt. category (str, Optional): The category of the score. Can also be parsed from the JSON response if not provided. task (str, Optional): A description of the task that is associated with the score, used for contextualizing the result. Returns: UnvalidatedScore: The score object containing the response from the target LLM. score_value still needs to be normalized and validated. """ conversation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if orchestrator_identifier: orchestrator_identifier["scored_prompt_id"] = str(scored_prompt_id) prompt_target.set_system_prompt( system_prompt=system_prompt, conversation_id=conversation_id, orchestrator_identifier=orchestrator_identifier, ) prompt_metadata: dict[str, str | int] = {"response_format": "json"} scorer_llm_request = PromptRequestResponse( [ PromptRequestPiece( role="user", original_value=prompt_request_value, original_value_data_type=prompt_request_data_type, converted_value_data_type=prompt_request_data_type, conversation_id=conversation_id, prompt_target_identifier=prompt_target.get_identifier(), prompt_metadata=prompt_metadata, ) ] ) try: response = await prompt_target.send_prompt_async(prompt_request=scorer_llm_request) except Exception as ex: raise Exception(f"Error scoring prompt with original prompt ID: {scored_prompt_id}") from ex try: response_json = response.request_pieces[0].converted_value response_json = remove_markdown_json(response_json) parsed_response = json.loads(response_json) category_response = parsed_response.get("category") if category_response and category: raise ValueError("Category is present in the response and an argument") category = category_response if category_response else category score = UnvalidatedScore( raw_score_value=str(parsed_response["score_value"]), score_value_description=parsed_response.get("description"), score_type=self.scorer_type, score_category=category, score_rationale=parsed_response["rationale"], scorer_class_identifier=self.get_identifier(), score_metadata=parsed_response.get("metadata"), prompt_request_response_id=scored_prompt_id, task=task, ) except json.JSONDecodeError: raise InvalidJsonException(message=f"Invalid JSON response: {response_json}") except KeyError: raise InvalidJsonException(message=f"Invalid JSON response, missing Key: {response_json}") try: if self.scorer_type == "float_scale": # raise an exception if it's not parsable as a float float(score.raw_score_value) except ValueError: raise InvalidJsonException( message=f"Invalid JSON response, score_value should be a float not this: {score.raw_score_value}" ) return score