Source code for pyrit.score.human_in_the_loop_scorer

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import csv

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
from pyrit.models import PromptRequestPiece, Score
from pyrit.score.scorer import Scorer

[docs] class HumanInTheLoopScorer(Scorer): """ Create scores from manual human input and adds them to the database. Parameters: scorer (Scorer): The scorer to use for the initial scoring. re_scorers (list[Scorer]): The scorers to use for re-scoring. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, scorer: Scorer = None, re_scorers: list[Scorer] = None) -> None: self._scorer = scorer self._re_scorers = re_scorers
[docs] def import_scores_from_csv(self, csv_file_path: Path | str) -> list[Score]: scores = [] with open(csv_file_path, newline="") as csvfile: csvreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in csvreader: score = Score( score_value=row["score_value"], score_value_description=row.get("score_value_description", None), score_type=row["score_type"], # type: ignore score_category=row.get("score_category", None), score_rationale=row.get("score_rationale", None), score_metadata=row.get("score_metadata", None), scorer_class_identifier=self.get_identifier(), prompt_request_response_id=row["prompt_request_response_id"], task=row.get("task", None), ) scores.append(score) # This is post validation, so the scores should be okay and normalized self._memory.add_scores_to_memory(scores=scores) return scores
[docs] def score_prompt_manually(self, request_response: PromptRequestPiece, *, task: Optional[str] = None) -> list[Score]: """ Manually score the prompt Args: request_response (PromptRequestPiece): The prompt request piece to score. task (str): The task based on which the text should be scored (the original attacker model's objective). Returns: list of scores """ self.validate(request_response, task=task) score_value = "" score_category = "" while not score_value or not score_category: if not score_category: score_category = self._get_user_input("Please enter score category (e.g., 'hate' or 'violence').") if not score_value: message = f"""This prompt has not been scored yet, please manually score the prompt. The prompt is: {request_response.converted_value}\n Please enter a score value (e.g., 'True' for true_false or a value between '0.0' and '1.0 for float_scale): """ score_value = self._get_user_input(message) score_type = self._get_score_type(score_value) score_value_description = self._get_user_input( "Enter score value description (optional, press 'Enter' to skip): " ) score_rationale = self._get_user_input("Enter score rationale (optional, press 'Enter' to skip): ") score_metadata = self._get_user_input("Enter score metadata (optional, press 'Enter' to skip): ") score = Score( score_value=score_value, score_value_description=score_value_description, score_type=score_type, # type: ignore score_category=score_category, score_rationale=score_rationale, score_metadata=score_metadata, scorer_class_identifier=self.get_identifier(),, task=task, ) return [score]
[docs] async def score_async(self, request_response: PromptRequestPiece, *, task: Optional[str] = None) -> list[Score]: """ Score the prompt with a human in the loop. When the HumanInTheLoopScorer is used, user is given three options to choose from for each score: (1) Proceed with scoring the prompt as is (2) Manually modify the score & associated metadata If the user chooses to manually modify the score, they are prompted to enter the new score value, score category, score value description, score rationale, and score metadata (3) Re-score the prompt If the user chooses to re-score the prompt, they are prompted to select a re-scorer from the list of re-scorers provided If the user initializes this scorer without a scorer, they will be prompted to manually score the prompt. Args: request_response (PromptRequestPiece): The prompt request piece to score. task (str): The task based on which the text should be scored (the original attacker model's objective). Returns: list[Score]: The request_response scored. """ self.validate(request_response, task=task) input_list = [] new_scores = [] original_prompt = request_response.converted_value if self._scorer: user_input = "" # Score the response using provided scorer scores = await self._scorer.score_async(request_response=request_response, task=task) if not self._re_scorers: user_choice_list = ["1", "2"] else: user_choice_list = ["1", "2", "3"] for existing_score in scores: while user_input not in user_choice_list: if user_choice_list == ["1", "2"]: # no re-scorers provided message = f""" Enter '1' to proceed with scoring the prompt as is. Enter '2' to manually edit the score.\n The prompt is: {original_prompt}\n Current score details: - Score Value: {existing_score.score_value} - Score Category: {existing_score.score_category} - Score Value Description: {existing_score.score_value_description} - Score Rationale: {existing_score.score_rationale} - Score Metadata: {existing_score.score_metadata}""" else: message = f""" Enter '1' to proceed with scoring the prompt as is. Enter '2' to manually edit the score. Enter '3' to re-score the prompt.\n The prompt is: {original_prompt}\n Current score details: - Score Value: {existing_score.score_value} - Score Category: {existing_score.score_category} - Score Value Description: {existing_score.score_value_description} - Score Rationale: {existing_score.score_rationale} - Score Metadata: {existing_score.score_metadata}""" user_input = self._get_user_input(message) input_list.append(user_input) else: # No scorer is given so you should manually score it return self.score_prompt_manually(request_response, task=task) for user_input in input_list: if user_input == "1": # proceed with scoring the prompt as is new_scores.append(existing_score) elif user_input == "2": # manually modify the score score = self.edit_score(existing_score, original_prompt, request_response, task) new_scores.append(score) elif user_input == "3": return await self.rescore(request_response, task=task) return new_scores
def _get_user_input(self, message) -> str: try: import tkinter as tk from tkinter import simpledialog except ImportError as e: print( "To use HumanInTheLoopScorer, you need to install tkinter. " "See for more information." ) raise e root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() user_input = simpledialog.askstring("Score Prompt", message).strip() root.destroy() return user_input.strip() def _get_score_type(self, score_value: str) -> str: """ Checks score value to make sure it is a valid float scale score or true/false score and returns the score type. Parameters: score_value (str): The score value to check. Returns: str: The score type which is either true/false or float_scale. """ if score_value.lower() == "true" or score_value.lower() == "false": return "true_false" else: # This will throw an exception if the score is not a float value = float(score_value) if value < 0 or value > 1: raise ValueError("Score value must be between 0 and 1 for float_scale scores") return "float_scale"
[docs] def edit_score( self, existing_score: Score, original_prompt: str, request_response: PromptRequestPiece, task: Optional[str] ) -> Score: """ Edit an existing score. Parameters: existing_score (Score): The existing score to edit. original_prompt (str): The original prompt. request_response (PromptRequestPiece): The request response to score. task (str): The task based on which the text should be scored (the original attacker model's objective). Returns: new score after all changes """ # Update each field value_description = "(e.g., 'True' for true_false or a value between '0.0' and '1.0 for float_scale)" score_value = self.get_modified_value( original_prompt=original_prompt, score_value=existing_score.score_value, extra_value_description=value_description, field_name="score value", ) score_type = self._get_score_type(score_value) value_description = "(e.g., 'hate' or 'violence')" score_category = self.get_modified_value( original_prompt=original_prompt, score_value=existing_score.score_category, extra_value_description=value_description, field_name="score category", ) score_value_description = self.get_modified_value( original_prompt=original_prompt, score_value=existing_score.score_value_description, field_name="score value description", ) score_rationale = self.get_modified_value( original_prompt=original_prompt, score_value=existing_score.score_rationale, field_name="score rationale" ) score_metadata = self.get_modified_value( original_prompt=original_prompt, score_value=existing_score.score_metadata, field_name="score metadata" ) score = Score( score_value=score_value, score_value_description=score_value_description, score_type=score_type, # type: ignore score_category=score_category, score_rationale=score_rationale, score_metadata=score_metadata, scorer_class_identifier=self.get_identifier(),, task=task, ) return score
[docs] def get_modified_value( self, original_prompt: str, score_value: str, field_name: str, extra_value_description: str = "", ) -> str: """ Get the modified value for the score. Args: original_prompt (str): The original prompt. score_value (str): The existing value in the Score object. field_name (str): The name of the field to change. extra_value_description (Optional str): Extra information to show user describing the score value. Returns: The value after modification or the original value if the user does not want to change it. """ formatted_message = f"""Re-scoring the prompt. The prompt is: {original_prompt} The previous {field_name.capitalize()} is {score_value}. Do you want to change the previous value? Enter 1 for yes, 2 for no: """ change_value_input = self._get_user_input(formatted_message) if extra_value_description: user_change_message = f"Enter modified {field_name.capitalize()}\n\ {extra_value_description}\nOr press Enter to skip and keep old value: " else: user_change_message = ( f"Enter modified {field_name.capitalize()} \n Or press Enter to skip and keep old value: " ) return score_value if change_value_input == "2" else self._get_user_input(user_change_message)
[docs] async def rescore(self, request_response: PromptRequestPiece, *, task: Optional[str] = None) -> list[Score]: scorers_str = str([scorer.__class__.__name__ for scorer in self._re_scorers]) scorer_index = -1 message = f"""The available scorers are {scorers_str}. \ Enter the index of the scorer you would like to run on the input (0 to {len(self._re_scorers)-1})""" while not 0 <= scorer_index < len(self._re_scorers): scorer_index = int(self._get_user_input(message)) re_scorer = self._re_scorers[scorer_index] return await re_scorer.score_async(request_response=request_response, task=task)
[docs] def validate(self, request_response: PromptRequestPiece, *, task: Optional[str] = None): if task: raise ValueError("This scorer does not support tasks")