# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import asyncio
import logging
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, PretrainedConfig
from pyrit.common import default_values
from pyrit.common.download_hf_model import download_specific_files
from pyrit.exceptions import EmptyResponseException, pyrit_target_retry
from pyrit.models.prompt_request_response import (
from pyrit.prompt_target import PromptChatTarget
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import torch
class HuggingFaceChatTarget(PromptChatTarget):
"""The HuggingFaceChatTarget interacts with HuggingFace models, specifically for conducting red teaming activities.
Inherits from PromptTarget to comply with the current design standards.
# Class-level cache for model and tokenizer
_cached_model = None
_cached_tokenizer = None
_cached_model_id = None
# Class-level flag to enable or disable cache
_cache_enabled = True
# Define the environment variable name for the Hugging Face token
def __init__(
model_id: Optional[str] = None,
model_path: Optional[str] = None,
hf_access_token: Optional[str] = None,
use_cuda: bool = False,
tensor_format: str = "pt",
necessary_files: list = None,
max_new_tokens: int = 20,
temperature: float = 1.0,
top_p: float = 1.0,
skip_special_tokens: bool = True,
trust_remote_code: bool = False,
device_map: Optional[str] = None,
torch_dtype: Optional["torch.dtype"] = None,
attn_implementation: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
if not model_id and not model_path:
raise ValueError("Either `model_id` or `model_path` must be provided.")
if model_id and model_path:
raise ValueError("Provide only one of `model_id` or `model_path`, not both.")
self.model_id = model_id
self.model_path = model_path
self.use_cuda = use_cuda
self.tensor_format = tensor_format
self.trust_remote_code = trust_remote_code
self.device_map = device_map
self.torch_dtype = torch_dtype
self.attn_implementation = attn_implementation
# Only get the Hugging Face token if a model ID is provided
if model_id:
self.huggingface_token = default_values.get_required_value(
env_var_name=self.HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE, passed_value=hf_access_token
self.huggingface_token = None
import torch
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
logger.error("Could not import torch. You may need to install it via 'pip install pyrit[all]'")
raise e
# Determine the device
self.device = "cuda" if self.use_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
logger.info(f"Using device: {self.device}")
# Set necessary files if provided, otherwise set to None to trigger general download
self.necessary_files = necessary_files
# Set the default parameters for the model generation
self.max_new_tokens = max_new_tokens
self.temperature = temperature
self.top_p = top_p
self.skip_special_tokens = skip_special_tokens
if self.use_cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available():
raise RuntimeError("CUDA requested but not available.")
self.load_model_and_tokenizer_task = asyncio.create_task(self.load_model_and_tokenizer())
def _load_from_path(self, path: str, **kwargs):
Helper function to load the model and tokenizer from a given path.
logger.info(f"Loading model and tokenizer from path: {path}...")
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(path, trust_remote_code=self.trust_remote_code)
self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(path, trust_remote_code=self.trust_remote_code, **kwargs)
def is_model_id_valid(self) -> bool:
Check if the HuggingFace model ID is valid.
:return: True if valid, False otherwise.
# Attempt to load the configuration of the model
return True
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Invalid HuggingFace model ID {self.model_id}: {e}")
return False
async def load_model_and_tokenizer(self):
"""Loads the model and tokenizer, downloading if necessary.
Downloads the model to the HF_MODELS_DIR folder if it does not exist,
then loads it from there.
Exception: If the model loading fails.
# Determine the identifier for caching purposes
model_identifier = self.model_path or self.model_id
optional_model_kwargs = {
key: value
for key, value in {
"device_map": self.device_map,
"torch_dtype": self.torch_dtype,
"attn_implementation": self.attn_implementation,
if value is not None
# Check if the model is already cached
if HuggingFaceChatTarget._cache_enabled and HuggingFaceChatTarget._cached_model_id == model_identifier:
logger.info(f"Using cached model and tokenizer for {model_identifier}.")
self.model = HuggingFaceChatTarget._cached_model
self.tokenizer = HuggingFaceChatTarget._cached_tokenizer
if self.model_path:
# Load the tokenizer and model from the local directory
logger.info(f"Loading model from local path: {self.model_path}...")
self._load_from_path(self.model_path, **optional_model_kwargs)
# Define the default Hugging Face cache directory
cache_dir = os.path.join(
f"models--{self.model_id.replace('/', '--')}",
if self.necessary_files is None:
# Download all files if no specific files are provided
logger.info(f"Downloading all files for {self.model_id}...")
await download_specific_files(self.model_id, None, self.huggingface_token, cache_dir)
# Download only the necessary files
logger.info(f"Downloading specific files for {self.model_id}...")
await download_specific_files(
self.model_id, self.necessary_files, self.huggingface_token, cache_dir
# Load the tokenizer and model from the specified directory
logger.info(f"Loading model {self.model_id} from cache path: {cache_dir}...")
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
self.model_id, cache_dir=cache_dir, trust_remote_code=self.trust_remote_code
self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
# Move the model to the correct device
self.model = self.model.to(self.device)
# Debug prints to check types
logger.info(f"Model loaded: {type(self.model)}")
logger.info(f"Tokenizer loaded: {type(self.tokenizer)}")
# Cache the loaded model and tokenizer if caching is enabled
if HuggingFaceChatTarget._cache_enabled:
HuggingFaceChatTarget._cached_model = self.model
HuggingFaceChatTarget._cached_tokenizer = self.tokenizer
HuggingFaceChatTarget._cached_model_id = model_identifier
logger.info(f"Model {model_identifier} loaded successfully.")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error loading model {self.model_id}: {e}")
async def send_prompt_async(self, *, prompt_request: PromptRequestResponse) -> PromptRequestResponse:
Sends a normalized prompt asynchronously to the HuggingFace model.
# Load the model and tokenizer using the encapsulated method
await self.load_model_and_tokenizer_task
request = prompt_request.request_pieces[0]
prompt_template = request.converted_value
logger.info(f"Sending the following prompt to the HuggingFace model: {prompt_template}")
# Prepare the input messages using chat templates
messages = [{"role": "user", "content": prompt_template}]
# Apply chat template via the _apply_chat_template method
tokenized_chat = self._apply_chat_template(messages)
input_ids = tokenized_chat["input_ids"]
attention_mask = tokenized_chat["attention_mask"]
logger.info(f"Tokenized chat: {input_ids}")
# Ensure model is on the correct device (should already be the case from `load_model_and_tokenizer`)
# Record the length of the input tokens to later extract only the generated tokens
input_length = input_ids.shape[-1]
# Generate the response
logger.info("Generating response from model...")
generated_ids = self.model.generate(
logger.info(f"Generated IDs: {generated_ids}") # Log the generated IDs
# Extract the assistant's response by slicing the generated tokens after the input tokens
generated_tokens = generated_ids[0][input_length:]
# Decode the assistant's response from the generated token IDs
assistant_response = self.tokenizer.decode(
generated_tokens, skip_special_tokens=self.skip_special_tokens
if not assistant_response:
raise EmptyResponseException()
logger.info(f"Assistant's response: {assistant_response}")
model_identifier = self.model_id or self.model_path
return construct_response_from_request(
prompt_metadata={"model_id": model_identifier},
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error occurred during inference: {e}")
def _apply_chat_template(self, messages):
A private method to apply the chat template to the input messages and tokenize them.
# Check if the tokenizer has a chat template
if hasattr(self.tokenizer, "chat_template") and self.tokenizer.chat_template is not None:
logger.info("Tokenizer has a chat template. Applying it to the input messages.")
# Apply the chat template to format and tokenize the messages
tokenized_chat = self.tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
return tokenized_chat
error_message = (
"Tokenizer does not have a chat template. "
"This model is not supported, as we only support instruct models with a chat template."
raise ValueError(error_message)
def _validate_request(self, *, prompt_request: PromptRequestResponse) -> None:
Validates the provided prompt request response.
if len(prompt_request.request_pieces) != 1:
raise ValueError("This target only supports a single prompt request piece.")
if prompt_request.request_pieces[0].converted_value_data_type != "text":
raise ValueError("This target only supports text prompt input.")
def is_json_response_supported(self) -> bool:
"""Indicates that this target supports JSON response format."""
return False
def enable_cache(cls):
"""Enables the class-level cache."""
cls._cache_enabled = True
logger.info("Class-level cache enabled.")
def disable_cache(cls):
"""Disables the class-level cache and clears the cache."""
cls._cache_enabled = False
cls._cached_model = None
cls._cached_tokenizer = None
cls._cached_model_id = None
logger.info("Class-level cache disabled and cleared.")