Source code for pyrit.prompt_converter.random_capital_letters_converter
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import logging
import random
from pyrit.models import PromptDataType
from pyrit.prompt_converter import ConverterResult, PromptConverter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RandomCapitalLettersConverter(PromptConverter):
"""This converter takes a prompt and randomly capitalizes it by a percentage of the total characters.
This accepts a text prompt, and a percentage of randomization from 1 to 100. This includes decimal
points in that range.
def __init__(self, percentage: float = 100.0) -> None:
self.percentage = percentage
def output_supported(self, output_type: PromptDataType) -> bool:
return output_type == "text"
# function to check if character is lower case returns True or False
def is_lowercase_letter(self, char):
return char.islower()
# function to check if number is between 1 and 100 returns True or False
def is_percentage(self, input_string):
number = float(input_string)
return 1 <= number <= 100
except ValueError:
return False
# function to generate an array of random positions set by a number
def generate_random_positions(self, total_length, set_number):
# Ensure the set number is not greater than the total length
if set_number > total_length:
logger.error(f"Set number {set_number} cannot be greater than the total length which is {total_length}.")
raise ValueError(
f"Set number {set_number} cannot be greater than the total length which is {total_length}."
# Generate a list of unique random positions
random_positions = random.sample(range(total_length), set_number)
return random_positions
def string_to_upper_case_by_percentage(self, percentage, prompt):
if not self.is_percentage(percentage):
logger.error(f"Percentage number {percentage} cannot be higher than 100 and lower than 1.")
raise ValueError(f"Percentage number {percentage} cannot be higher than 100 and lower than 1.")
target_count = int(len(prompt) * (percentage / 100))
random_positions = self.generate_random_positions(len(prompt), target_count)
output = list(prompt)
for pos in random_positions:
if self.is_lowercase_letter(prompt[pos]):
output[pos] = prompt[pos].upper()
return "".join(output)
async def convert_async(self, *, prompt: str, input_type: PromptDataType = "text") -> ConverterResult:
Simple converter that converts the prompt to capital letters via a percentage .
if not self.input_supported(input_type):
raise ValueError("Input type not supported")
output = self.string_to_upper_case_by_percentage(self.percentage, prompt)
return ConverterResult(output_text=output, output_type="text")