Source code for pyrit.prompt_converter.prompt_converter
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import abc
import asyncio
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import get_args
from pyrit.models import Identifier, PromptDataType
class ConverterResult:
output_text: str
output_type: PromptDataType
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.output_type}: {self.output_text}"
class PromptConverter(abc.ABC, Identifier):
A prompt converter is responsible for converting prompts into a different representation.
async def convert_async(self, *, prompt: str, input_type: PromptDataType = "text") -> ConverterResult:
Converts the given prompts into a different representation
prompt: The prompt to be converted.
str: The converted representation of the prompts.
def output_supported(self, output_type: PromptDataType) -> bool:
Checks if the output type is supported by the converter
output_type: The output type to check
bool: True if the output type is supported, False otherwise
async def convert_tokens_async(
self, *, prompt: str, input_type: PromptDataType = "text", start_token: str = "⟪", end_token: str = "⟫"
) -> ConverterResult:
Converts substrings within a prompt that are enclosed by specified start and end tokens. If there are no tokens
present, the entire prompt is converted.
prompt (str): The input prompt containing text to be converted.
input_type (str): The type of input data. Defaults to "text".
start_token (str): The token indicating the start of a substring to be converted. Defaults to "⟪" which is
relatively distinct.
end_token (str): The token indicating the end of a substring to be converted. Defaults to "⟫" which is
relatively distinct.
str: The prompt with specified substrings converted.
ValueError: If the input is inconsistent.
if input_type != "text" and (start_token in prompt or end_token in prompt):
raise ValueError("Input type must be text when start or end tokens are present.")
# Find all matches between start_token and end_token
pattern = re.escape(start_token) + "(.*?)" + re.escape(end_token)
matches = re.findall(pattern, prompt)
if not matches:
# No tokens found, convert the entire prompt
return await self.convert_async(prompt=prompt, input_type=input_type)
if prompt.count(start_token) != prompt.count(end_token):
raise ValueError("Uneven number of start tokens and end tokens.")
tasks = [self._replace_text_match(match) for match in matches]
converted_parts = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
for original, converted in zip(matches, converted_parts):
prompt = prompt.replace(f"{start_token}{original}{end_token}", converted.output_text, 1)
return ConverterResult(output_text=prompt, output_type="text")
async def _replace_text_match(self, match):
result = await self.convert_async(prompt=match, input_type="text")
return result
def get_identifier(self):
public_attributes = {}
public_attributes["__type__"] = self.__class__.__name__
public_attributes["__module__"] = self.__class__.__module__
return public_attributes
def supported_input_types(self) -> list[PromptDataType]:
Returns a list of supported input types for the converter.
list[PromptDataType]: A list of supported input types.
return [data_type for data_type in get_args(PromptDataType) if self.input_supported(data_type)]
def supported_output_types(self) -> list[PromptDataType]:
Returns a list of supported output types for the converter.
list[PromptDataType]: A list of supported output types.
return [data_type for data_type in get_args(PromptDataType) if self.output_supported(data_type)]