Source code for pyrit.prompt_converter.ascii_art_converter

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from art import text2art

from pyrit.models import PromptDataType
from pyrit.prompt_converter import ConverterResult, PromptConverter

[docs] class AsciiArtConverter(PromptConverter): """Converts a string to ASCII art"""
[docs] def __init__(self, font="rand"): self.font_value = font
[docs] async def convert_async(self, *, prompt: str, input_type: PromptDataType = "text") -> ConverterResult: """ Converter that uses art to convert strings to ASCII art. This can sometimes bypass LLM filters Args: prompt (str): The prompt to be converted. Returns: str: The converted prompt. """ if not self.input_supported(input_type): raise ValueError("Input type not supported") return ConverterResult(output_text=text2art(prompt, font=self.font_value), output_type="text")
[docs] def input_supported(self, input_type: PromptDataType) -> bool: return input_type == "text"
[docs] def output_supported(self, output_type: PromptDataType) -> bool: return output_type == "text"