# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import base64
import logging
import string
import textwrap
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Optional
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from pyrit.models import PromptDataType, data_serializer_factory
from pyrit.prompt_converter import ConverterResult, PromptConverter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AddImageTextConverter(PromptConverter):
Adds a string to an image and wraps the text into multiple lines if necessary.
This class is similar to AddImageTextConverter except
we pass in an image file path as an argument to the constructor as opposed to text.
img_to_add (str): File path of image to add text to
font_name (str, Optional): Path of font to use. Must be a TrueType font (.ttf). Defaults to "helvetica.ttf".
color (tuple, Optional): Color to print text in, using RGB values. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
font_size (float, Optional): Size of font to use. Defaults to 15.
x_pos (int, Optional): X coordinate to place text in (0 is left most). Defaults to 10.
y_pos (int, Optional): Y coordinate to place text in (0 is upper most). Defaults to 10.
def __init__(
img_to_add: str,
font_name: Optional[str] = "helvetica.ttf",
color: Optional[tuple[int, int, int]] = (0, 0, 0),
font_size: Optional[int] = 15,
x_pos: Optional[int] = 10,
y_pos: Optional[int] = 10,
if not img_to_add:
raise ValueError("Please provide valid image path")
if not font_name.endswith(".ttf"):
raise ValueError("The specified font must be a TrueType font with a .ttf extension")
self._img_to_add = img_to_add
self._font_name = font_name
self._font_size = font_size
self._font = self._load_font()
self._color = color
self._x_pos = x_pos
self._y_pos = y_pos
def _load_font(self):
Load the font for a given font name and font size
ImageFont.FreeTypeFont or ImageFont.ImageFont: The loaded font object. If the specified font
cannot be loaded, the default font is returned.
OSError: If the font resource cannot be loaded, a warning is logged and the default font is used instead.
# Try to load the specified font
font = ImageFont.truetype(self._font_name, self._font_size)
except OSError:
logger.warning(f"Cannot open font resource: {self._font_name}. Using default font.")
font = ImageFont.load_default()
return font
def _add_text_to_image(self, text: str) -> Image.Image:
Adds wrapped text to the image at self._img_to_add.
text (str): The text to add to the image.
Image.Image: The image with added text.
if not text:
raise ValueError("Please provide valid text value")
# Open the image and create a drawing object
image = Image.open(self._img_to_add)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Calculate the maximum width in pixels with margin into account
margin = 5
max_width_pixels = image.size[0] - margin
# Estimate the maximum chars that can fit on a line
alphabet_letters = string.ascii_letters # This gives 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
bbox = draw.textbbox((0, 0), alphabet_letters, font=self._font)
avg_char_width = (bbox[2] - bbox[0]) / len(alphabet_letters)
max_chars_per_line = int(max_width_pixels // avg_char_width)
# Wrap the text
wrapped_text = textwrap.fill(text, width=max_chars_per_line)
# Add wrapped text to image
y_offset = float(self._y_pos)
for line in wrapped_text.split("\n"):
draw.text((self._x_pos, y_offset), line, font=self._font, fill=self._color)
bbox = draw.textbbox((self._x_pos, y_offset), line, font=self._font)
line_height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]
y_offset += line_height
return image
async def convert_async(self, *, prompt: str, input_type: PromptDataType = "text") -> ConverterResult:
Converter that overlays input text on the img_to_add.
prompt (str): The prompt to be added to the image.
input_type (PromptDataType): type of data
ConverterResult: The filename of the converted image as a ConverterResult Object
if not self.input_supported(input_type):
raise ValueError("Input type not supported")
img_serializer = data_serializer_factory(
category="prompt-memory-entries", value=self._img_to_add, data_type="image_path"
# Add text to the image
updated_img = self._add_text_to_image(text=prompt)
image_bytes = BytesIO()
mime_type = img_serializer.get_mime_type(self._img_to_add)
image_type = mime_type.split("/")[-1]
updated_img.save(image_bytes, format=image_type)
image_str = base64.b64encode(image_bytes.getvalue())
# Save image as generated UUID filename
await img_serializer.save_b64_image(data=image_str)
return ConverterResult(output_text=str(img_serializer.value), output_type="image_path")
def input_supported(self, input_type: PromptDataType) -> bool:
return input_type == "text"
def output_supported(self, output_type: PromptDataType) -> bool:
return output_type == "image_path"