Source code for pyrit.orchestrator.single_turn.prompt_sending_orchestrator

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import logging
import uuid
from typing import Optional, Union

from colorama import Fore, Style

from pyrit.common.display_response import display_image_response
from pyrit.common.utils import combine_dict
from pyrit.models import PromptDataType, PromptRequestResponse
from pyrit.models.filter_criteria import PromptConverterState, PromptFilterCriteria
from pyrit.orchestrator import Orchestrator
from pyrit.prompt_converter import PromptConverter
from pyrit.prompt_normalizer import NormalizerRequest, PromptNormalizer
from pyrit.prompt_target import PromptChatTarget, PromptTarget
from pyrit.score import Scorer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class PromptSendingOrchestrator(Orchestrator): """ This orchestrator takes a set of prompts, converts them using the list of PromptConverters, sends them to a target, and scores the resonses with scorers (if provided). """
[docs] def __init__( self, objective_target: PromptTarget, prompt_converters: Optional[list[PromptConverter]] = None, scorers: Optional[list[Scorer]] = None, batch_size: int = 10, verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: objective_target (PromptTarget): The target for sending prompts. prompt_converters (list[PromptConverter], Optional): List of prompt converters. These are stacked in the order they are provided. E.g. the output of converter1 is the input of converter2. scorers (list[Scorer], Optional): List of scorers to use for each prompt request response, to be scored immediately after receiving response. Default is None. batch_size (int, Optional): The (max) batch size for sending prompts. Defaults to 10. Note: If providing max requests per minute on the prompt_target, this should be set to 1 to ensure proper rate limit management. """ super().__init__(prompt_converters=prompt_converters, verbose=verbose) self._prompt_normalizer = PromptNormalizer() self._scorers = scorers or [] self._objective_target = objective_target self._batch_size = batch_size self._prepended_conversation: list[PromptRequestResponse] = None
[docs] def set_prepended_conversation(self, *, prepended_conversation: list[PromptRequestResponse]): """ Prepends a conversation to the prompt target. This is sent along with each prompt request and can be the first part of aa conversation. """ if prepended_conversation and not isinstance(self._objective_target, PromptChatTarget): raise TypeError( f"Only PromptChatTargets are able to modify conversation history. Instead objective_target is: " f"{type(self._objective_target)}." ) self._prepended_conversation = prepended_conversation
[docs] async def get_prepended_conversation_async( self, *, normalizer_request: NormalizerRequest ) -> Optional[list[PromptRequestResponse]]: """ Returns the prepended conversation for the normalizer request. Can be overwritten by subclasses to provide a different conversation. """ if self._prepended_conversation: return self._prepended_conversation return None
[docs] def set_skip_criteria( self, *, skip_criteria: PromptFilterCriteria, skip_value_type: PromptConverterState = "original" ): """ Sets the skip criteria for the orchestrator. If prompts match this in memory, then they won't be sent to a target. """ self._prompt_normalizer.set_skip_criteria(skip_criteria=skip_criteria, skip_value_type=skip_value_type)
[docs] async def send_normalizer_requests_async( self, *, prompt_request_list: list[NormalizerRequest], memory_labels: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> list[PromptRequestResponse]: """ Sends the normalized prompts to the prompt target. """ self.validate_normalizer_requests(prompt_request_list=prompt_request_list) for prompt in prompt_request_list: prompt.conversation_id = await self._prepare_conversation_async(normalizer_request=prompt) # Normalizer is responsible for storing the requests in memory # The labels parameter may allow me to stash class information for each kind of prompt. responses: list[PromptRequestResponse] = await self._prompt_normalizer.send_prompt_batch_to_target_async( requests=prompt_request_list, target=self._objective_target, labels=combine_dict(existing_dict=self._global_memory_labels, new_dict=memory_labels), orchestrator_identifier=self.get_identifier(), batch_size=self._batch_size, ) if self._scorers and responses: response_pieces = PromptRequestResponse.flatten_to_prompt_request_pieces(responses) for scorer in self._scorers: await scorer.score_responses_inferring_tasks_batch_async( request_responses=response_pieces, batch_size=self._batch_size ) return responses
[docs] async def send_prompts_async( self, *, prompt_list: list[str], prompt_type: PromptDataType = "text", memory_labels: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, metadata: Optional[dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = None, ) -> list[PromptRequestResponse]: """ Sends the prompts to the prompt target. Args: prompt_list (list[str]): The list of prompts to be sent. prompt_type (PromptDataType): The type of prompt data. Defaults to "text". memory_labels (dict[str, str], Optional): A free-form dictionary of additional labels to apply to the prompts. Any labels passed in will be combined with self._global_memory_labels (from the GLOBAL_MEMORY_LABELS environment variable) into one dictionary. In the case of collisions, the passed-in labels take precedence. Defaults to None. metadata (Optional(dict[str, str | int]): Any additional information to be added to the memory entry corresponding to the prompts sent. Returns: list[PromptRequestResponse]: The responses from sending the prompts. """ if isinstance(prompt_list, str): prompt_list = [prompt_list] requests: list[NormalizerRequest] = [] for prompt in prompt_list: requests.append( self._create_normalizer_request( prompt_text=prompt, prompt_type=prompt_type, converters=self._prompt_converters, metadata=metadata, conversation_id=str(uuid.uuid4()), ) ) return await self.send_normalizer_requests_async( prompt_request_list=requests, memory_labels=memory_labels, )
[docs] async def print_conversations_async(self): """Prints the conversation between the objective target and the red teaming bot.""" messages = self.get_memory() last_conversation_id = None for message in messages: if message.conversation_id != last_conversation_id: print(f"{Style.NORMAL}{Fore.RESET}Conversation ID: {message.conversation_id}") last_conversation_id = message.conversation_id if message.role == "user" or message.role == "system": print(f"{Style.BRIGHT}{Fore.BLUE}{message.role}: {message.converted_value}") else: print(f"{Style.NORMAL}{Fore.YELLOW}{message.role}: {message.converted_value}") await display_image_response(message) for score in message.scores: print(f"{Style.RESET_ALL}score: {score} : {score.score_rationale}")
[docs] def validate_normalizer_requests(self, *, prompt_request_list: list[NormalizerRequest]): """ Validates the normalizer request. This is a no-op for this orchestrator, but subclasses may want to implement this. """ pass
async def _prepare_conversation_async(self, normalizer_request: NormalizerRequest) -> str: """ Adds the conversation to memory if there is a prepended conversation, and return the conversation ID. """ conversation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) prepended_conversation = await self.get_prepended_conversation_async(normalizer_request=normalizer_request) if prepended_conversation: for request in prepended_conversation: for piece in request.request_pieces: piece.conversation_id = conversation_id piece.orchestrator_identifier = self.get_identifier() # if the piece is retrieved from somewhere else, it needs to be unique # and if not, this won't hurt anything = uuid.uuid4() self._memory.add_request_response_to_memory(request=request) return conversation_id