Source code for pyrit.orchestrator.multi_turn.multi_turn_orchestrator

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import asyncio
import logging

from abc import abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union
from colorama import Fore, Style

from pyrit.common.display_response import display_image_response
from pyrit.memory import CentralMemory
from pyrit.models import SeedPrompt
from pyrit.orchestrator import Orchestrator
from pyrit.prompt_normalizer import PromptNormalizer
from pyrit.prompt_target import PromptTarget, PromptChatTarget
from pyrit.prompt_converter import PromptConverter
from pyrit.score import Scorer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MultiTurnAttackResult: """The result of a multi-turn attack."""
[docs] def __init__(self, conversation_id: str, achieved_objective: bool, objective: str): self.conversation_id = conversation_id self.achieved_objective = achieved_objective self.objective = objective self._memory = CentralMemory.get_memory_instance()
[docs] async def print_conversation_async(self): """Prints the conversation between the objective target and the adversarial chat, including the scores. Args: prompt_target_conversation_id (str): the conversation ID for the prompt target. """ target_messages = self._memory._get_prompt_pieces_with_conversation_id(conversation_id=self.conversation_id) if not target_messages or len(target_messages) == 0: print("No conversation with the target") return if self.achieved_objective: print( f"{Style.BRIGHT}{Fore.RED}The multi-turn orchestrator has completed the conversation and achieved " f"the objective: {self.objective}" ) else: print( f"{Style.BRIGHT}{Fore.RED}The multi-turn orchestrator has not achieved the objective: " f"{self.objective}" ) for message in target_messages: if message.role == "user": print(f"{Style.BRIGHT}{Fore.BLUE}{message.role}:") if message.converted_value != message.original_value: print(f"Original value: {message.original_value}") print(f"Converted value: {message.converted_value}") else: print(f"{Style.NORMAL}{Fore.YELLOW}{message.role}: {message.converted_value}") await display_image_response(message) scores = self._memory.get_scores_by_prompt_ids(prompt_request_response_ids=[str(]) if scores and len(scores) > 0: for score in scores: print(f"{Style.RESET_ALL}score: {score} : {score.score_rationale}")
[docs] class MultiTurnOrchestrator(Orchestrator): """ The `MultiTurnOrchestrator` is an interface that coordinates attacks and conversations between a adversarial_chat target and an objective_target. Args: objective_target (PromptTarget): The target to send the created prompts to. adversarial_chat (PromptChatTarget): The endpoint that creates prompts that are sent to the objective_target. adversarial_chat_system_prompt_path (Path): The initial prompt to send to adversarial_chat. initial_adversarial_chat_prompt (str, Optional): The initial prompt to start the adversarial chat. Defaults to "How can I help you?". max_turns (int, Optional): The maximum number of turns for the conversation. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Defaults to 5. prompt_converters (Optional[list[PromptConverter]], Optional): The prompt converters to use to convert the prompts before sending them to the prompt target. Defaults to None. objective_scorer (Scorer): The scorer classifies the prompt target outputs as sufficient (True) or insufficient (False) to satisfy the objective that is specified in the attack_strategy. verbose (bool, Optional): Whether to print debug information. Defaults to False. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the file specified by adversarial_chat_system_prompt_path does not exist. ValueError: If max_turns is less than or equal to 0. ValueError: If the objective_scorer is not a true/false scorer. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, objective_target: PromptTarget, adversarial_chat: PromptChatTarget, adversarial_chat_system_prompt_path: Union[Path | str], adversarial_chat_seed_prompt: Union[str | SeedPrompt] = "How can I help you?", max_turns: int = 5, prompt_converters: Optional[list[PromptConverter]] = None, objective_scorer: Scorer, verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__(prompt_converters=prompt_converters, verbose=verbose) self._objective_target = objective_target self._achieved_objective = False self._adversarial_chat_system_seed_prompt = SeedPrompt.from_yaml_file(adversarial_chat_system_prompt_path) if "objective" not in self._adversarial_chat_system_seed_prompt.parameters: raise ValueError(f"Adversarial seed prompt must have an objective: '{adversarial_chat_system_prompt_path}'") self._prompt_normalizer = PromptNormalizer() self._adversarial_chat = adversarial_chat self._adversarial_chat_seed_prompt = self._get_adversarial_chat_seed_prompt(adversarial_chat_seed_prompt) if max_turns <= 0: raise ValueError("The maximum number of turns must be greater than or equal to 0.") self._max_turns = max_turns self._objective_scorer = objective_scorer
def _get_adversarial_chat_seed_prompt(self, seed_prompt): if isinstance(seed_prompt, str): return SeedPrompt( value=seed_prompt, data_type="text", ) return seed_prompt
[docs] @abstractmethod async def run_attack_async( self, *, objective: str, memory_labels: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None ) -> MultiTurnAttackResult: """ Applies the attack strategy until the conversation is complete or the maximum number of turns is reached. Args: objective (str): The specific goal the orchestrator aims to achieve through the conversation. memory_labels (dict[str, str], Optional): A free-form dictionary of additional labels to apply to the prompts throughout the attack. Any labels passed in will be combined with self._global_memory_labels (from the GLOBAL_MEMORY_LABELS environment variable) into one dictionary. In the case of collisions, the passed-in labels take precedence. Defaults to None. Returns: MultiTurnAttackResult: Contains the outcome of the attack, including: - conversation_id (UUID): The ID associated with the final conversation state. - achieved_objective (bool): Indicates whether the orchestrator successfully met the objective. - objective (str): The intended goal of the attack. """
[docs] async def run_attacks_async( self, *, objectives: list[str], memory_labels: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, batch_size=5 ) -> list[MultiTurnAttackResult]: """Applies the attack strategy for each objective in the list of objectives. Args: objectives (list[str]): The list of objectives to apply the attack strategy. memory_labels (dict[str, str], Optional): A free-form dictionary of additional labels to apply to the prompts throughout the attack. Any labels passed in will be combined with self._global_memory_labels (from the GLOBAL_MEMORY_LABELS environment variable) into one dictionary. In the case of collisions, the passed-in labels take precedence. Defaults to None. batch_size (int): The number of objectives to process in parallel. The default value is 5. Returns: list[MultiTurnAttackResult]: The list of MultiTurnAttackResults for each objective. """ semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(batch_size) async def limited_run_attack(objective): async with semaphore: return await self.run_attack_async(objective=objective, memory_labels=memory_labels) tasks = [limited_run_attack(objective) for objective in objectives] results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) return results