Source code for pyrit.models.prompt_request_piece

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import uuid

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Literal, get_args
from uuid import uuid4

from pyrit.models.chat_message import ChatMessage, ChatMessageRole
from pyrit.models.literals import PromptDataType, PromptResponseError

Originator = Literal["orchestrator", "converter", "undefined", "scorer"]

[docs] class PromptRequestPiece(abc.ABC): """ Represents a prompt request piece. Parameters: id (UUID): The unique identifier for the memory entry. role (PromptType): system, assistant, user conversation_id (str): The identifier for the conversation which is associated with a single target. sequence (int): The order of the conversation within a conversation_id. Can be the same number for multi-part requests or multi-part responses. timestamp (DateTime): The timestamp of the memory entry. labels (Dict[str, str]): The labels associated with the memory entry. Several can be standardized. prompt_metadata (JSON): The metadata associated with the prompt. This can be specific to any scenarios. Because memory is how components talk with each other, this can be component specific. e.g. the URI from a file uploaded to a blob store, or a document type you want to upload. converters (list[PromptConverter]): The converters for the prompt. prompt_target (PromptTarget): The target for the prompt. orchestrator_identifier (Dict[str, str]): The orchestrator identifier for the prompt. original_value_data_type (PromptDataType): The data type of the original prompt (text, image) original_value (str): The text of the original prompt. If prompt is an image, it's a link. original_value_sha256 (str): The SHA256 hash of the original prompt data. converted_value_data_type (PromptDataType): The data type of the converted prompt (text, image) converted_value (str): The text of the converted prompt. If prompt is an image, it's a link. converted_value_sha256 (str): The SHA256 hash of the original prompt data. original_prompt_id (UUID): The original prompt id. It is equal to id unless it is a duplicate. Methods: __str__(): Returns a string representation of the memory entry. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, role: ChatMessageRole, original_value: str, converted_value: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, conversation_id: Optional[str] = None, sequence: int = -1, labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, prompt_metadata: Optional[str] = None, converter_identifiers: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, prompt_target_identifier: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, orchestrator_identifier: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, scorer_identifier: Dict[str, str] = None, original_value_data_type: PromptDataType = "text", converted_value_data_type: PromptDataType = "text", response_error: PromptResponseError = "none", originator: Originator = "undefined", original_prompt_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None, ): = id if id else uuid4() if role not in ChatMessageRole.__args__: # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"Role {role} is not a valid role.") self.role = role if converted_value is None: converted_value = original_value self.conversation_id = conversation_id if conversation_id else str(uuid4()) self.sequence = sequence self.timestamp = timestamp if timestamp else self.labels = labels self.prompt_metadata = prompt_metadata self.converter_identifiers = converter_identifiers self.prompt_target_identifier = prompt_target_identifier self.orchestrator_identifier = orchestrator_identifier self.scorer_identifier = scorer_identifier self._original_value = original_value if original_value_data_type not in get_args(PromptDataType): raise ValueError(f"original_value_data_type {original_value_data_type} is not a valid data type.") self.original_value_data_type = original_value_data_type self._original_value_sha256 = None self._converted_value = converted_value if converted_value_data_type not in get_args(PromptDataType): raise ValueError(f"converted_value_data_type {converted_value_data_type} is not a valid data type.") self.converted_value_data_type = converted_value_data_type self._converted_value_sha256 = None if response_error not in get_args(PromptResponseError): raise ValueError(f"response_error {response_error} is not a valid response error.") self.response_error = response_error self.originator = originator # Original prompt id defaults to id (assumes that this is the original prompt, not a duplicate) self.original_prompt_id = original_prompt_id or
[docs] async def compute_sha256(self): """ This method computes the SHA256 hash values asynchronously. It should be called after object creation if `original_value` and `converted_value` are set. """ from pyrit.models.data_type_serializer import data_serializer_factory original_serializer = data_serializer_factory( data_type=self.original_value_data_type, value=self._original_value ) self._original_value_sha256 = await original_serializer.get_sha256() converted_serializer = data_serializer_factory( data_type=self.converted_value_data_type, value=self._converted_value ) self._converted_value_sha256 = await converted_serializer.get_sha256()
@property def converted_value(self) -> str: return self._converted_value @converted_value.setter def converted_value(self, value: str): self._converted_value = value @property def converted_value_sha256(self): return self._converted_value_sha256 @property def original_value(self) -> str: return self._original_value @original_value.setter def original_value(self, value: str): self._original_value = value @property def original_value_sha256(self): return self._original_value_sha256
[docs] def to_chat_message(self) -> ChatMessage: return ChatMessage(role=self.role, content=self.converted_value)
[docs] def to_prompt_request_response(self) -> "PromptRequestResponse": # type: ignore # noqa F821 from pyrit.models.prompt_request_response import PromptRequestResponse return PromptRequestResponse([self]) # noqa F821
[docs] def __str__(self): return f"{self.prompt_target_identifier}: {self.role}: {self.converted_value}"
__repr__ = __str__