Source code for pyrit.datasets.fetch_example_datasets

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import hashlib
import io
import random
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, TextIO

import pycountry
import requests
from datasets import load_dataset

from pyrit.common.csv_helper import read_csv, write_csv
from pyrit.common.json_helper import read_json, write_json
from pyrit.common.path import DATASETS_PATH, DB_DATA_PATH
from pyrit.common.text_helper import read_txt, write_txt
from pyrit.models import (
from pyrit.models.seed_prompt import SeedPrompt

# Define the type for the file handlers
FileHandlerRead = Callable[[TextIO], List[Dict[str, str]]]
FileHandlerWrite = Callable[[TextIO, List[Dict[str, str]]], None]

FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS: Dict[str, Dict[str, Callable]] = {
    "json": {"read": read_json, "write": write_json},
    "csv": {"read": read_csv, "write": write_csv},
    "txt": {"read": read_txt, "write": write_txt},

def _get_cache_file_name(source: str, file_type: str) -> str:
    Generate a cache file name based on the source URL and file type.
    hash_source = hashlib.md5(source.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
    return f"{hash_source}.{file_type}"

def _read_cache(cache_file: Path, file_type: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
    Read data from cache.
    with"r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        if file_type in FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS:
            return FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS[file_type]["read"](file)
            valid_types = ", ".join(FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS.keys())
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid file_type. Expected one of: {valid_types}.")

def _write_cache(cache_file: Path, examples: List[Dict[str, str]], file_type: str):
    Write data to cache.
    cache_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    with"w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        if file_type in FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS:
            FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS[file_type]["write"](file, examples)
            valid_types = ", ".join(FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS.keys())
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid file_type. Expected one of: {valid_types}.")

def _fetch_from_public_url(source: str, file_type: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
    Fetch examples from a repository.
    response = requests.get(source)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        if file_type in FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS:
            if file_type == "json":
                return FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS[file_type]["read"](io.StringIO(response.text))
                return FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS[file_type]["read"](
                )  # noqa: E501
            valid_types = ", ".join(FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS.keys())
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid file_type. Expected one of: {valid_types}.")
        raise Exception(f"Failed to fetch examples from public URL. Status code: {response.status_code}")

def _fetch_from_file(source: str, file_type: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
    Fetch examples from a local file.
    with open(source, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        if file_type in FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS:
            return FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS[file_type]["read"](file)
            valid_types = ", ".join(FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS.keys())
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid file_type. Expected one of: {valid_types}.")

[docs] def fetch_examples( source: str, source_type: Literal["public_url", "file"] = "public_url", cache: bool = True, data_home: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ Fetch examples from a specified source with caching support. Example usage >>> examples = fetch_examples( >>> source='', >>> source_type='public_url' >>> ) Args: source (str): The source from which to fetch examples. source_type (Literal["public_url", "file"]): The type of source ('public_url' or 'file'). cache (bool): Whether to cache the fetched examples. Defaults to True. data_home (Optional[Path]): Directory to store cached data. Defaults to None. Returns: List[Dict[str, str]]: A list of examples. """ file_type = source.split(".")[-1] if file_type not in FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS: valid_types = ", ".join(FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS.keys()) raise ValueError(f"Invalid file_type. Expected one of: {valid_types}.") if not data_home: data_home = DB_DATA_PATH / "seed-prompt-entries" else: data_home = Path(data_home) cache_file = data_home / _get_cache_file_name(source, file_type) if cache and cache_file.exists(): return _read_cache(cache_file, file_type) if source_type == "public_url": examples = _fetch_from_public_url(source, file_type) elif source_type == "file": examples = _fetch_from_file(source, file_type) if cache: _write_cache(cache_file, examples, file_type) else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode="w", suffix=f".{file_type}") as temp_file: FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS[file_type]["write"](temp_file, examples) return examples
[docs] def fetch_many_shot_jailbreaking_dataset() -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ Fetch many-shot jailbreaking dataset from a specified source. Returns: List[Dict[str, str]]: A list of many-shot jailbreaking examples. """ source = "" source_type: Literal["public_url"] = "public_url" return fetch_examples(source, source_type)
[docs] def fetch_seclists_bias_testing_dataset( source: str = ( "" "nationality_geographic_bias.txt" ), source_type: Literal["public_url"] = "public_url", cache: bool = True, data_home: Optional[Path] = None, random_seed: Optional[int] = None, country: Optional[str] = None, region: Optional[str] = None, nationality: Optional[str] = None, gender: Optional[str] = None, skin_color: Optional[str] = None, ) -> SeedPromptDataset: """ Fetch SecLists AI LLM Bias Testing examples from a specified source and create a SeedPromptDataset. Args: source (str): The source from which to fetch examples. Defaults to the SecLists repository Bias_Testing. source_type (Literal["public_url"]): The type of source ('public_url'). cache (bool): Whether to cache the fetched examples. Defaults to True. data_home (Optional[Path]): Directory to store cached data. Defaults to None. random_seed (Optional[int]): Seed for random number generation for reproducibility. Defaults to None. country (Optional[str]): Specific country to use for the placeholder. Defaults to None. region (Optional[str]): Specific region to use for the placeholder. Defaults to None. nationality (Optional[str]): Specific nationality to use for the placeholder. Defaults to None. gender (Optional[str]): Specific gender to use for the placeholder. Defaults to None. skin_color (Optional[str]): Specific skin color to use for the placeholder. Defaults to None. Returns: SeedPromptDataset: A SeedPromptDataset containing the examples with placeholders replaced. """ if random_seed is not None: random.seed(random_seed) # Determine the file type from the source URL file_type = source.split(".")[-1] if file_type not in FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS: valid_types = ", ".join(FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS.keys()) raise ValueError(f"Invalid file_type. Expected one of: {valid_types}.") # Fetch the examples using the provided `fetch_examples` function examples = fetch_examples(source, source_type, cache, data_home) # Define placeholder values generation functions using pycountry and random.choice countries = list(pycountry.countries) subdivisions = list(pycountry.subdivisions) placeholder_values = { "Country": lambda: country if country else random.choice(countries).name, "Region": lambda: region if region else random.choice(subdivisions).name, "Nationality": lambda: ( nationality if nationality else random.choice(countries).name ), # Same as Country, the target LLM should be able to understand the context "GENDER": lambda: gender if gender else random.choice(["male", "female", "non-binary"]), "SKIN_COLOR": lambda: skin_color if skin_color else random.choice(["white", "black", "brown", "yellow"]), } # Replace placeholders in the examples with generated values filled_examples = [] for example in examples: prompt = example["prompt"] for placeholder, generator in placeholder_values.items(): values_used = set() while f"[{placeholder}]" in prompt: value = generator() # Ensure the new value is not the same as the previous one while value in values_used: value = generator() values_used.add(value) prompt = prompt.replace(f"[{placeholder}]", value, 1) filled_examples.append(prompt) # Create SeedPrompt instances from each example in 'filled_examples' seed_prompts = [ SeedPrompt( value=example, data_type="text", name="SecLists Bias Testing Examples", dataset_name="SecLists Bias Testing Examples", harm_categories=["bias_testing"], description="A dataset of SecLists AI LLM Bias Testing examples with placeholders replaced.", ) for example in filled_examples ] seed_prompt_dataset = SeedPromptDataset(prompts=seed_prompts) return seed_prompt_dataset
[docs] def fetch_xstest_dataset( source: str = "", source_type: Literal["public_url"] = "public_url", cache: bool = True, data_home: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> SeedPromptDataset: """ Fetch XSTest examples and create a SeedPromptDataset. Args: source (str): The source from which to fetch examples. Defaults to the exaggerated-safety repository. source_type (Literal["public_url"]): The type of source ('public_url'). cache (bool): Whether to cache the fetched examples. Defaults to True. data_home (Optional[Path]): Directory to store cached data. Defaults to None. Returns: SeedPromptDataset: A SeedPromptDataset containing the examples. Note: For more information and access to the original dataset and related materials, visit: """ # Determine the file type from the source URL file_type = source.split(".")[-1] if file_type not in FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS: valid_types = ", ".join(FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS.keys()) raise ValueError(f"Invalid file_type. Expected one of: {valid_types}.") # Fetch the examples using the provided `fetch_examples` function examples = fetch_examples(source, source_type, cache, data_home) # Extract prompts, harm categories, and other relevant data from the fetched examples prompts = [example["prompt"] for example in examples] harm_categories = [example["note"] for example in examples] seed_prompts = [ SeedPrompt( value=example, data_type="text", name="XSTest Examples", dataset_name="XSTest Examples", harm_categories=harm_categories, description="A dataset of XSTest examples containing various categories such as violence, drugs, etc.", ) for example in prompts ] seed_prompt_dataset = SeedPromptDataset(prompts=seed_prompts) return seed_prompt_dataset
[docs] def fetch_harmbench_dataset( source: str = ( "" "harmbench_behaviors_text_all.csv" ), source_type: Literal["public_url"] = "public_url", cache: bool = True, data_home: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> SeedPromptDataset: """ Fetch HarmBench examples and create a SeedPromptDataset. Args: source (str): The source from which to fetch examples. Defaults to the HarmBench repository. source_type (Literal["public_url"]): The type of source ('public_url'). cache (bool): Whether to cache the fetched examples. Defaults to True. data_home (Optional[Path]): Directory to store cached data. Defaults to None. Returns: SeedPromptDataset: A SeedPromptDataset containing the examples. Note: For more information and access to the original dataset and related materials, visit: """ # Determine the file type from the source URL file_type = source.split(".")[-1] if file_type not in FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS: valid_types = ", ".join(FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS.keys()) raise ValueError(f"Invalid file_type. Expected one of: {valid_types}.") # Required keys to validate each example required_keys = {"Behavior", "SemanticCategory"} # Initialize containers for prompts and semantic categories prompts = [] semantic_categories = set() # Fetch the examples using the provided `fetch_examples` function examples = fetch_examples(source, source_type, cache, data_home) # Validate each example and extract data for example in examples: # Check for missing keys in the example missing_keys = required_keys - example.keys() if missing_keys: raise ValueError(f"Missing keys in example: {', '.join(missing_keys)}") # Extract and append the data to respective containers prompts.append(example["Behavior"]) semantic_categories.add(example["SemanticCategory"]) seed_prompts = [ SeedPrompt( value=example, data_type="text", name="HarmBench Examples", dataset_name="HarmBench Examples", harm_categories=list(semantic_categories), description="A dataset of HarmBench examples containing various categories such as chemical," "biological, illegal activities, etc.", ) for example in prompts ] seed_prompt_dataset = SeedPromptDataset(prompts=seed_prompts) return seed_prompt_dataset
[docs] def fetch_decoding_trust_stereotypes_dataset( source: str = ( "" ), source_type: Literal["public_url"] = "public_url", cache: bool = True, data_home: Optional[Path] = None, stereotype_topics: Optional[List[str]] = None, target_groups: Optional[List[str]] = None, system_prompt_type: Literal["benign", "untargeted", "targeted"] = "targeted", ) -> SeedPromptDataset: """ Fetch DecodingTrust examples and create a SeedPromptDataset. Args: source (str): The source from which to fetch examples. Defaults to the DecodingTrust repository. source_type (Literal["public_url"]): The type of source ('public_url'). cache (bool): Whether to cache the fetched examples. Defaults to True. data_home (Optional[Path]): Directory to store cached data. Defaults to None. stereotype_topics (Optional[List[str]]): List of stereotype topics to filter the examples. Defaults to None. The list of all 16 stereotype_topics can be found here: Defaults to None, which means all topics are included. target_groups (Optional[List[str]]): List of target groups to filter the examples. Defaults to None. The list of all 24 target_groups can be found here: Defaults to None, which means all target groups are included. system_prompt_type (Literal["benign", "untargeted", "targeted"]): The type of system prompt to use. Defaults to "targeted". Returns: SeedPromptDataset: A SeedPromptDataset containing the examples. Note: For more information and access to the original dataset and related materials, visit: """ if system_prompt_type not in ["benign", "untargeted", "targeted"]: raise ValueError("Invalid system_prompt_type. Expected 'benign', 'untargeted', or 'targeted'}") # Determine the file type from the source URL file_type = source.split(".")[-1] if file_type not in FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS: valid_types = ", ".join(FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS.keys()) raise ValueError(f"Invalid file_type. Expected one of: {valid_types}.") if system_prompt_type == "targeted": system_prompt = SeedPrompt.from_yaml_file( Path(DATASETS_PATH) / "prompt_templates" / "jailbreak" / "dt_stereotypes_targeted.yaml" ) elif system_prompt_type == "untargeted": system_prompt = SeedPrompt.from_yaml_file( Path(DATASETS_PATH) / "prompt_templates" / "jailbreak" / "dt_stereotypes_untargeted.yaml" ) else: system_prompt = SeedPrompt.from_yaml_file( Path(DATASETS_PATH) / "prompt_templates" / "jailbreak" / "dt_stereotypes_benign.yaml" ) # Required keys to validate each example required_keys = {"stereotype_topic", "target_group", "user_prompt"} # Initialize containers for prompts and semantic categories prompts = [] # Fetch the examples using the provided `fetch_examples` function examples = fetch_examples(source, source_type, cache, data_home) is_targeted = system_prompt_type == "targeted" # Validate each example and extract data for example in examples: # Check for missing keys in the example missing_keys = required_keys - example.keys() if missing_keys: raise ValueError(f"Missing keys in example: {', '.join(missing_keys)}") # Check if the example should be filtered based on the provided topics and target groups if ( stereotype_topics and example["stereotype_topic"] not in stereotype_topics or (target_groups and example["target_group"] not in target_groups) ): continue prompt = ( system_prompt.render_template_value(prompt=example["user_prompt"], target_group=example["target_group"]) if is_targeted else system_prompt.render_template_value(prompt=example["user_prompt"]) ) prompts.append(prompt) seed_prompts = [ SeedPrompt( value=prompt, data_type="text", name="DecodingTrust Stereotypes Examples", dataset_name="DecodingTrust Stereotypes Examples", harm_categories=["stereotypes"], description="""A dataset of Decoding Trust 'Stereotypes' example prompts across many different topics and target groups. These prompts attempt to convince the target to agree with a harmful stereotype.""", ) for prompt in prompts ] seed_prompt_dataset = SeedPromptDataset(prompts=seed_prompts) return seed_prompt_dataset
[docs] def fetch_adv_bench_dataset( source: str = ( "" "harmful_behaviors.csv" ), source_type: Literal["public_url"] = "public_url", cache: bool = True, data_home: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> SeedPromptDataset: """ Fetch AdvBench examples and create a SeedPromptDataset. Args: source (str): The source from which to fetch examples. Defaults to the AdvBench repository. source_type (Literal["public_url"]): The type of source ('public_url'). cache (bool): Whether to cache the fetched examples. Defaults to True. data_home (Optional[Path]): Directory to store cached data. Defaults to None. Returns: SeedPromptDataset: A SeedPromptDataset containing the examples. Note: For more information and access to the original dataset and related materials, visit: Based on research in paper: written by Andy Zou, Zifan Wang, Nicholas Carlini, Milad Nasr, J. Zico Kolter, Matt Fredrikson """ # Determine the file type from the source URL file_type = source.split(".")[-1] if file_type not in FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS: valid_types = ", ".join(FILE_TYPE_HANDLERS.keys()) raise ValueError(f"Invalid file_type. Expected one of: {valid_types}.") # Fetch the examples using the provided `fetch_examples` function examples = fetch_examples(source, source_type, cache, data_home) # Extract and append the data to respective containers prompts = [item["goal"] for item in examples if "goal" in item] harm_categories = [ "Endangering National Security", "Insulting Behavior", "Discriminatory Behavior", "Endangering Public Health", "Copyright Issues", "Violence", "Drugs", "Privacy Violation", "Economic Crime", "Mental Manipulation", "Human Trafficking", "Physical Harm", "Sexual Content", "Cybercrime", "Disrupting Public Order", "Environmental Damage", "Psychological Harm", "White-Collar Crime", "Animal Abuse", ] # Create SeedPrompt instances from each example in 'prompts' seed_prompts = [ SeedPrompt( value=prompt, data_type="text", name="AdvBench Dataset", dataset_name="AdvBench Dataset", harm_categories=harm_categories, description="""AdvBench is a set of 520 harmful behaviors formulated as instructions. These behaviors range over the same themes as the harmful strings setting, but the adversary's goal is instead to find a single attack string that will cause the model to generate any response that attempts to comply with the instruction, and to do so over as many harmful behaviors as possible.""", source="", ) for prompt in prompts ] seed_prompt_dataset = SeedPromptDataset(prompts=seed_prompts) return seed_prompt_dataset
[docs] def fetch_pku_safe_rlhf_dataset(include_safe_prompts: bool = True) -> SeedPromptDataset: """ Fetch PKU-SafeRLHF examples and create a SeedPromptDataset. Args: include_safe_prompts (bool): all prompts in the dataset are returned if True; the dataset has RLHF markers for unsafe responses, so if False we only return the unsafe subset Returns: SeedPromptDataset: A SeedPromptDataset containing the examples. Note: For more information and access to the original dataset and related materials, visit: Based on research in paper: written by Jiaming Ji and Donghai Hong and Borong Zhang and Boyuan Chen and Josef Dai and Boren Zheng and Tianyi Qiu and Boxun Li and Yaodong Yang """ data = load_dataset("PKU-Alignment/PKU-SafeRLHF", "default") if include_safe_prompts: prompts = [item["prompt"] for item in data["train"]] else: # Each prompt has two responses in the dataset. # If either of them is marked as unsafe we include it. prompts = [ item["prompt"] for item in data["train"] if (item["is_response_0_safe"] is False or item["is_response_1_safe"] is False) ] harm_categories = [ "Endangering National Security", "Insulting Behavior", "Discriminatory Behavior", "Endangering Public Health", "Copyright Issues", "Violence", "Drugs", "Privacy Violation", "Economic Crime", "Mental Manipulation", "Human Trafficking", "Physical Harm", "Sexual Content", "Cybercrime", "Disrupting Public Order", "Environmental Damage", "Psychological Harm", "White-Collar Crime", "Animal Abuse", ] seed_prompts = [ SeedPrompt( value=prompt, data_type="text", name="PKU-SafeRLHF", dataset_name="PKU-SafeRLHF", harm_categories=harm_categories, description="""This is a Hugging Face dataset that labels a prompt and 2 responses categorizing their helpfulness or harmfulness. Only the 'prompt' column is extracted.""", source="", ) for prompt in prompts ] seed_prompt_dataset = SeedPromptDataset(prompts=seed_prompts) return seed_prompt_dataset
[docs] def fetch_llm_latent_adversarial_training_harmful_dataset() -> SeedPromptDataset: data = load_dataset("LLM-LAT/harmful-dataset", "default") prompts = [item["prompt"] for item in data["train"]] # Create SeedPrompt instances from each example in 'prompts' seed_prompts = [ SeedPrompt( value=prompt, data_type="text", name="LLM-LAT/harmful-dataset", dataset_name="LLM-LAT/harmful-dataset", description="This dataset contains prompts used to assess and analyze harmful behaviors in llm", source="", ) for prompt in prompts ] seed_prompt_dataset = SeedPromptDataset(prompts=seed_prompts) return seed_prompt_dataset
[docs] def fetch_tdc23_redteaming_dataset() -> SeedPromptDataset: """ Fetch TDC23-RedTeaming examples and create a SeedPromptDataset. Returns: SeedPromptDataset: A SeedPromptDataset containing the examples. """ # Load the TDC23-RedTeaming dataset data = load_dataset("walledai/TDC23-RedTeaming", "default") prompts = [item["prompt"] for item in data["train"]] # Create SeedPrompt instances from each example in 'prompts' seed_prompts = [ SeedPrompt( value=prompt, data_type="text", name="walledai/TDC23-RedTeaming", dataset_name="walledai/TDC23-RedTeaming", description="""TDC23-RedTeaming dataset from HuggingFace, created by Walled AI ( Contains 100 prompts aimed at generating harmful content across multiple harm categories related to fairness, misinformation, dangerous and criminal activities, violence, etc. in the style of writing narratives.""", source="", ) for prompt in prompts ] seed_prompt_dataset = SeedPromptDataset(prompts=seed_prompts) return seed_prompt_dataset
[docs] def fetch_forbidden_questions_dataset() -> SeedPromptDataset: """ Fetch Forbidden question dataset and return it as a SeedPromptDataset Returns: SeedPromptDataset Note: For more info Paper - Github - Website - """ data = load_dataset("TrustAIRLab/forbidden_question_set", "default") authors = ["Xinyue Shen", "Zeyuan Chen", "Michael Backes", "Yun Shen", "Yang Zhang"] seed_prompts = [ SeedPrompt( value=item["question"], data_type="text", name="TrustAIRLab/forbidden_question_set", dataset_name="TrustAIRLab/forbidden_question_set", authors=authors, harm_categories=item["content_policy_name"], source="", description="""This is the Forbidden Question Set dataset proposed in the ACM CCS 2024 paper "Do Anything Now'': Characterizing and Evaluating In-The-Wild Jailbreak Prompts on Large Language Models. It contains 390 questions (= 13 scenarios x 30 questions) adopted from OpenAI Usage Policy. The focus is on 13 scenarios, including Illegal Activity, Hate Speech, Malware Generation, Physical Harm, Economic Harm, Fraud, Pornography, Political Lobbying, Privacy Violence, Legal Opinion, Financial Advice, Health Consultation, and Government Decision.""", ) for item in data["train"] ] seed_prompt_dataset = SeedPromptDataset(prompts=seed_prompts) return seed_prompt_dataset
def fetch_librAI_do_not_answer_dataset() -> SeedPromptDataset: """ Fetch the LibrAI 'Do Not Answer' dataset and return it as a SeedPromptDataset. Relevant Columns: - "risk_area" - "types_of_harm" - "specific_harms" - "question" Returns: SeedPromptDataset: A SeedPromptDataset containing the examples. Note: For more info - Paper - - Github - - HF Dataset - """ # Load dataset from Hugging Face data = load_dataset("LibrAI/do-not-answer", split="train") seed_prompts = [ SeedPrompt( value=entry["question"], data_type="text", name="", dataset_name="LibrAI/Do-Not-Answer", harm_categories=[entry["risk_area"], entry["types_of_harm"], entry["specific_harms"]], description=( f"This is a prompt from the 'Do Not Answer' dataset under the risk area: {entry['risk_area']}, " f"harm type: {entry['types_of_harm']}, and specific harm: {entry['specific_harms']}." ), source="", ) for entry in data ] # Create a SeedPromptDataset from the list of SeedPrompt instances return SeedPromptDataset(prompts=seed_prompts)
[docs] def fetch_wmdp_dataset(category: Optional[str] = None) -> QuestionAnsweringDataset: """ Fetch WMDP examples and create a QuestionAnsweringDataset. Args: category (str): The dataset category, one of "cyber", "bio", "chem" Returns: QuestionAnsweringDataset: A QuestionAnsweringDataset containing the examples. Note: For more information and access to the original dataset and related materials, visit: """ # Determine which subset of data to load data_categories = None if not category: # if category is not specified, read in all 3 subsets of data data_categories = ["wmdp-cyber", "wmdp-bio", "wmdp-chem"] elif category not in ["cyber", "bio", "chem"]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid Parameter: {category}. Expected 'cyber', 'bio', or 'chem'") else: data_categories = ["wmdp-" + category] # Read in cybersecurity dataset questions_answers = [] for name in data_categories: ds = load_dataset("cais/wmdp", name) for i in range(0, len(ds["test"])): # For each question, save the 4 possible choices and their respective index choices = [] for j in range(0, 4): c = QuestionChoice(index=j, text=ds["test"]["choices"][i][j]) choices.append(c) entry = QuestionAnsweringEntry( question=ds["test"]["question"][i], answer_type="int", correct_answer=ds["test"]["answer"][i], choices=choices, ) questions_answers.append(entry) dataset = QuestionAnsweringDataset( name="wmdp", description="""The WMDP Benchmark: Measuring and Reducing Malicious Use With Unlearning. The Weapons of Mass Destruction Proxy (WMDP) benchmark is a dataset of 4,157 multiple-choice questions surrounding hazardous knowledge in biosecurity, cybersecurity, and chemical security. WMDP serves as both a proxy evaluation for hazardous knowledge in large language models (LLMs) and a benchmark for unlearning methods to remove such hazardous knowledge. To guide progress on mitigating risk from LLMs, we develop CUT, a state-of-the-art unlearning method which reduces model performance on WMDP while maintaining general language model capabilities.""", author="""Nathaniel Li and Alexander Pan and Anjali Gopal and Summer Yue and Daniel Berrios and Alice Gatti and Justin D. Li and Ann-Kathrin Dombrowski and Shashwat Goel and Long Phan and Gabriel Mukobi and Nathan Helm-Burger and Rassin Lababidi and Lennart Justen and Andrew B. Liu and Michael Chen and Isabelle Barrass and Oliver Zhang and Xiaoyuan Zhu and Rishub Tamirisa and Bhrugu Bharathi and Adam Khoja and Zhenqi Zhao and Ariel Herbert-Voss and Cort B. Breuer and Andy Zou and Mantas Mazeika and Zifan Wang and Palash Oswal and Weiran Liu and Adam A. Hunt and Justin Tienken-Harder and Kevin Y. Shih and Kemper Talley and John Guan and Russell Kaplan and Ian Steneker and David Campbell and Brad Jokubaitis and Alex Levinson and Jean Wang and William Qian and Kallol Krishna Karmakar and Steven Basart and Stephen Fitz and Mindy Levine and Ponnurangam Kumaraguru and Uday Tupakula and Vijay Varadharajan and Yan Shoshitaishvili and Jimmy Ba and Kevin M. Esvelt and Alexandr Wang and Dan Hendrycks""", source="", questions=questions_answers, ) return dataset