Source code for pyrit.common.utils

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from typing import List, Union

[docs] def combine_dict(existing_dict: dict = None, new_dict: dict = None) -> dict: """ Combines two dictionaries containing string keys and values into one. Args: existing_dict: Dictionary with existing values new_dict: Dictionary with new values to be added to the existing dictionary. Note if there's a key clash, the value in new_dict will be used. Returns: dict: combined dictionary """ result = {**(existing_dict or {})} result.update(new_dict or {}) return result
[docs] def combine_list(list1: Union[str, List[str]], list2: Union[str, List[str]]) -> list: """ Combines two lists containing string keys, keeping only unique values. Args: existing_dict: Dictionary with existing values new_dict: Dictionary with new values to be added to the existing dictionary. Note if there's a key clash, the value in new_dict will be used. Returns: list: combined dictionary """ if isinstance(list1, str): list1 = [list1] if isinstance(list2, str): list2 = [list2] # Merge and keep only unique values combined = list(set(list1 + list2)) return combined