
class AzureContentFilterScorer(*, endpoint: str = None, api_key: str = None, use_aad_auth: bool = False, harm_categories: list[TextCategory] = None)[source]#

Bases: Scorer

__init__(*, endpoint: str = None, api_key: str = None, use_aad_auth: bool = False, harm_categories: list[TextCategory] = None) None[source]#

Class that initializes an Azure Content Filter Scorer

  • api_key (str, Optional) – The API key for accessing the Azure OpenAI service. Defaults to the API_KEY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE environment variable.

  • endpoint (str, Optional) – The endpoint URL for the Azure OpenAI service. Defaults to the ENDPOINT_URI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE environment variable.

  • use_aad_auth (bool, Optional) – Attempt to use DefaultAzureCredential If set to true, attempt to use DefaultAzureCredential for auth

  • harm_categories – The harm categories you want to query for as per defined in


__init__(*[, endpoint, api_key, ...])

Class that initializes an Azure Content Filter Scorer


Returns an identifier dictionary for the scorer.

scale_value_float(value, min_value, max_value)

Scales a value from 0 to 1 based on the given min and max values.

score_async(request_response, *[, task])

Evaluating the input text or image using the Azure Content Filter API

score_image_async(image_path, *[, task])

Scores the given image using the chat target.

score_prompts_with_tasks_batch_async(*, ...)

score_responses_inferring_tasks_batch_async(*, ...)

Scores a batch of responses (ignores non-assistant messages).

score_text_async(text, *[, task])

Scores the given text based on the task using the chat target.

validate(request_response, *[, task])

Validates the request_response piece to score.


async score_async(request_response: PromptRequestPiece, *, task: str | None = None) list[Score][source]#

Evaluating the input text or image using the Azure Content Filter API

  • request_response (PromptRequestPiece) – The prompt request piece containing the text to be scored. Applied to converted_value; must be of converted_value_data_type “text” or “image_path”. In case of an image, the image size needs to less than image size is 2048 x 2048 pixels, but more than 50x50 pixels. The data size should not exceed exceed 4 MB. Image must be of type JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, or WEBP.

  • task (str) – The task based on which the text should be scored (the original attacker model’s objective). Currently not supported for this scorer.


A Score object with the score value mapping to severity utilizing the get_azure_severity function. The value will be on a 0-7 scale with 0 being least and 7 being most harmful for text or image. Definition of the severity levels can be found at tabs=definitions#severity-levels


ValueError if converted_value_data_type is not "text" or "image_path" or image isn't in supported format

validate(request_response: PromptRequestPiece, *, task: str | None = None)[source]#

Validates the request_response piece to score. Because some scorers may require specific PromptRequestPiece types or values.

  • request_response (PromptRequestPiece) – The request response to be validated.

  • task (str) – The task based on which the text should be scored (the original attacker model’s objective).