
class OpenAIDALLETarget(image_size: Literal['256x256', '512x512', '1024x1024'] = '1024x1024', num_images: int = 1, dalle_version: Literal['dall-e-2', 'dall-e-3'] = 'dall-e-2', quality: Literal['standard', 'hd'] = 'standard', style: Literal['natural', 'vivid'] = 'natural', *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: OpenAITarget

The Dalle3Target takes a prompt and generates images This class initializes a DALL-E image target

__init__(image_size: Literal['256x256', '512x512', '1024x1024'] = '1024x1024', num_images: int = 1, dalle_version: Literal['dall-e-2', 'dall-e-3'] = 'dall-e-2', quality: Literal['standard', 'hd'] = 'standard', style: Literal['natural', 'vivid'] = 'natural', *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Initialize the DALL-E target with specified parameters.

  • model_name (str, Optional) – The name of the model.

  • endpoint (str, Optional) – The target URL for the OpenAI service.

  • api_key (str, Optional) – The API key for accessing the Azure OpenAI service. Defaults to the AZURE_OPENAI_CHAT_KEY environment variable.

  • headers (str, Optional) – Headers of the endpoint (JSON).

  • use_aad_auth (bool, Optional) – When set to True, user authentication is used instead of API Key. DefaultAzureCredential is taken for . Please run az login locally to leverage user AuthN.

  • api_version (str, Optional) – The version of the Azure OpenAI API. Defaults to “2024-06-01”.

  • max_requests_per_minute (int, Optional) – Number of requests the target can handle per minute before hitting a rate limit. The number of requests sent to the target will be capped at the value provided.

  • image_size (Literal["256x256", "512x512", "1024x1024"], Optional) – The size of the generated images. Defaults to “1024x1024”.

  • num_images (int, Optional) – The number of images to generate. Defaults to 1. For DALL-E-2, this can be between 1 and 10. For DALL-E-3, this must be 1.

  • dalle_version (Literal["dall-e-2", "dall-e-3"], Optional) – The version of DALL-E to use. Defaults to “dall-e-2”.

  • quality (Literal["standard", "hd"], Optional) – The quality of the generated images. Only applicable for DALL-E-3. Defaults to “standard”.

  • style (Literal["natural", "vivid"], Optional) – The style of the generated images. Only applicable for DALL-E-3. Defaults to “natural”.

  • *args – Additional positional arguments to be passed to AzureOpenAITarget.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to AzureOpenAITarget.

  • ValueError – If num_images is not 1 for DALL-E-3.

  • ValueError – If num_images is less than 1 or greater than 10 for DALL-E-2.


__init__([image_size, num_images, ...])

Initialize the DALL-E target with specified parameters.


Dispose DuckDB database engine to release database connections and resources.



Indicates that this target supports JSON response format.


Checks if the response format is JSON and ensures the target supports it.


Sends a normalized prompt async to the prompt target.

set_system_prompt(*, system_prompt, ...[, ...])

Sets the system prompt for the prompt target.


api_key_environment_variable: str#
endpoint_environment_variable: str#
is_json_response_supported() bool[source]#

Indicates that this target supports JSON response format.

model_name_environment_variable: str#
async send_prompt_async(**kwargs)#

Sends a normalized prompt async to the prompt target.