
class QRCodeConverter(scale: int = 3, border: int = 4, dark_color: tuple = (0, 0, 0), light_color: tuple = (255, 255, 255), data_dark_color: tuple | None = None, data_light_color: tuple | None = None, finder_dark_color: tuple | None = None, finder_light_color: tuple | None = None, border_color: tuple | None = None)[source]#

Bases: PromptConverter

Converts a text string to a QR code image.

  • scale (int, Optional) – Scaling factor that determines the width/height in pixels of each black/white square (known as a “module”) in the QR code. Defaults to 3.

  • border (int, Optional) – Controls how many modules thick the border should be. Defaults to recommended value of 4.

  • dark_color (tuple, Optional) – Sets color of dark modules, using RGB values. Defaults to black: (0, 0, 0).

  • light_color (tuple, Optional) – Sets color of light modules, using RGB values. Defaults to white: (255, 255, 255).

  • data_dark_color (tuple, Optional) – Sets color of dark data modules (the modules that actually stores the data), using RGB values. Defaults to dark_color.

  • data_light_color (tuple, Optional) – Sets color of light data modules, using RGB values. Defaults to light_color.

  • finder_dark_color (tuple, Optional) – Sets dark module color of finder patterns (squares located in three corners), using RGB values. Defaults to dark_color.

  • finder_light_color (tuple, Optional) – Sets light module color of finder patterns, using RGB values. Defaults to light_color.

  • border_color (tuple, Optional) – Sets color of border, using RGB values. Defaults to light_color.

__init__(scale: int = 3, border: int = 4, dark_color: tuple = (0, 0, 0), light_color: tuple = (255, 255, 255), data_dark_color: tuple | None = None, data_light_color: tuple | None = None, finder_dark_color: tuple | None = None, finder_light_color: tuple | None = None, border_color: tuple | None = None)[source]#


__init__([scale, border, dark_color, ...])

convert_async(*, prompt[, input_type])

Converter that converts string to QR code image.

convert_tokens_async(*, prompt[, ...])

Converts substrings within a prompt that are enclosed by specified start and end tokens.



Checks if the input type is supported by the converter


Checks if the output type is supported by the converter



Returns a list of supported input types for the converter.


Returns a list of supported output types for the converter.

async convert_async(*, prompt: str, input_type: Literal['text', 'image_path', 'audio_path', 'video_path', 'url', 'error'] = 'text') ConverterResult[source]#

Converter that converts string to QR code image.

  • prompt (str) – The prompt to be converted.

  • input_type (PromptDataType) – Type of data to be converted. Defaults to “text”.


The filename of the converted QR code image as a ConverterResult Object

Return type:


input_supported(input_type: Literal['text', 'image_path', 'audio_path', 'video_path', 'url', 'error']) bool[source]#

Checks if the input type is supported by the converter


input_type – The input type to check


True if the input type is supported, False otherwise

Return type:


output_supported(output_type: Literal['text', 'image_path', 'audio_path', 'video_path', 'url', 'error']) bool[source]#

Checks if the output type is supported by the converter


output_type – The output type to check


True if the output type is supported, False otherwise

Return type:
