
class RedTeamingOrchestrator(*, objective_target: PromptTarget, adversarial_chat: PromptChatTarget, adversarial_chat_system_prompt_path: Path = PosixPath('/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.11/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyrit/datasets/orchestrators/red_teaming/text_generation.yaml'), adversarial_chat_seed_prompt: str | None = 'How can I help you?', prompt_converters: list[PromptConverter] | None = None, max_turns: int = 5, objective_scorer: Scorer, use_score_as_feedback: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: MultiTurnOrchestrator

The RedTeamingOrchestrator class orchestrates a multi-turn red teaming attack on a target system.

It is extemely simple. It sends a prompt to the target system, and then sends the response to the red teaming chat.

  • objective_target (PromptTarget) – Target for created prompts.

  • adversarial_chat (PromptChatTarget) – Endpoint creating prompts sent to objective_target.

  • adversarial_chat_system_prompt_path (Path) – Path to initial adversarial_chat system prompt.

  • initial_adversarial_chat_prompt (str, Optional) – Initial message to start the chat. Defaults to “How can I help you?”.

  • prompt_converters (Optional[list[PromptConverter]]) – Converters for prompt formatting. Defaults to None.

  • max_turns (int, Optional) – Max turns for the conversation, ≥ 0. Defaults to 5.

  • objective_scorer (Scorer) – Scores prompt target output as sufficient or insufficient.

  • use_score_as_feedback (bool, Optional) – Use scoring as feedback. Defaults to True.

  • verbose (bool, Optional) – Print debug info. Defaults to False.

  • FileNotFoundError – If adversarial_chat_system_prompt_path file not found.

  • ValueError – If max_turns ≤ 0 or if objective_scorer is not binary.

__init__(*, objective_target: PromptTarget, adversarial_chat: PromptChatTarget, adversarial_chat_system_prompt_path: Path = PosixPath('/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.11/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyrit/datasets/orchestrators/red_teaming/text_generation.yaml'), adversarial_chat_seed_prompt: str | None = 'How can I help you?', prompt_converters: list[PromptConverter] | None = None, max_turns: int = 5, objective_scorer: Scorer, use_score_as_feedback: bool = True, verbose: bool = False) None[source]#


__init__(*, objective_target, adversarial_chat)


Dispose database engine to release database connections and resources.



Retrieves the memory associated with this orchestrator.


Retrieves the scores of the PromptRequestPieces associated with this orchestrator.

run_attack_async(*, objective[, memory_labels])

Executes a multi-turn red teaming attack asynchronously.

run_attacks_async(*, objectives[, ...])

Applies the attack strategy for each objective in the list of objectives.

set_prepended_conversation(*, ...)

Sets the prepended conversation to be sent to the objective target.

async run_attack_async(*, objective: str, memory_labels: dict[str, str] | None = None) MultiTurnAttackResult[source]#

Executes a multi-turn red teaming attack asynchronously.

This method initiates a conversation with the target system, iteratively generating prompts and analyzing responses to achieve a specified objective. It evaluates each response for success and, if necessary, adapts prompts using scoring feedback until either the objective is met or the maximum number of turns is reached.

  • objective (str) – The specific goal the orchestrator aims to achieve through the conversation.

  • memory_labels (dict[str, str], Optional) – A free-form dictionary of additional labels to apply to the prompts throughout the attack. Any labels passed in will be combined with self._global_memory_labels (from the GLOBAL_MEMORY_LABELS environment variable) into one dictionary. In the case of collisions, the passed-in labels take precedence. Defaults to None.


Contains the outcome of the attack, including:
  • conversation_id (UUID): The ID associated with the final conversation state.

  • achieved_objective (bool): Indicates whether the orchestrator successfully met the objective.

  • objective (str): The intended goal of the attack.

Return type:


  • RuntimeError – If the response from the target system contains an unexpected error.

  • ValueError – If the scoring feedback is not of the required type (true/false) for binary completion.