Azure Key Vault provides a centralized service for managing secrets and certificates with full control over access policies and auditing capabilities. This article will show how to wire up a Spring Boot application on App Service to read a database username, password, and URL from Key Vault. Using Key Vault references requires no code changes, but we will need to do some configuration acrobatics.

See the previous article for instructions on setting up the Postgres server and deploying the starter app to App Service.

Set up a Managed Identity

A managed identity acts as a user in your Active Directory for automation purposes. It is inherently tied to your web app and will be deleted if the web app is deleted. For this scenario, the identity will be used to retrieve the secrets from Key Vault when the app starts. Run the following command to create a manged identity:

az webapp identity assign --name <app_from_last_article> --resource-group <resource_group_of_app>

In the console output, save the principalId for later.

Provision the Key Vault

  1. Let’s spin up a Key Vault named java-app-key-vault. For information about the parameters specified below, run az keyvault create --help.

     az keyvault create --name java-app-key-vault              \
                        --resource-group <your_resource_group> \
                        --location <location>                  \
                        --enabled-for-deployment true          \
                        --enabled-for-disk-encryption true     \
                        --enabled-for-template-deployment true \
                        --sku standard
  2. Now we will grant the managed identity get and list access to the Key Vault.

     az keyvault set-policy --name java-app-key-vault     \
                            --secret-permission get list  \
                            --object-id <the principal ID from earlier>
  3. Finally, we will add the Postgres username, password, and URL to the Key Vault. If you followed the tutorial on data sources, you should still have the secrets saved as environment variables on your machine. (If you are using Powershell, use the $env:ENV_VAR syntax to inject the environment variables into the following command).

     az keyvault secret set --name POSTGRES-USERNAME      \
                        --value $POSTGRES_USERNAME        \
                        --vault-name java-app-key-vault
     az keyvault secret set --name POSTGRES-PASSWORD      \
                        --value $POSTGRES_PASSWORD        \
                        --vault-name java-app-key-vault
     az keyvault secret set --name POSTGRES-URL           \
                        --value $POSTGRES_URL             \
                        --vault-name java-app-key-vault

Configuring our App

The following instructions assume you have completed the previous tutorial.

Key Vault References

When our Spring app is running on App Service, the secrets will be exposed as environment variables or “Application Settings”. We will now create these app settings using the Azure CLI.

  1. First, we need the URI’s of our three secrets. Run the commands below and copy the id value in the console output.

     az keyvault secret show --vault-name java-app-key-vault --name POSTGRES-URL
     az keyvault secret show --vault-name java-app-key-vault --name POSTGRES-USERNAME
     az keyvault secret show --vault-name java-app-key-vault --name POSTGRES-PASSWORD
  2. Now we will create the app settings with the Key Vault references. For each setting, replace “YOUR_SECRET_URI” with the corresponding id’s from the previous step.

     az webapp config appsettings set -n <your_app_name> -g <resource_group> --settings \

A Key Vault reference is of the form @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=<SecretURI>), where <SecretURI> is data-plane URI of a secret in Key Vault, including a version. There is an alternate syntax documented here.

Environment Configuration

The Key Vault references will be replaced with the actual secrets when our App Service boots up. This means our Spring application needs to resolve the connection strings at runtime. (It currently resolves these strings at build time.) We also want to be able to use our H2 database for development, and optionally connect to the production DB from our local machine to run tests. To fill all these requirements, we will create two new configuration files:, and

  1. Create a file under src/main/resources named Copy/paste the following into the file:

     # ===============================
     # = DATA SOURCE
     # ===============================
     # Set here configurations for the database connection
     # ===============================
     # = JPA / HIBERNATE
     # ===============================
     # Allows Hibernate to generate SQL optimized for a particular DBMS
     # App Service
  2. Create a file under src/main/resources named Copy/paste the following into the file. Notice that we do not set the connection strings here. Instead, Spring will resolve them at runtime by looking for the uppercase and underscored versions of spring.datasource.url, spring.datasource.username, and spring.datasource.password.

     # ===============================
     # = DATA SOURCE
     # ===============================
     # The connection URL, username, and password will be sourced from environment variables
     # on App Service
     # Set here configurations for the database connection
     # ===============================
     # = JPA / HIBERNATE
     # ===============================
     # Allows Hibernate to generate SQL optimized for a particular DBMS
     # App Service
  3. Now we can slim-down our original file. Replace the contents of with the following:

     # Active profile is set by Maven
     # ===============================
     # = DATA SOURCE
     # ===============================
     # Keep the connection alive if idle for a long time (needed in production)
     spring.datasource.validationQuery=SELECT 1
     # ===============================
     # = JPA / HIBERNATE
     # ===============================
     # Show or not log for each sql query
     # Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, update): with "create-drop" the database
     # schema will be automatically created afresh for every start of application
     # Naming strategy
  4. Finally, we can also slim down our Maven profiles because we have moved th information to the new properties files. The profile section of your pom.xml should now be the following:

         <!-- This profile will configure Spring to use an in-memory database for local development and testing. -->  
         <!-- This profile will configure the application to use our Azure PostgreSQL server. -->  

See this article for more information on Spring configurations and precedence.

Deploy and Test

Check that the development profile works as expected by running the following commands and opening a browser to http://localhost:8080/.

mvn clean package -Pdev
java -jar target/app.jar

Before deploying to App Service, build your application with the production profile and test against your PostgreSQL DB from your local machine. To do so, rename the three environment variables beginning with POSTGRES_ to SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL, SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME, and SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD respectively. Run the following commands to build and start your app. Thanks to our new configuration, Spring will resolve the connection strings in the environment variables at runtime.

mvn clean package -Pprod
java -jar target/app.jar

Finally, deploy the production app to App Service with mvn azure-webapp:deploy. Browse to the application and test that it works properly.

Next Steps

See the Java Developer Guide for more documentation and best practices for Java on App Service. Check back in the future for more articles. Thanks for reading!