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Source of the Azure IoT Identity Service and related services.

Issuing Certificates over EST with Certificates Service

This document addresses the more advanced scenario of configuring the Certificates Service to issue arbitrary certificates over EST. Refer to this document that covers the common scenario of issuing the device ID and Edge CA certs.


Configuration Files

EST certificate issuance is configured in Certificates Service's config.toml, which by default is /etc/aziot/certd/config.toml or a file in /etc/aziot/certd/config.d/. We recommend creating a separate file in config.d for each certificate issuance. For example, to issue a certificate called test-est-cert, create the file /etc/aziot/certd/config.d/test-est-cert.toml.

Depending on the EST certificate issuance, Certificates Service might need to access certain keys in Keys Service. This can be configured in /etc/aziot/keyd/config.toml or a file in /etc/aziot/keyd/config.d/. Again, we recommend creating a separate file in config.d for each certificate issuance. For example, to authorize keys for test-est-cert, create the file /etc/aziot/keyd/config.d/test-est-cert.toml.

Configuration Options

The options in this section apply to the Certificates Service configuration file.

The global [cert_issuance.est] section controls options that apply to all certificates issued over EST.

Each certificate has a [cert_issuance] entry. By specifying method = "est", the corresponding certificate will be issued over EST.

# Global options that affect all EST-issued certificates.

# Trusted root certificates to validate the EST server's TLS certificate;
# optional depending on how the EST server is configured.
# It is not required for servers with a publicly-rooted TLS certificate.
trusted_certs = ["cert-id"]

# Provides a default URL if the EST URL is not provided for a certificate.
# Optional if each certificate issuance specifies a URL.
default = ""

# Below are options for authenticating with the EST server. The required options will depend on the EST
# server's configuration. These global settings apply to all certificates that don't configure auth separately.

# Authentication with TLS client certificate. Provide the cert ID of the client cert and its corresponding
# private key. Note that the aziotcs user must be authorized to access `identity_pk` in Keys Service.
identity_cert = "identity-cert-id"
identity_pk = "identity-cert-pk-id"

# Authentication with a TLS client certificate which will be used once to create the initial certificate.
# After the first certificate issuance, an identity_cert and identity_pk will be automatically created and
# used. Provide the cert ID of the bootstrap client cert and its corresponding private key. Note that the
# aziotcs user must be authorized to access `bootstrap_identity_pk` in Keys Service.
bootstrap_identity_cert = "bootstrap-identity-cert-id"
bootstrap_identity_pk = "bootstrap-identity-pk-id"

# Authentication with username and password.
username = "username"
password = "password"

# Sample configuration of a single EST-issued certificate.
# Replace `name` with the desired certificate name.

# Identifies this certificate as being issued over EST.
method = "est"

# Optionally, the Distinguished Name (DN) for this certificate can be overridden through the use of the
# `common_name` string or the `subject` table. `common_name` sets the DN of the issued certificate to
# `/CN=${common_name}`. If `subject` is used instead, the DN is set to `/${key}=${value}/..`, where `key`
# and `value` are entries from the keys and values of `subject`. For example, if `subject` is set to >
# subject = { "L" = "AQ", "ST" = "Antarctica", "CN" = "name" } the issued certificate will have DN
# `/L=AQ/ST=Antarctica/CN=name`. Setting either option will result in certd ignoring the CSR DN for the
# configured certificate. Be advised that if both `common_name` and `subject` are specified in this
# section, the one that appears first will be used to set the DN.
common_name = "name"
subject = { "L" = "AQ", "ST" = "Antarctica", "CN" = "name" }

# Optional EST URL to issue this certificate. Defaults to the `default` URL in `[cert_issuance.est.urls]`
# if not provided. The URL must be provided either here or in default, i.e. certd will fail if no URL is
# provided here and no default exists.
url = ""

# It is also possible to configure auth separately for each certificate. The options are the
# same as in the global EST configuration and override the global configuration for their corresponding
# certificate.
identity_cert = "identity-cert-id"
identity_pk = "identity-cert-pk-id"

bootstrap_identity_cert = "bootstrap-identity-cert-id"
bootstrap_identity_pk = "bootstrap-identity-pk-id"

username = "username"
password = "password"

Sample Configuration

Below are sample configuration files that can be used as starting points to test EST certificate issuance.

The certd configuration file configures EST certificate issuance.


# Configure the trusted root CA certificate in the global EST options. This section is optional
# if the EST server's TLS certificate is already trusted by the system's CA certificates.
trusted_certs = ["est-server-ca"]


est-server-ca = "file:///path/to/file.pem"

# Configure the issuance of the EST test certificate.
method = "est"

# Example with the EST path segment `test-est-cert` in the URL.
# The path will depend on server configuration.
url = ""

# This example will use the EST bootstrap certificate and key to authenticate,
# but a cert and key ID for the identity certificate must still be provided.
# These credentials will automatically be created, so it is sufficient to provide
# a set of unique IDs that will not be used for any other credentials.
identity_cert = "test-est-cert-identity-id"
identity_pk = "test-est-cert-identity-id"

# The credentials to use upon initial authentication with the EST server.
# After that, certd will automatically create, use, and renew identity_cert and identity_pk.
bootstrap_identity_cert = "test-est-bootstrap-cert-id"
bootstrap_identity_pk = "test-est-bootstrap-key-id"

# Load the bootstrap certificate from a file into certd.
# This file must be readable by aziotcs.
test-est-bootstrap-cert-id = "file:///path/to/file.pem"

# Allow the specified user to create this certificate.
# Replace `1000` with the relevant user ID. Note that the root user has access to all certificates.
uid = 1000
certs = ["test-est-cert"]

The keyd configuration file authorizes aziotcs to access the required keys. It is required because the sample EST certificate issuance is using X.509-based authentication, which requires access to the corresponding private keys. This file would not be required for EST servers that authenticate only based on username and password.


# Load the bootstrap certificate key from a file into key.
# This file must be readable by aziotks.
test-est-bootstrap-key-id = "file:///path/to/file.pem"

# Authorize aziotcs to access the necessary keys.
# Replace with output of `id -u aziotcs`
uid = 997

# Should contain the key IDs of bootstrap_identity_pk and identity_pk.
keys = ["test-est-bootstrap-key-id", "test-est-cert-identity-id"]

Testing EST on the command line

After configuring Certificates Service, you can test certificate issuance over EST from the command line. Generate a CSR and make a request to Certificates Service to create a new certificate.

# Generate a key for CSR.
openssl genrsa -out key.pem

# Generate CSR. Note that the common name must be provided either here in the CSR
# or in certd's configuration.
# This command generates a simple CSR that doesn't have attributes or other useful
# information. For a production certificate, you will likely need to add attributes
# or configure the EST server to automatically issue certificates with the required
# attributes.
openssl req -new -key key.pem -subj "/CN=test-est-cert" -out req.pem

# Make the request to Certificates Service.
# The user making this request must be root or in the aziotcs group.
# For a non-root user, the uid must match the uid in certd's authorized principals
# (1000 in the example above).
# The request schema is:
# {
#     "certId": "<cert name>",
#     "csr": "<generated CSR with newlines escaped>"
# }
curl --unix-socket /run/aziot/certd.sock http://localhost/certificates?api-version=2020-09-01 \
    -H "content-type: application/json" \
    --data "$(jq -cn --arg 'certId' 'test-est-cert' --arg 'csr' "$(cat req.pem)" '{"certId": $certId, "csr": $csr}')"

You should receive the newly-issued certificate as the output of the last command.

If you see error messages from either Keys Service or Certificates Service that begin with user _ is not authorized..., check the authorized [[principal]] list in the keyd and certd configuration files.