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Source of the Azure IoT Identity Service and related services.

Identity Service


Get primary cloud identity for authenticated workload

GET /identities/identity?api-version=2022-08-01

The shape of the response will depend on the principal used to authenticate with the Identity Service. The association between an authorized principal and the identity type to return is based on the idtype in the identity service's configuration.

The returned auth.keyHandle value is meant to be used with the Keys Service, depending on the auth.type value:

Response for principals associated to device identities (SAS case)

  "type": "aziot",
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "auth": {
        "type": "sas",
        "keyHandle": "string"

Response for principals associated to device identities (X.509 case)

  "type": "aziot",
  "spec" :
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "auth": {
        "type": "x509",
        "keyHandle": "string",
        "certId": "string"

Response for principals associated to module identities (SAS case)

  "type": "aziot",
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "moduleId": "module01",
    "genId": "12345",
    "auth": {
        "type": "sas",
        "keyHandle": "string"

Response for principals associated to module identities (X.509 case)

  "type": "aziot",
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "moduleId": "module01",
    "genId": "12345",
    "auth": {
        "type": "x509",
        "keyHandle": "string",
        "certId": "string"

Get device provisioning information

GET /identities/provisioning?api-version=2022-08-01

Response (DPS provisioning)

  "source": "dps",
  "auth": "string",
  "endpoint": "string",
  "scope_id": "string",
  "registration_id": "string",
  "payload": object

auth will be either symmetric_key, x509, or tpm.

Response (Manual provisioning)

  "source": "manual",
  "auth": "string"

auth will be either sas or x509.

Get IoT device provisioning result

POST /identities/device?api-version=2022-08-01


  "type": "aziot"

Response (SAS case)

  "type": "aziot",
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "auth": {
        "type": "sas",
        "keyHandle": "string"

Response (X.509 case)

  "type": "aziot",
  "spec" :
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "auth": {
        "type": "x509",
        "keyHandle": "string",
        "certId": "string"

List IoT Module Identities

GET /identities/modules?api-version=2022-08-01&type={type}

The type query parameter specifies the identity type to return. Accepted values are:

Response (SAS case)

  "identities": [
      "type": "aziot",
        "hubName": "",
        "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
        "deviceId": "device01",
        "moduleId": "module01",
        "genId": "12345",

Response (X.509 case)

  "identities": [
      "type": "aziot",
        "hubName": "",
        "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
        "deviceId": "device01",
        "moduleId": "module01",
        "genId": "12345",

Create IoT module identity

POST /identities/modules?api-version=2022-08-01

Request (Module identity)

  "type": "aziot",
  "moduleId": "module01"

Request (Local identity)

  "type": "local",
  "moduleId": "module01",
  "localIdOpts": {
    "type": "x509",
    "attributes": "server"

localIdOpts is an optional field that can be used to specify configuration of the issued local identity. It contains the following fields:

If localIdOpts is not specified, the default {"type": "x509", "attributes": "client"} will be used.

Response (SAS case)

  "type": "aziot",
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "moduleId": "module01",
    "genId": "12345",
    "auth": {
        "type": "sas",
        "keyHandle": "string"

Response (X.509 case)

  "type": "aziot",
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "moduleId": "module01",
    "genId": "12345",
    "auth": {
        "type": "x509",
        "keyHandle": "string",
        "certId": "string"

Response (Local identity)

  "type": "local",
    "moduleId": "module01",
    "auth": {
        "privateKey": "private key bytes",
        "certificate": "certificate bytes",
        "expiration": "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+00:00"

Get IoT module identity information

GET /identities/modules/{module-id}?api-version=2022-08-01&type={type}

The type query parameter specifies the identity type to return. Accepted values are:

Response (SAS case)

  "type": "aziot",
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "moduleId": "module01",
    "genId": "12345",
    "auth": {
        "type": "sas",
        "keyHandle": "string"

Response (X.509 case)

  "type": "aziot",
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "moduleId": "module01",
    "genId": "12345",
    "auth": {
        "type": "x509",
        "keyHandle": "string",
        "certId": "string"

Response (Local identity)

  "type": "local",
    "moduleId": "module01",
    "auth": {
        "privateKey": "private key bytes",
        "certificate": "certificate bytes",
        "expiration": "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+00:00"

Update IoT module identity

PUT /identities/modules/{module-id}?api-version=2022-08-01


  "type": "aziot",
  "moduleId": "module01"



Response (SAS case)

  "type": "aziot",
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "moduleId": "module01",
    "genId": "12345",
    "auth": {
        "type": "sas",
        "keyHandle": "string"

Response (X.509 case)

  "type": "aziot",
    "hubName": "",
    "gatewayHost": "parentdevice",
    "deviceId": "device01",
    "moduleId": "module01",
    "genId": "12345",
    "auth": {
        "type": "x509",
        "keyHandle": "string",
        "certId": "string"

Delete IoT module identity

DELETE /identities/modules/{module-id}?api-version=2022-08-01&type={type}

The type query parameter specifies the identity type to return. Accepted values are:


204 No Content

Trigger IoT device reprovisioning flow

POST /identities/device/reprovision?api-version=2022-08-01


  "type": "aziot"


204 No Content

Notes on IS operations

Module Provisioning / Re-provisioning

IoT Hub module identities will get generated by Identity service (IS) for containerized and host process workloads. Once the device identity is provisioned by IS, the IS can begin generating module identities associated with that device identity. There are two steps to configure IS to start generating module identities -

  1. IS configuration

    uid = 1001
    name = "hostdaemon1"
    uid = 1002
    name = "hostprocess1"
    idtype = ["device"]
    uid = 1003
    name = "hostprocess2"
    idtype = ["module", "local"]

    The table of principal accounts in IS configuration represents all the host process callers of IS APIs (known as principals) and their corresponding OS userid.

    uid is the OS userid that will be included in the UDS calls to IS REST APIs.

    name is the host process caller name. This value must be unique per principal. If the caller is idtype = module, then the module identity is provisioned by IS in Azure IoT Hub with that name.

    idtype is an optional identity type returned to that host process associated with the IoT Hub identity type being returned to that host process - it is an array containing any combination of device, module, or local. Note that if idtype is not specified, the caller will be authorized to access all APIs (not just the host process APIs). It is also used by IS to provision identities with a specific name (when the caller's idtype contains module).

    Note: idtype = device is only used in special cases, but this support could be removed prior to GA.

  2. OS configuration

    The host process package (using elevated admin privileges) needs to add OS userid, used by the host process to call IS APIs, in the aziotid group.

Host process package configuration responsibilities

Generally, for host process modules, IS needs to be configured with a list of host process userid and module names. Based on its module list in config.toml, IS will reconcile module identities with IoT Hub on startup. The creation process is shown in the Provisioning Flow diagram. Note that a device reprovision could also trigger re-creation of module identities.

For installation, the device administrator will initiate a host process package install (typically an elevated admin operation), which will install IS as a dependency. First, the IS package will install a config.toml configuration file with a default configuration file with no configured host processes. Then, the host process package install process (using elevated privileges) will add its respective host process userid into the aziotid group. Finally, the host process package install will configure its host process userid and name by placing its own <package>.toml (with a [[principal]] table entry as shown in IS configuration above) in the IS /etc/aziot/identityd/config.d override directory.