Azure IoT Identity Service
The IoT Identity Service package provides provisioning and cryptographic services for Azure IoT devices. This includes both regular Azure IoT devices and Azure IoT Edge devices.
The package is made up of these services:
Identity Service
This service provisions the device's identity with Azure. The device identity can be based on symmetric keys or X.509 certificates, and be used with manual device registrations, DPS individual enrollments or DPS group enrollments.
The Identity Service also provides access to native processes ("host processes") to connect to the cloud. Depending on how the user configures the Identity Service, host processes can get their own module identities provisioned by the Identity Service, or use the device identity, or both.
Keys Service
This service stores cryptographic keys, and allows callers to perform operations with those keys like encrypt, decrypt and sign. The service protects the keys by storing them in HSMs, and ensures that no operations against those keys export the keys to the device's memory.
Certificates Service
This service stores certificates, and allows callers to import and export them. Depending on the certificate issuance method, the Certificate Service may also provision certificates from a user-provided certificate issuer endpoint via a protocol like EST.
TPM Service
This service brokers access to a device's TPM, and allows callers to retrieve the TPM's endorsement and storage root keys, activate a new identity key, and sign data using a stored identity key. The TPM service is the only service with permissions to access the TPM, and exposes an API which ensures the integrity of the keys stored in the TPM.
Relationship with IoT Edge
For IoT Edge devices, module identity provisioning and cryptographic services used to be provided by the IoT Edge runtime. Now the IoT Edge runtime defers to these three services to provide those features. In other words, the Identity Service is also responsible for provisioning module identities for IoT Edge modules, and the Keys Service and Certificates Service handle keys and certificates that the modules use via the IoT Edge Workload API. The above-mentioned services are automatically installed as a dependency when installing the IoT Edge package.
Refer to for more details about the IoT Edge runtime.