CRUD operations with Azure Cosmos DB

CRUD operations with Azure Cosmos DB

To do create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on records in Azure Cosmos DB, a small amount of code is required. Spring Data for the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL artifact supports the CrudRepository and ReactiveCrudRepository interfaces. It also includes CosmosRepository and ReactiveCosmosRepository.

For this application, you use ReactiveCosmosRepository.

The code is structured with:

  • Controllers serving as API endpoints

  • Repositories as interfaces

  • Services implementing repositories

Repositories overview

This application has repositories for:

  • Customers

  • Manufacturers

  • Products

  • Wish lists

Each of the reactive repositories follows this pattern:

public interface ThingRepository extends
ReactiveCosmosRepository<Thing, String> {
   Mono<Void> deleteById(String thingId, PartitionKey key);
   Flux<Product> findAll(PartitionKey key);
   Mono<Product> findById(String thingId, PartitionKey key);
   Mono<Product> save(Thing thing);

Repositories in Spring Data for the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL artifact support these additional operations than the ones used in the sample code:

  • Delete entity

  • Delete all

Implement CRUD operations

Most Spring Data interface functions use default implementations. However, because the wish list object is complex, it’s necessary to add a few more functions:

  • findByCustomerId

  • findByProductId

findByCustomerId is annotated with a query to filter on the customer ID. findByProductId searches for all wish lists that have a particular product ID in their array of product IDs. These IDs re annotated with the @Query annotation to use a custom Azure Cosmos DB SQL query. As a wish list is tied to one customer, the query for findByCustomerId makes use of the equals (=) operator. Because a wishlist can have many products, the query for findByProductId makes use of the ARRAY_CONTAINS() function to check the array of product IDs tied to a wishlist.

If you need to customize queries or add additional queries, use the @Query annotation and Azure Cosmos DB’s SQL syntax for the query.

Partial document updates

To make a small change to an object, you don’t necessarily need to do a full document update. Azure Cosmos DB supports partial document updates, by using PATCH updates. Microsoft implements an endpoint in its Products API to update product prices as partial updates.

For partial document updates, note the following points:

  • Because you need to suppress attempts to bind queries to the method, you should assign a Query annotation over the method in the repository.

  • Partial document updates are in Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4, not Spring Data for the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL artifact.

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