The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our September 2024 client library releases.

36 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (16)

  • App Configuration

  • App Configuration Provider

  • Core - Client - Core

  • Health Insights Radiology Insights

  • Machine Learning

  • Resource Management - Billing

  • Resource Management - Compute

  • Resource Management - Container Service

  • Resource Management - Data Factory

  • Resource Management - Event Hubs

  • Resource Management - NetApp Files

  • Resource Management - Qumulo

  • Storage - Blobs

  • Storage - Files Data Lake

  • Storage - Files Share

  • Storage - Queues

Patch Updates (5)

  • App Configuration

  • Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry

  • Metrics Advisor

  • Resource Management - App Service

  • Web PubSub

Beta Packages (13)

  • AI Model Inference

  • App Configuration Provider

  • Document Intelligence

  • Maps Render

  • Maps Search

  • OpenTelemetry Exporter

  • Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI

  • Resource Management - HDInsight

  • Resource Management - HDInsight Containers

  • Resource Management - Healthdataaiservices

  • Resource Management - Mysqlflexibleservers

  • Resource Management - Postgresqlflexibleservers

  • Resource Management - SQL

Release highlights

AI Model Inference 1.0.0b4 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Classes ChatCompletionsToolSelectionPreset, ChatCompletionsNamedToolSelection and ChatCompletionsFunctionToolSelection renamed to ChatCompletionsToolChoicePreset ChatCompletionsNamedToolChoice and ChatCompletionsNamedToolChoiceFunction respectively.
  • Update the object type of embeddings property on EmbeddingsResult, from embedding: List[float] to embedding: Union[str, List[float]].
  • Instead of base class ChatCompletionsToolCall and derived class ChatCompletionsFunctionToolCall, we now have a flat representation of only one class ChatCompletionsToolCall that that represents a function tool. This is because the only support tool is a function call.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix setting of chat completions response format, to allow response in JSON format. See classes ChatCompletionsResponseFormat (base class) and derived classes ChatCompletionsResponseFormatJSON and ChatCompletionsResponseFormatText.

Features Added

  • Support chat completion streaming response with function arguments (tool calls). Add new classes StreamingChatResponseMessageUpdate and StreamingChatResponseToolCallUpdate.
  • Support text embeddings result in base64 encoded string format.
  • Nicely formated print of chat completions and embeddings result objects.

App Configuration 1.7.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added operation list_labels() for listing configuration setting labels.
  • Supported filtering by configuration setting tags in list_configuration_settings() and list_revisions().
  • Added a new property tags to ConfigurationSettingsFilter to support filtering settings with tags filter for snapshot.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the feature_id of FeatureFlagConfigurationSetting will be different from id customer field, and may overwrite the original customer-defined value if different from the FeatureFlagConfigurationSetting key suffix.

App Configuration 1.7.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug in serializing/deserializing tags filter in ConfigurationSnapshot.

App Configuration Provider 1.3.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for auto failover between replicas.
  • Added support for auto discovery of replicas.

App Configuration Provider 2.0.0b1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for feature flag telemetry.

Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry 1.6.2 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Update OTel sdk and instrumentations to fix fastapi bug (#37206)

Core - Client - Core 1.31.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added azure.core.AzureClouds enum to represent the different Azure clouds.
  • Added two new credential protocol classes, SupportsTokenInfo and AsyncSupportsTokenInfo, to offer more extensibility in supporting various token acquisition scenarios. #36565
  • Each new protocol class defines a get_token_info method that returns an AccessTokenInfo object.
  • Added a new TokenRequestOptions class, which is a TypedDict with optional parameters, that can be used to define options for token requests through the get_token_info method. #36565
  • Added a new AccessTokenInfo class, which is returned by get_token_info implementations. This class contains the token, its expiration time, and optional additional information like when a token should be refreshed. #36565
  • BearerTokenCredentialPolicy and AsyncBearerTokenCredentialPolicy now first check if a credential has the get_token_info method defined. If so, the get_token_info method is used to acquire a token. Otherwise, the get_token method is used. #36565
  • These policies now also check the refresh_on attribute when determining if a new token request should be made.

Document Intelligence 1.0.0b4 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Removed support for extracting lists from analyzed documents:
  • Removed models DocumentList and DocumentListItem.
  • Removed property lists from model AnalyzeResult.
  • Changes to the Compose Document API:
  • Removed model ComponentDocumentModelDetails.
  • Removed property component_models from model ComposeDocumentModelRequest.
  • ComposeDocumentModelRequest now requires a dictionary of DocumentTypeDetails instances and a classifier ID to be constructed.
  • Removed model QuotaDetails.
  • Removed property custom_neural_document_model_builds from model ResourceDetails.
  • Changed the required property field_schema from DocumentTypeDetails to be optional.

Features Added

  • Added support for the Analyze Batch Documents API:
  • Added LRO operation begin_analyze_batch_documents() to DocumentIntelligenceClient.
  • Added models AnalyzeBatchDocumentsRequest, AnalyzeBatchResult and AnalyzeBatchOperationDetail.
  • Added support for different kinds of output in the Analyze Document API:
  • Added operations get_analyze_result_figure() and get_analyze_result_pdf() to DocumentIntelligenceClient.
  • Added optional kwarg output to LRO operation begin_analyze_document() overloads in DocumentIntelligenceClient.
  • Added enum AnalyzeOutputOption to specify output kind, either pdf or figures.
  • Added property id to model DocumentFigure.
  • Added support for the Copy Classifier API:
  • Added operations authorize_classifier_copy() and begin_copy_classifier_to() to DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient.
  • Added models AuthorizeClassifierCopyRequest and ClassifierCopyAuthorization.
  • Added optional kwarg pages to LRO operation begin_classify_document() overloads in DocumentIntelligenceClient.
  • Added new kind GENERATIVE to enum DocumentBuildMode.
  • Added property warnings to model AnalyzeResult.
  • Added properties classifier_id, split, and training_hours to model DocumentModelDetails.
  • Added properties model_id, confidence_threshold, features, query_fields and max_documents_to_analyze to model DocumentTypeDetails.
  • Added property allow_overwrite to model BuildDocumentClassifierRequest.
  • Added properties allow_overwrite and max_training_hours to model BuildDocumentModelRequest.
  • Added properties classifier_id, split and doc_types to model ComposeDocumentModelRequest.
  • Added support for getting operation_id via details property in the new return types AnalyzeDocumentLROPoller and AsyncAnalyzeDocumentLROPoller in operation begin_analyze_document().

Health Insights Radiology Insights 1.0.0 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Unique ID required to be added in the request parameters
  • models.PatientInfo renamed into models.PatientDetails
  • models.Encounter renamed into models.PatientEncounter
  • models.RadiologyInsightsResult renamed into models.RadiologyInsightsJob
  • PatientDocument.created_date_time renamed into PatientDocument.created_at
  • FollowupCommunication.datetime renamed into FollowupCommunication.communicated_at
  • FollowupRecommendation.effective_date_time renamed into FollowupRecommendation.effective_at

Machine Learning 1.19.0 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Workspace update no longer broken for older workspaces due to deprecated tags.
  • Support credential-less fileshare datastore

Machine Learning 1.20.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • When a workspace is created with managed_network enabled or has public_network_access set to disabled, the resources created with the workspace (Key Vault, Storage Account) will be set to have restricted network access settings. This is only applicable when the user does not specify existing resources.
  • Added support of fqdns property for managed network PrivateEndpointDestination outbound rule objects. Enabling the support of Application Gateway as a Private Endpoint target in the workspace managed network.
  • Added support of address_prefixes property for managed network ServiceTagDestination outbound rule objects.
  • Removed experimental tag from managed_network which is a GA feature.

Maps Render 2.0.0b1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Support Render API 2024-04-01

Maps Search 2.0.0b1 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Removed Methods
  • Removed the fuzzy_search method.
  • Removed the search_point_of_interest method.
  • Removed the search_address method.
  • Removed the search_nearby_point_of_interest method.
  • Removed the search_point_of_interest_category method.
  • Removed the search_structured_address method.
  • Removed the get_geometries method.
  • Removed the get_point_of_interest_categories method.
  • Removed the reverse_search_address method.
  • Removed the reverse_search_cross_street_address method.
  • Removed the search_inside_geometry method.
  • Removed the search_along_route method.
  • Removed the fuzzy_search_batch method.
  • Removed the search_address_batch method.

Metrics Advisor 1.0.1 Changelog

Other Changes

  • This package is no longer being maintained, as the service has been retired. There is no replacement package for this package.

OpenTelemetry Exporter 1.0.0b29 Changelog

Features Added

  • Allow passing in of custom TracerProvider for AzureMonitorTraceExporter (#36363)
  • Support AAD Auth for live metrics (#37258)

Resource Management - App Service 7.3.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI 8.0.0b4 Changelog

Resource Management - Billing 7.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Compute 33.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Container Service 32.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Data Factory 9.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Event Hubs 11.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - HDInsight 9.0.0b3 Changelog

Resource Management - HDInsight 9.1.0b1 Changelog

Resource Management - HDInsight Containers 1.0.0b3 Changelog

Resource Management - Healthdataaiservices 1.0.0b1 Changelog

Resource Management - Mysqlflexibleservers 1.0.0b1 Changelog

Resource Management - NetApp Files 13.2.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Postgresqlflexibleservers 1.0.0b1 Changelog

Resource Management - Qumulo 2.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - SQL 4.0.0b19 Changelog

Storage - Blobs 12.23.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Stable release of features from 12.23.0b1

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with batch APIs when using Azurite.

Storage - Files Data Lake 12.17.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Stable release of features from 12.17.0b1

Storage - Files Share 12.18.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Stable release of features from 12.18.0b1

Storage - Queues 12.12.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Stable release of features from 12.12.0b1

Web PubSub 1.2.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix endpoint parsing issues

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of Python packages here.

Installation Instructions

To install the latest beta version of the packages, copy and paste the following commands into a terminal:

$> pip install azure-ai-documentintelligence==1.0.0b4
$> pip install azure-ai-inference==1.0.0b4
$> pip install azure-ai-metricsadvisor==1.0.1
$> pip install azure-ai-ml==1.19.0
$> pip install azure-ai-ml==1.20.0
$> pip install azure-appconfiguration==1.7.0
$> pip install azure-appconfiguration==1.7.1
$> pip install azure-appconfiguration-provider==1.3.0
$> pip install azure-appconfiguration-provider==2.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-core==1.31.0
$> pip install azure-healthinsights-radiologyinsights==1.0.0
$> pip install azure-maps-render==2.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-maps-search==2.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-messaging-webpubsubservice==1.2.1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-azurestackhci==8.0.0b4
$> pip install azure-mgmt-billing==7.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-compute==33.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-containerservice==32.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-datafactory==9.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-eventhub==11.1.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-hdinsight==9.0.0b3
$> pip install azure-mgmt-hdinsight==9.1.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-hdinsightcontainers==1.0.0b3
$> pip install azure-mgmt-healthdataaiservices==1.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-mysqlflexibleservers==1.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-netapp==13.2.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-postgresqlflexibleservers==1.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-qumulo==2.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-sql==4.0.0b19
$> pip install azure-mgmt-web==7.3.1
$> pip install azure-monitor-opentelemetry==1.6.2
$> pip install azure-monitor-opentelemetry-exporter==1.0.0b29
$> pip install azure-storage-blob==12.23.0
$> pip install azure-storage-file-datalake==12.17.0
$> pip install azure-storage-file-share==12.18.0
$> pip install azure-storage-queue==12.12.0


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue to GitHub.