The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our September 2024 client library releases.

35 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (15)

  • Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry

  • Core - Client - Auth

  • Core - Client - Core Rest Pipeline

  • Core - Client - Core Utils

  • Core - Client - LRO

  • Event Grid

  • Health Insights Radiology Insights

  • Resource Management - Billing

  • Resource Management - Compute

  • Resource Management - Data Factory

  • Resource Management - Event Hubs

  • Resource Management - Machine Learning

  • Resource Management - NetApp Files

  • Schema Registry

  • Schema Registry - JSON

Patch Updates (4)

  • Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry

  • Cosmos DB

  • Web PubSub

  • unknown

Beta Packages (14)

  • Communication Call Automation

  • Document Intelligence

  • Event Grid System Events

  • Identity

  • OpenAI

  • OpenAI Assistants

  • OpenTelemetry Exporter

  • OpenTelemetry Instrumentation

  • Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI

  • Resource Management - Container Service

  • Resource Management - HDInsight

  • Resource Management - HDInsight Containers

  • Resource Management - Healthdataaiservices

  • unknown

Release highlights

Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry 1.7.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Add support for Azure Functions v4 types.

Bugs Fixed

  • Live Metrics instrumentation key should be set when env var is used to set the connection string.
  • Fix high cardinality issue with dependency stanadard metrics.
  • Fix credential issue with Quickpulse sender.
  • Fix default for Azure log level.

Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry 1.7.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Live Metrics: Do not send documents from past time intervals.

Communication Call Automation 1.3.0-beta.2 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Group call now support the audio streaming

Core - Client - Auth 1.8.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • AccessToken now has an optional refreshAfterTimestamp attribute that can be used to specify when the token should be refreshed. #30402

Core - Client - Core Rest Pipeline 1.17.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • The token cycler of BearerTokenCredentialPolicy now checks the refreshAfterTimestamp attribute in the AccessToken when determining if a token request should be made in the shouldRefresh method. #30402
  • Added support for automatic span propagation and HTTP tracing for consumers using Rest Level Clients. #31019

Core - Client - Core Utils 1.10.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added calculateRetryDelay helper that can be used to calculate the next delay interval for exponential delay with jitter. #30572

Core - Client - LRO 3.1.0 Changelog

Features Added

Add the operation-location support in resourceLocationConfig option.

Cosmos DB 4.1.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a issue caused by accessing process without checking its existence in the global scope, it was leading to crashes in non-Node environments.
  • The default value of continueOnError of BulkRequestOptions is now set to true. Pass { continueOnError: false } in bulkOptions to stop executing operations when one fails.

Document Intelligence 1.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for the Analyze Batch Documents API with the long-running operations, /documentModels/{modelId}:analyzeBatch.
  • Added support for method /documentModels/{modelId}/analyzeResults/{resultId}/pdf.
  • Added support for method /documentModels/{modelId}/analyzeResults/{resultId}/figures/{figureId}.
  • Added support for the analysis method to specify other kinds of output through AnalyzeDocumentFromStreamBodyParam#output param : can be pdf and figures.
  • Added property id to Output model.
  • Added support for the Copy Classifier API with method /documentClassifiers:authorizeCopy.
  • Added method /documentClassifiers/{classifierId}:copyTo.
  • Added new enum type to DocumentBuildMode: generative.
  • Added property warnings to AnalyzeResultOutput model.
  • Added properties classifierId, split, and trainingHours to DocumentModelDetailsOutput model.
  • Added properties confidenceThreshold, features, maxDocumentsToAnalyze, modelId, and queryFields to DocumentTypeDetailsOutput model.
  • Added properties allowOverwrite and maxTrainingHours to BuildDocumentModelRequest model.
  • Added parameter pages to ClassifyDocument overloads.
  • Added properties classifierId, docTypes, and split to ComposeDocumentModelRequest.
  • Added property allowOverwrite to BuildDocumentClassifierRequest.
  • Added property getOperationId() method to the pollers.

Event Grid 5.6.0 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • The properties api, blobType, clientRequestId, contentLength, contentOffset, contentType, eTag, identity, requestId, sequencer, storageDiagnostics & url in StorageBlobCreatedEventData have been made optional.
  • The properties api, blobType, clientRequestId, contentLength, contentType,identity, requestId, sequencer, storageDiagnostics & url in StorageBlobTierChangedEventData have been made optional.

Event Grid System Events 1.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Other Changes

  • A new field accessTier is added to the StorageBlobCreatedEventData object.
  • Two new fields accessTier & previousTier are added to the StorageBlobTierChangedEventData object.

Health Insights Radiology Insights 1.0.0 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Client Changes
  • POST call replaced with PUT (this change is taken care of automatically by the SDK)
  • Adding TokenCredential remove KeyCredential
  • Credential through DefaultAzureCredential and Managed Identities

  • Request changes:
  • Renamed ‘createdDateTime’ into ‘createdAt’
  • Patients ‘info’ renamed into Patients ‘details’
  • Unique ID (String) required to be added in the request parameters as a unique job id
  • Renamed ‘RadiologyInsightsResultOutput’ into ‘RadiologyInsightsJobOutput’ with the status being a ‘JobStatusOutput’ in stead of a string
  • Retired ‘RepeatabilityResultOutput’

  • Response changes:
  • for RadiologyInsightsJobOutput
  • Renamed ‘createdDateTime’ into ‘createdAt’
  • Renamed ‘expirationDateTime’ into ‘expiresAt’
  • Renamed ‘lastUpdateDateTime’ into ‘updatedAt’

  • for ElementOutput
  • added field ‘kind’ as a string

  • for ContactPointOutput
  • ‘system’ field is now a ‘ContactPointSystemOutput’ and no longer a string
  • ‘use’ field is now a ‘ContactPointUseOutput’ and no longer a string

  • for DomainResourceOutputParent
  • ‘status’ field is now a ‘ObservationStatusCodeTypeOutput’ and no longer a string, limited to 4 options (registered preliminary final amended)
  • for ConditionOutput
  • ‘status’ field is now a ‘ResearchStudyStatusCodeTypeOutput’ and no longer a string

  • for FollowupRecommendationInferenceOutput
  • Renamed ‘effectiveDateTime’ field into ‘effectiveAt’

  • for RecommendationFindingOutput
  • ‘recommendationFindingStatus’ field is now a RecommendationFindingStatusTypeOutput and no longer a string
  • ‘extension’ field added

  • for ProcedureRecommendationOutputParent
  • ‘extension’ field added

  • for FollowupCommunication
  • Renamed ‘dateTime’ field into ‘communicatedAt’
  • ‘recipient’ field is now a ‘MedicalProfessionalTypeOutput’ and no longer a string[]

Features Added

  • Added sample code for all Inference types
  • Added tests for all Inference types
  • Rename param endpoint to endpointParam
  • Rename const baseUrl to endpointUrl

Identity 4.5.0-beta.2 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect error message was returned when the service responds with a 400 status code. #30532
  • Improved error messages for credential parameter validation. #30610

Features Added

  • Added support in EnvironmentCredential and DefaultAzureCredential for AZURE_CLIENT_SEND_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN environment variable to configure subject name / issuer authentication. #30570
  • Added support for AsSecureString in AzurePowerShellCredential. #30720

OpenAI 2.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Add @azure-rest/core-client as a dependency so TypeScript users don’t have to import it manually in their code.

Features Added

  • Adds CompletionChoice interface with content filter result.
  • Updates the license property to be optional in ContentFilterCitedDetectionResultOutput.
  • Updates custom_blocklists type in ContentFilterResultsForChoiceOutput to ContentFilterDetailedResults.

OpenAI 1.0.0-beta.13 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Deprecation notice: The Azure OpenAI client library for JavaScript beta will be retired on January 14th, 2025. Please migrate to the stable OpenAI SDK for JavaScript using the migration guide before that date.

OpenAI Assistants 1.0.0-beta.6 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Deprecation notice: The Azure OpenAI Assistants client library for JavaScript beta will be retired on January 14th, 2025. Please migrate to the stable OpenAI SDK for JavaScript using the migration guide before that date.

OpenTelemetry Exporter 1.0.0-beta.25 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Update value used to send sample rate to ingestion.
  • Update to the latest OpenTelemetry dependencies.

OpenTelemetry Exporter 1.0.0-beta.26 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Enforce property length limits on telemetry using truncation.
  • Updated OTel dependencies.

OpenTelemetry Instrumentation 1.0.0-beta.6 Changelog

Other Changes

Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI 4.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Resource Management - Billing 5.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Compute 22.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Container Service 21.1.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Data Factory 17.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Event Hubs 5.2.0 Changelog

Resource Management - HDInsight 1.3.0-beta.2 Changelog

Resource Management - HDInsight Containers 1.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Resource Management - Healthdataaiservices 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Machine Learning 3.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - NetApp Files 21.2.0 Changelog

Schema Registry 1.3.0 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Return content type string in the format field for Schema when calling getSchema with unsupported schema format.

Schema Registry - JSON 1.0.0 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Update JsonSerializer class name to JsonSchemaSerializer

Web PubSub 1.1.3 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added a messageTtlSeconds option to serviceClient.sendToAll, serviceClient.sendToUser, serviceClient.sendToConnection and groupClient.sendToAll. This option defines the expiration time for a message. Messages that are not consumed by the client within the specified TTL will be dropped by the service. This parameter helps when the client’s bandwidth is limited.
  • Added method serviceClient.addConnectionsToGroups to add connections to multiple groups. Target connections are specified by a filter string.
  • Added method serviceClient.removeConnectionsFromGroups to remove connections from multiple groups. Target connections are specified by a filter string.
  • Added a clientProtocol option to GenerateClientTokenOptions to specify the type of client protocol when generating token. This option can be used to generate token and client connection URL for a specific client protocol type, such as Default or MQTT.
  • Update API version to 2024-01-01

unknown 2.1.3 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixes a bug when running in NodeJS where we attempt to close the underlying socket despite it being set to null when the stream has been consumed [BUG #30414].

unknown 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • This is the initial beta release for the Azure Batch SDK, which is a common API supporting Azure Batch services.

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of JavaScript packages here.

Installation Instructions

To install the packages, copy and paste the below into a terminal.

$> npm install @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence@1.0.0-beta.3
$> npm install @azure-rest/batch@1.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure-rest/health-insights-radiologyinsights@1.0.0
$> npm install @azure/arm-azurestackhci@4.0.0-beta.2
$> npm install @azure/arm-billing@5.0.0
$> npm install @azure/arm-compute@22.1.0
$> npm install @azure/arm-containerservice@21.1.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-datafactory@17.0.0
$> npm install @azure/arm-eventhub@5.2.0
$> npm install @azure/arm-hdinsight@1.3.0-beta.2
$> npm install @azure/arm-hdinsightcontainers@1.0.0-beta.3
$> npm install @azure/arm-healthdataaiservices@1.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-machinelearning@3.0.0
$> npm install @azure/arm-netapp@21.2.0
$> npm install @azure/communication-call-automation@1.3.0-beta.2
$> npm install @azure/core-auth@1.8.0
$> npm install @azure/core-lro@3.1.0
$> npm install @azure/core-rest-pipeline@1.17.0
$> npm install @azure/core-sse@2.1.3
$> npm install @azure/core-util@1.10.0
$> npm install @azure/cosmos@4.1.1
$> npm install @azure/eventgrid@5.6.0
$> npm install @azure/eventgrid-system-events@1.0.0-beta.3
$> npm install @azure/identity@4.5.0-beta.2
$> npm install @azure/monitor-opentelemetry@1.7.0
$> npm install @azure/monitor-opentelemetry@1.7.1
$> npm install @azure/monitor-opentelemetry-exporter@1.0.0-beta.25
$> npm install @azure/monitor-opentelemetry-exporter@1.0.0-beta.26
$> npm install @azure/openai@2.0.0-beta.2
$> npm install @azure/openai@1.0.0-beta.13
$> npm install @azure/openai-assistants@1.0.0-beta.6
$> npm install @azure/opentelemetry-instrumentation-azure-sdk@1.0.0-beta.6
$> npm install @azure/schema-registry@1.3.0
$> npm install @azure/schema-registry-json@1.0.0
$> npm install @azure/web-pubsub@1.1.3


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue at the azure-sdk-for-js repository