The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our September 2024 client library releases.

33 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (12)

  • Event Grid

  • Health Insights Radiology Insights

  • Microsoft.Azure.WebPubSub.Common

  • Monitor Query

  • Resource Management - App Compliance Automation

  • Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI

  • Resource Management - Compute

  • Resource Management - Connected VMware vSphere

  • Resource Management - Data Factory

  • Resource Management - NetApp Files

  • Resource Management - Resource Manager

  • WebJobs Extensions - Web PubSub

Patch Updates (4)

  • Azure client library integration for ASP.NET Core

  • Event Hubs - Event Processor

  • Key Encryptor for .NET Data Protection

  • Secrets Configuration Provider for .NET

Beta Packages (13)

  • Document Intelligence

  • Maps Render

  • Maps Route

  • Maps Search

  • OpenAI Inference

  • Resource Management - Computefleet

  • Resource Management - Devopsinfrastructure

  • Resource Management - Fabric

  • Resource Management - Healthdataaiservices

  • Resource Management - Mongocluster

  • Resource Management - Monitor

  • System.ClientModel

  • unknown

Release highlights

Azure client library integration for ASP.NET Core 1.7.5 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Updated dependency Azure.Core to version 1.42.0.

Document Intelligence 1.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Calling Operation.Id in an operation returned from the Analyze Document API won’t throw a NotSupportedException anymore. Using the operation ID to retrieve operations started previously is still not supported.

Breaking Changes

  • DocumentIntelligenceClient and DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient now target service API version 2024-07-31-preview. Support for 2024-02-29-preview has been removed.
  • Removed support for extracting lists from analyzed documents:
  • Removed types DocumentList and DocumentListItem.
  • Removed property Lists from AnalyzeResult.
  • Changes to the Compose Document API:
  • Removed class ComponentDocumentModelDetails, originally used as part of the input of the API.
  • Removed property ComponentModels from ComposeDocumentModelContent.
  • ComposeDocumentModelContent now needs a dictionary of DocumentTypeDetails instances and a classifier ID to be constructed.
  • Removed type QuotaDetails.
  • Removed property CustomNeuralDocumentModelBuilds from ResourceDetails.
  • Updated class DocumentIntelligenceModelFactory to reflect model changes.

Features Added

  • Added support for the Analyze Batch Documents API:
  • Added method AnalyzeBatchDocuments to DocumentIntelligenceClient.
  • Added class AnalyzeBatchDocumentsContent to be used as the main input of the API.
  • Added class AnalyzeBatchResult to be used as the main output of the API.
  • Added class AnalyzeBatchOperationDetail to be used as part of the output of the API.
  • Added support for different kinds of output in the Analyze Document API:
  • Added method GetAnalyzeResultPdf to DocumentIntelligenceClient.
  • Added method GetAnalyzeResultFigures to DocumentIntelligenceClient.
  • Added type AnalyzeOutputOption to specify other kinds of output: either Pdf and Figures.
  • Added parameter output to AnalyzeDocument overloads in DocumentIntelligenceClient.
  • Added property Id to DocumentFigure.
  • Added support for the Copy Classifier API:
  • Added method AuthorizeClassifierCopy to DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient.
  • Added method CopyClassifierTo to DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient.
  • Added class AuthorizeClassifierCopyContent to be used as the input of the AuthorizeClassifierCopy API.
  • Added class ClassifierCopyAuthorization to be use das the output of the AuthorizeClassifierCopy API.
  • Added class DocumentClassifierCopyToOperationDetails to represent a Copy Classifier operation in calls to the GetOperation API.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Added new kind of DocumentBuildMode: Generative.
  • Added property Warnings to AnalyzeResult.
  • Added properties ClassifierId, Split, and TrainingHours to DocumentModelDetails.
  • Added properties ConfidenceThreshold, Features, MaxDocumentsToAnalyze, ModelId, and QueryFields to DocumentTypeDetails.
  • Added properties AllowOverwrite and MaxTrainingHours to BuildDocumentModelContent.
  • Exposed the constructor of DocumentTypeDetails and made its properties settable to support new changes to the Compose Document API.
  • Exposed the constructor of DocumentFieldSchema and made its properties settable to support new changes to the Compose Document API.
  • Added parameter pages to ClassifyDocument overloads in DocumentIntelligenceClient.
  • Added properties ClassifierId, DocTypes, and Split to ComposeDocumentModelContent.
  • Added property AllowOverwrite to BuildDocumentClassifierContent.

Event Grid 4.25.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added AccessTier and PreviousTier properties to StorageBlobTierChangedEventData system event.
  • Added AccessTier to StorageBlobCreatedEventData system event.

Event Hubs - Event Processor 5.11.5 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Bump Azure.Core.Amqp dependency to 1.3.1, which includes a fix to serialization of binary application properties.

Health Insights Radiology Insights 1.0.0 Changelog

  • Initial preview of the Azure.Health.Insights.RadiologyInsights client library.

Key Encryptor for .NET Data Protection 1.2.4 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Updated reference to Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys v4.6.0 to mitigate a reported SSRF vulnerability.

Maps Render 2.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Support Rendering API 2024-04-01

Maps Route 1.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Support multiple SectionTypes in SectionFilter

Maps Search 2.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Support Search API 2023-06-01

Maps Search 2.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix NPE issue during client creation

Microsoft.Azure.WebPubSub.Common 1.3.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Support MQTT event handlers.
  • Add Content field in WebPubSubClientCertificate to carry over client certificate content.

Monitor Query 1.5.0 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix bug in LogsQueryClient that defaulted to Azure.PublicCloud. Audience is now determined from the endpoint parameter.

OpenAI Inference 2.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Breaking Changes

No Azure-specific breaking changes are present in this update.

The update from OpenAI 2.0.0-beta.7 to 2.0.0-beta.9 does bring a number of breaking changes, however, as described in the OpenAI changelog:

  • Removed client constructors that do not explicitly take an API key parameter or an endpoint via an OpenAIClientOptions parameter, making it clearer how to appropriately instantiate a client. (13a9c68)
  • Removed the endpoint parameter from all client constructors, making it clearer that an alternative endpoint must be specified via the OpenAIClientOptions parameter. (13a9c68)
  • Removed OpenAIClient’s Endpoint protected property. (13a9c68)
  • Made OpenAIClient’s constructor that takes a ClientPipeline parameter protected internal instead of just protected. (13a9c68)
  • Renamed the User property in applicable Options classes to EndUserId, making its purpose clearer. (13a9c68)
  • Changed name of return types from methods returning streaming collections from ResultCollection to CollectionResult. (7bdecfd)
  • Changed return types from methods returning paginated collections from PageableCollection to PageCollection. (7bdecfd)
  • Users must now call GetAllValues on the collection of pages to enumerate collection items directly. Corresponding protocol methods return IEnumerable<ClientResult> where each collection item represents a single service response holding a page of values. (7bdecfd)
  • Updated VectorStoreFileCounts and VectorStoreFileAssociationError types from readonly struct to class. (58f93c8)

Features Added

  • The library now directly supports alternative authentication audiences, including Azure Government. This can be specified by providing an appropriate AzureOpenAIAudience value to the AzureOpenAIClientOptions.Audience property when creating a client. See the client configuration section of the README for more details.

Additional new features from the OpenAI package can be found in the OpenAI changelog.

Please note: Structured Outputs support is not yet available with the 2024-07-01-preview service API version. This means that attempting to use the feature with this library version will fail with an unrecognized property for either response_format or strict in request payloads; all existing functionality is unaffected. Azure OpenAI support for Structured Outputs is coming soon.

Bugs Fixed

  • Removed an inappropriate null check in FileClient.GetFiles() (azure-sdk-for-net 44912)
  • Addressed issues with automatic retry behavior, including for HTTP 429 rate limit errors:
  • Authorization headers are now appropriately reapplied to retried requests
  • Automatic retry behavior will now honor header-based intervals from Retry-After and related response headers
  • The client will now originate an x-ms-client-request-id header to match prior library behavior and facilitate troubleshooting

Additional, non-Azure-specific bug fixes can be found in the OpenAI changelog.

OpenAI Inference 2.0.0-beta.4 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • AudioClient’s GenerateSpeechFromText() method is renamed to GenerateSpeech()
  • OpenAIFileInfo’s SizeInBytes is now of type int? (previously long?)

OpenAI Inference 2.0.0-beta.5 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Corrected an internal deserialization issue that caused recent updates to Assistants file_search to fail when streaming a run. Strongly typed support for ranking_options is not included but will arrive soon. (cc9169a)
  • Mitigated a .NET runtime issue that prevented ChatResponseFormat from serializing correct on targets including Unity. (cc9169a)

Features Added

  • Added the OpenAIChatModelFactory in the OpenAI.Chat namespace (a static class that can be used to instantiate OpenAI models for mocking in non-live test scenarios). (79014ab)

Breaking Changes

  • Updated fine-tuning pagination methods GetJobs, GetEvents, and GetJobCheckpoints to return IEnumerable<ClientResult> instead of ClientResult. (5773292)
  • Updated the batching pagination method GetBatches to return IEnumerable<ClientResult> instead of ClientResult. (5773292)
  • Changed GeneratedSpeechVoice from an enum to an “extensible enum”. (79014ab)
  • Changed GeneratedSpeechFormat from an enum to an “extensible enum”. (cc9169a)
  • Renamed SpeechGenerationOptions’s Speed property to SpeedRatio. (cc9169a)

Resource Management - App Compliance Automation 1.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI 1.2.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Compute 1.6.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Computefleet 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Connected VMware vSphere 1.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Data Factory 1.3.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Devopsinfrastructure 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Fabric 1.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Resource Management - Healthdataaiservices 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Mongocluster 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Monitor 1.4.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - NetApp Files 1.7.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Resource Manager 1.13.0 Changelog

Secrets Configuration Provider for .NET 1.3.2 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Updated reference to Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets v4.6.0 to mitigate a reported SSRF vulnerability.

System.ClientModel 1.1.0-beta.7 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added JsonModelConverter to allow integration with System.Text.Json.

WebJobs Extensions - Web PubSub 1.8.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added MQTT client events support.

unknown 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • The initial beta release of Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.WebPubSubForSocketIO

unknown 1.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Features Added

  • Add UserId parameter in SocketIONegotiate attribute to assign user id to sockets
  • Add userId binding parameter in SocketIOTrigger attribute to get user id of sockets.

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of .NET packages here.

Installation Instructions

To install any of our packages, please search for them via Manage NuGet Packages... in Visual Studio (with Include prerelease checked) or copy these commands into your terminal:

$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence --version 1.0.0-beta.3
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.OpenAI --version 2.0.0-beta.3
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.OpenAI --version 2.0.0-beta.4
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.OpenAI --version 2.0.0-beta.5
$> dotnet add package Azure.Extensions.AspNetCore.Configuration.Secrets --version 1.3.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.Extensions.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Keys --version 1.2.4
$> dotnet add package Azure.Health.Insights.RadiologyInsights --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Maps.Rendering --version 2.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Maps.Routing --version 1.0.0-beta.3
$> dotnet add package Azure.Maps.Search --version 2.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Maps.Search --version 2.0.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventGrid --version 4.25.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor --version 5.11.5
$> dotnet add package Azure.Monitor.Query --version 1.5.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager --version 1.13.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.AppComplianceAutomation --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Compute --version 1.6.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.ComputeFleet --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.ConnectedVMwarevSphere --version 1.1.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.DataFactory --version 1.3.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.DevOpsInfrastructure --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Fabric --version 1.0.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Hci --version 1.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.HealthDataAIServices --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.MongoCluster --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Monitor --version 1.4.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.NetApp --version 1.7.0
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.WebPubSub --version 1.8.0
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.WebPubSubForSocketIO --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.WebPubSubForSocketIO --version 1.0.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebPubSub.Common --version 1.3.0
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Azure --version 1.7.5
$> dotnet add package System.ClientModel --version 1.1.0-beta.7


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please file an issue in our repo.