The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our August 2024 client library releases.

10 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (1)

  • Identity

Beta Packages (8)

  • Core

  • Key Vault - Administration

  • Storage - Blobs

  • Storage - Common

  • Storage - Files Data Lake

  • Storage - Files Share

  • Storage - Queues

  • Tables

Release highlights

Core 1.14.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added new constructor for Azure::Core::Context that takes a std::chrono::system_clock::time_point deadline. This enables creating a new context directly with a deadline.

Breaking Changes

  • Deprecated the Azure::Core::Context::ApplicationContext object.
  • If customer code is using Azure::Core::Context::ApplicationContext, the customer should instead create their own root context object which is used wherever the customer would have previously used Azure::Core::Context::ApplicationContext, i.e. Azure::Core::Context(deadline) instead of Azure::Core::Context::ApplicationContext.WithDeadline(deadline).

Identity 1.9.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added AzurePipelinesCredential for authenticating an Azure Pipelines service connection with workload identity federation.
  • Added ClientAssertionCredential to enable applications to authenticate with custom client assertions.

Key Vault - Administration 4.0.0-beta.5 Changelog

Features Added

  • Add support for Backup/Restore operations for Key Vault HSM.

Storage - Blobs 12.13.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added ability to retrieve SAS string to sign for debugging purposes.

Storage - Common 12.8.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Bumped up Account SAS version to 2024-11-04.
  • Added ability to retrieve SAS string to sign for debugging purposes.

Storage - Files Data Lake 12.12.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added ability to retrieve SAS string to sign for debugging purposes.

Storage - Files Share 12.11.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Bumped up API version to 2024-11-04.
  • Added support for token-based authentication for all APIs.
  • Added support for paid bursting on premium file share accounts.
  • Added support for binary format for file permissions.
  • Added ability to retrieve SAS string to sign for debugging purposes.

Storage - Queues 12.4.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added ability to retrieve SAS string to sign for debugging purposes.

Tables 1.0.0-beta.4 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • [#5781] Fixed exception when deserializing numeric values from JSON. (A community contribution, courtesy of 0xar1)

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of C++ packages here.

Installation Instructions

To install any of our packages, copy and paste the following commands into a terminal:

# From Source
git clone
# git checkout <tag_name>
# For example:
git checkout azure-storage-blobs_12.0.0


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue to GitHub.