The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our July 2024 client library releases.

27 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (12)

  • Identity

  • Machine Learning

  • Resource Management - App Compliance Automation

  • Resource Management - App Platform

  • Resource Management - App Service

  • Resource Management - Image Builder

  • Resource Management - Informatica Data Management

  • Resource Management - Mobile Network

  • Resource Management - Oracle Database

  • Resource Management - Scvmm

  • Resource Management - Storage

  • Resource Management - Storage Mover

Patch Updates (6)

  • Identity

  • Machine Learning

  • Resource Management - Cosmos DB

  • Resource Management - Key Vault

  • Resource Management - Storage

  • Text Translation

Beta Packages (9)

  • AI Model Inference

  • Identity

  • OpenTelemetry Exporter

  • Resource Management - Azure VMware Solution

  • Resource Management - Edgezones

  • Resource Management - Mongocluster

  • Resource Management - Oracle Database

  • Resource Management - Redis Enterprise

  • Resource Management - SQL

Release highlights

AI Model Inference 1.0.0b2 Changelog

Breaking Changes

The field input_tokens was removed from class EmbeddingsUsage, as this was never defined in the REST API and the service never returned this value.

Features Added

Add model as an optional input argument to the complete method of ChatCompletionsClient.

Identity 1.17.0 Changelog

Breaking Changes

These changes do not impact the API of stable versions such as 1.16.0. Only code written against a beta version such as 1.17.0b1 is affected.

  • AzurePipelinesCredential now has a required keyword argument system_access_token. (#35858)

Bugs Fixed

  • Allow credential chains to continue when an IMDS probe request returns a non-JSON response in ManagedIdentityCredential. (#36016)

Identity 1.17.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Continue to attempt requesting token if the probing request receives non-json response. (#36184)

Identity 1.18.0b1 Changelog

  • Fixed the issue that SharedTokenCacheCredential was not picklable.

Other Changes

  • The synchronous ManagedIdentityCredential was updated to use MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) for handling most of the underlying managed identity implementations.

Machine Learning 1.17.0 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Issues with workspace connections fixed.

Machine Learning 1.17.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Workspace Create operation works without an application insights being provided, and creates a default appIn resource for normal workspaces in that case.
  • Project create operations works in general.

OpenTelemetry Exporter 1.0.0b27 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Default missing/invalid status codes to “0” for standard metrics/trace payloads, change success criteria to False for those invalid cases, change success criteria to status_code < 400 for both client and server standard metrics (#36079)

Features Added

  • Implement redirect for live metrics (#35910)

Resource Management - App Compliance Automation 1.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - App Platform 9.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - App Service 7.3.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Azure VMware Solution 9.0.0b1 Changelog

Resource Management - Cosmos DB 9.5.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Edgezones 1.0.0b1 Changelog

Resource Management - Image Builder 1.4.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Informatica Data Management 1.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Key Vault 10.3.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Mobile Network 3.3.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Mongocluster 1.0.0b1 Changelog

Resource Management - Oracle Database 1.0.0b2 Changelog

Resource Management - Oracle Database 1.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Redis Enterprise 3.1.0b1 Changelog

Resource Management - SQL 4.0.0b18 Changelog

Resource Management - Scvmm 1.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Storage 21.2.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Storage 21.2.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Storage Mover 2.1.0 Changelog

Text Translation 1.0.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Entra Id authentication couldn’t be used with custom endpoint.

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of Python packages here.

Installation Instructions

To install the latest beta version of the packages, copy and paste the following commands into a terminal:

$> pip install azure-ai-inference==1.0.0b2
$> pip install azure-ai-ml==1.17.0
$> pip install azure-ai-ml==1.17.1
$> pip install azure-ai-translation-text==1.0.1
$> pip install azure-identity==1.17.0
$> pip install azure-identity==1.17.1
$> pip install azure-identity==1.18.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-appcomplianceautomation==1.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-appplatform==9.1.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-avs==9.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-cosmosdb==9.5.1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-edgezones==1.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-imagebuilder==1.4.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-informaticadatamanagement==1.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-keyvault==10.3.1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-mobilenetwork==3.3.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-mongocluster==1.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-oracledatabase==1.0.0b2
$> pip install azure-mgmt-oracledatabase==1.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-redisenterprise==3.1.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-scvmm==1.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-sql==4.0.0b18
$> pip install azure-mgmt-storage==21.2.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-storage==21.2.1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-storagemover==2.1.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-web==7.3.0
$> pip install azure-monitor-opentelemetry-exporter==1.0.0b27


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue to GitHub.