The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our June 2024 client library releases.

65 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (17)

  • Core - Client - Core

  • Event Grid Namespaces

  • Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.AuthenticationEvents

  • Monitor Query

  • OpenTelemetry AspNetCore

  • OpenTelemetry Exporter

  • Resource Management - Data Factory

  • Resource Management - Event Hubs

  • Resource Management - Storage Cache

  • Storage - Blobs

  • Storage - Blobs Batch

  • Storage - Common

  • Storage - Files Data Lake

  • Storage - Files Share

  • Storage - Queues

  • Text Translation

  • WebJobs Extensions - Service Bus

Patch Updates (7)

  • Azure client library integration for ASP.NET Core

  • Event Hubs

  • Event Hubs - Event Processor

  • Functions extension for Azure Tables

  • Identity

  • WebJobs Extensions - Event Hubs

  • WebJobs Extensions - Service Bus

Beta Packages (40)

  • Event Hubs

  • Event Hubs - Event Processor

  • Face

  • Identity

  • OpenAI Inference

  • OpenTelemetry AspNetCore

  • OpenTelemetry Exporter

  • Programmable Connectivity

  • Provisioning

  • Provisioning - App Configuration

  • Provisioning - Cognitive Services

  • Provisioning - CosmosDB

  • Provisioning - Event Hubs

  • Provisioning - Key Vault

  • Provisioning - Operational Insights

  • Provisioning - PostgreSQL

  • Provisioning - Redis

  • Provisioning - Resources

  • Provisioning - SQL

  • Provisioning - Search

  • Provisioning - Service Bus

  • Provisioning - SignalR

  • Provisioning - Storage

  • Provisioning - Webpubsub

  • Resource Management - Azure AI Search

  • Resource Management - DNS

  • Resource Management - Event Grid

  • Resource Management - Hybrid Compute

  • Resource Management - Nginx

  • Resource Management - Notification Hubs

  • Resource Management - Storageactions

  • Storage - Blobs

  • Storage - Blobs Batch

  • Storage - Blobs ChangeFeed

  • Storage - Common

  • Storage - Files Data Lake

  • Storage - Files Share

  • Storage - Queues

  • Synapse - Artifacts

  • System.ClientModel

Release highlights

Azure client library integration for ASP.NET Core 1.7.4 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Updated dependency Azure.Identity to version 1.11.4.

Core - Client - Core 1.40.0 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed User-Agent telemetry so that it properly escapes operating system information if it contains non-ascii characters (#44386).
  • Fixed case where Operation.Id was not being set for incomplete long-running operations (#44098).

Features Added

  • Added RefreshOn property to AccessToken and updated BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy to refresh long-lived credentials according to this value (#43836).

Event Grid Namespaces 1.0.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Initial GA release of Azure.Messaging.EventGrid.Namespaces.

Event Hubs 5.11.3 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an error that caused connection strings using host names without a scheme to fail parsing and be considered invalid.

Event Hubs 5.12.0-beta.1 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Major

The type of offset-related data has been changed from long to string to align with changes to the Event Hubs service API. The default value for any offset-related data has been changed from long.MinValue to null.

Impacted properties:

  • EventData.Offset
  • LastEnqueuedEventProperties.Offset
  • PartitionProperties.LastEnqueuedOffset
  • CheckpointPosition.Offset

Impacted methods:

  • EventPosition.FromOffset
  • EventHubsModelFactory.EventData
  • CheckpointStore.UpdateCheckpointAsync (deprecated overload)
  • EventProcessor<T>.UpdateCheckpointAsync (deprecated overload)

Features Added

  • Preview support for the Event Hubs geographic data replication feature has been enabled. Checking for whether or not this feature is enabled for your namespace can be done by querying for Event Hub properties using EventHubProducerClient or EventHubConsumerClient and referencing the the IsGeoReplicationEnabled property of the result.

Event Hubs - Event Processor 5.11.3 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an error that caused connection strings using host names without a scheme to fail parsing and be considered invalid.

Event Hubs - Event Processor 5.12.0-beta.1 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Major

The type of offset-related data has been changed from long to string to align with changes to the Event Hubs service API. The default value for any offset-related data has been changed from long.MinValue to null.

Impacted properties:

  • EventData.Offset
  • CheckpointPosition.Offset
  • LastEnqueuedEventProperties.Offset
  • PartitionProperties.LastEnqueuedOffset

Impacted methods:

  • CheckpointPosition constructor
  • EventPosition.FromOffset
  • EventHubsModelFactory.EventData
  • BlobCheckpointStore.UpdateCheckpointAsync (deprecated overload)
  • EventProcessorClient.UpdateCheckpointAsync (deprecated overload)

Features Added

  • Preview support for the Event Hubs geographic data replication feature has been enabled. Checking for whether or not this feature is enabled for your namespace can be done by querying for Event Hub properties using EventHubProducerClient or EventHubConsumerClient and referencing the the IsGeoReplicationEnabled property of the result.

Face 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for Liveness detection.

Functions extension for Azure Tables 1.3.2 Changelog

Other Changes

  • To mitigate a vulnerability, updating the transitive dependency for Azure.Identity to v1.11.4 via version bump to Microsoft.Extensions.Azure.

Identity 1.11.4 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Managed identity bug fixes

Identity 1.12.0-beta.3 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Bug fixes for AzurePipelinesCredential
  • Managed identity bug fixes.

Features Added

  • OnBehalfOfCredential now supports client assertion callbacks for acquiring tokens on behalf of a user.
  • All credentials now support setting RefreshOn value if received from MSAL.
  • ManagedIdentityCredential sets RefreshOn value of half the token lifetime for AccessTokens with an ExpiresOn value greater than 2 hours in the future.

Breaking Changes

  • The constructor of AzurePipelinesCredential now includes additional required parameters for the Azure Pipelines service connection.

Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.AuthenticationEvents 1.0.0 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Removed ‘–prerelease’ from

Monitor Query 1.4.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Add sovereign cloud support to MetricsClient for US Gov and China clouds

OpenAI Inference 2.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

OpenAI parity: built on the OpenAI .NET library, full parity support is available for the breadth of common features, including:

  • Assistants V2 with streaming
  • Audio transcription/translation and text-to-speech generation
  • (Coming soon) Batch
  • Chat completion
  • Embeddings
  • Files
  • Fine-tuning
  • Image generation with dall-e-3
  • Vector stores

Azure OpenAI: updated to the latest 2024-05-01-preview service API, new features include:

  • Assistants v2 with streaming
  • Improved configuration for On Your Data
  • Expanded Responsible AI content filter annotations

Breaking Changes

Given the nature of this update, breaking changes are extensive. Please see the README and the OpenAI library README for usage details. OpenAI’s library carries forward many of the same design concepts as the Azure.AI.OpenAI library used as a standalone library, but considerable improvements have been made to the surface that will require significant code adjustments.

OpenTelemetry AspNetCore 1.2.0-beta.4 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug in LiveMetrics Document filtering (#43546)

Features Added

  • Added CustomProperties to LiveMetrics Documents (#43600)

OpenTelemetry AspNetCore 1.2.0 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Disabled support for log collection from Azure SDKs. This will be re-enabled in our next Beta while we experiment with options to enable log filtering. (#44479)

  • Disabled trace-based log sampling experimental feature. This will be re-enabled in our next Beta while we experiment with options to enable log filtering. (#44479)

OpenTelemetry Exporter 1.3.0-beta.2 Changelog

Features Added

  • All three signals (Traces, Metrics, and Logs) now support OpenTelemetry’s “service.version” in Resource attributes. This is mapped as Application Version in Application Insights. (#42174)
  • Turned off internal spans and logs in exporter HTTP pipeline (#43359)

Bugs Fixed

  • The success or failure of an incoming HTTP request is now determined by the status code only when the Activity Status is Unset (#43594, based on #41993)

OpenTelemetry Exporter 1.3.0 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Includes all changes from 1.3.0-beta.1 and 1.3.0-beta.2
  • Changed AzureMonitorLogExporter to be internal. This will be changed back to public in our next Beta while we experiment with options to enable log filtering. (#44479)

Programmable Connectivity 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Initial release

Provisioning 0.3.0 Changelog

Provisioning - App Configuration 0.2.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Cognitive Services 0.2.0 Changelog

Provisioning - CosmosDB 0.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Provisioning - Event Hubs 0.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Provisioning - Key Vault 0.2.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Operational Insights 0.2.0 Changelog

Provisioning - PostgreSQL 0.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Provisioning - Redis 0.2.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Resources 0.2.0 Changelog

Provisioning - SQL 0.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Provisioning - Search 0.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Provisioning - Service Bus 0.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Provisioning - SignalR 0.2.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Storage 0.2.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Webpubsub 0.1.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Azure AI Search 1.3.0-beta.3 Changelog

Resource Management - DNS 1.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Data Factory 1.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Event Grid 1.1.0-beta.5 Changelog

Resource Management - Event Hubs 1.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Hybrid Compute 1.0.0-beta.9 Changelog

Resource Management - Nginx 1.1.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Notification Hubs 1.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Storage Cache 1.3.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Storageactions 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Storage - Blobs 12.20.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.20.0-beta.1 and 12.20.0-beta.2.
  • Fixed bug where BlobContainerClient and BlobBaseClient did not throw an exception on empty/null container names and blob names, respectively, when constructing a client.

Storage - Blobs 12.21.0-beta.1 Changelog

  • Added support for service version 2024-08-04.
  • Added BlobContainerClient.GetAccountInfo(), .GetAccountInfoAsync(), BlobBaseClient.GetAccountInfo(), and .GetAccountInfoAsync() APIs.
  • Added more detailed messaging for authorization failure cases.

Storage - Blobs Batch 12.17.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.17.0-beta.1 and 12.17.0-beta.2.

Storage - Blobs Batch 12.18.0-beta.1 Changelog

  • Added support for service version 2024-08-04.

Storage - Blobs ChangeFeed 12.0.0-preview.44 Changelog

  • This release contains bug fixes to improve quality.

Storage - Blobs ChangeFeed 12.0.0-preview.45 Changelog

  • Added support for service version 2024-08-04.

Storage - Common 12.19.0 Changelog

  • This release contains bug fixes to improve quality.

Storage - Common 12.20.0-beta.1 Changelog

  • This release contains bug fixes to improve quality.

Storage - Files Data Lake 12.18.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.18.0-beta.1 and 12.18.0-beta.2.
  • Fixed bug where DataLakeFileSystemClient and DatalakeFileClient did not throw an exception on empty/null filesystem names and file names, respectively, when constructing a client.

Storage - Files Data Lake 12.19.0-beta.1 Changelog

  • Added support for service version 2024-08-04.
  • Added more detailed messaging for authorization failure cases.

Storage - Files Share 12.18.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.18.0-beta.1 and 12.18.0-beta.2.
  • Fixed bug where ShareClient and ShareFileClient did not throw an exception on empty/null share container names and file names, respectively, when constructing a client.

Storage - Files Share 12.19.0-beta.1 Changelog

  • Added support for service version 2024-08-04.
  • Added more detailed messaging for authorization failure cases.
  • Added support for snapshot management on NFS shares.

Storage - Queues 12.18.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.18.0-beta.1 and 12.18.0-beta.2.
  • Fixed bug where QueueClient did not throw an exception on empty/null queue names when constructing a client.

Storage - Queues 12.19.0-beta.1 Changelog

  • Added support for service version 2024-08-04.
  • This package will now respect the QueueClientOptions.ServiceVersion specified by the customer, or default to the latest version.
  • Added more detailed messaging for authorization failure cases.

Synapse - Artifacts 1.0.0-preview.20 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Model LinkedService parameter MariaDBLinkedService update new properties
  • Model LinkedService parameter MySqlLinkedService update new properties
  • Model LinkedService parameter ServiceNowV2LinkedService update properties
  • Model Pipeline parameter ExecuteDataFlowActivity update new properties computeType
  • Model Pipeline parameter ScriptActivityScriptBlock update properties type

Features Added

  • Model Dataset has a new parameter LakeHouseLocation
  • Model Dataset has a new parameter GoogleBigQueryV2ObjectDataset
  • Model Dataset has a new parameter PostgreSqlV2TableDataset
  • Model Dataset has a new parameter SalesforceServiceCloudV2ObjectDataset
  • Model Dataset has a new parameter SalesforceV2ObjectDataset
  • Model Dataset has a new parameter ServiceNowV2ObjectDataset
  • Model Dataset has a new parameter SnowflakeV2Dataset
  • Model Dataset has a new parameter WarehouseTableDataset
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter ExpressionV2
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter GoogleBigQueryV2Source
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter LakeHouseTableSink
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter LakeHouseTableSource
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter LakeHouseWriteSettings
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter LakeHouseReadSettings
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter Metadata
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter MetadataItem
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter ParquetReadSettingsstate
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter PostgreSqlV2Source
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter SalesforceServiceCloudV2Sink
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter SalesforceV2Sink
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter SalesforceV2SourceReadBehavior
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter SalesforceV2Source
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter ServiceNowV2Source
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter SnowflakeV2Sink
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter SnowflakeV2Source
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter WarehouseSink
  • Model Pipeline has a new parameter WarehouseSource
  • Model LinkedService add supports GoogleAds
  • Model LinkedService has a new parameter GoogleBigQueryV2LinkedService
  • Model LinkedService has a new parameter LakeHouseLinkedService
  • Model LinkedService has a new parameter PostgreSqlV2LinkedService
  • Model LinkedService has a new parameter SalesforceServiceCloudV2LinkedService
  • Model LinkedService has a new parameter SalesforceV2LinkedService
  • Model LinkedService has a new parameter SalesforceV2LinkedService
  • Model LinkedService has a new parameter SnowflakeV2LinkedService
  • Model LinkedService has a new parameter WarehouseLinkedService
  • Model LinkedService has a new parameter WarehouseLinkedService

System.ClientModel 1.1.0-beta.4 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added BufferResponse property to RequestOptions so protocol method callers can turn off response buffering if desired.
  • Added AsyncResultCollection<T> and ResultCollection<T> for clients to return from service methods where the service response contains a collection of values.
  • Added AsyncPageableCollection<T>, PageableCollection<T> and ResultPage<T> for clients to return from service methods where collection values are delivered to the client over one or more service responses.
  • Added SetRawResponse method to ClientResult to allow the response held by the result to be changed, for example by derived types that obtain multiple responses from polling the service.

Breaking Changes

  • ClientResult.GetRawResponse will now throw InvalidOperationException if called before the result’s raw response is set, for example by collection result types that delay sending a request to the service until the collection is enumerated.

Text Translation 1.0.0 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Changed the method GetLanguages to GetSupportedLanguages.
  • Changed the name of Score property to Confidence in DetectedLanguage.
  • Changed the name of Dir property to Directionality in Languages models. Changed the type from string to Azure.AI.Translation.Text.LanguageDirectionality.
  • Changed the name of Azure.AI.Translation.Text.Translation to Azure.AI.Translation.Text.TranslationText.
  • Changed the name of SentLen property to SentencesLengths in BreakSentenceItem.
  • Changed type name from SentenceLength to SentenceBoundaries.
  • Changed the name of Proj property to Projections in TranslatedTextAlignment type.

Features Added

  • Introduced model factory Azure.AI.Translation.Text.TextTranslationModelFactory for mocking.
  • Added options overloads to Translate and Transliterate. TextTranslationTranslateOptions and TextTranslationTransliterateOptions roll up method parameters into a single object.
  • Add support for using AAD authentication.

WebJobs Extensions - Event Hubs 6.3.3 Changelog

Other Changes

  • To mitigate a vulnerability, updating the transitive dependency for Azure.Identity to v1.11.4 via version bump to Microsoft.Extensions.Azure.

WebJobs Extensions - Service Bus 5.16.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Adding support for ServiceBusSessionMessageActions and RenewMessageLock use in the isolated worker model.

WebJobs Extensions - Service Bus 5.16.1 Changelog

Other Changes

  • To mitigate a vulnerability, updating the transitive dependency for Azure.Identity to v1.11.4 via version bump to Microsoft.Extensions.Azure.

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of .NET packages here.

Installation Instructions

To install any of our packages, please search for them via Manage NuGet Packages... in Visual Studio (with Include prerelease checked) or copy these commands into your terminal:

$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.OpenAI --version 2.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.Translation.Text --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.Vision.Face --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts --version 1.0.0-preview.20
$> dotnet add package Azure.Communication.ProgrammableConnectivity --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Core --version 1.40.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Identity --version 1.11.4
$> dotnet add package Azure.Identity --version 1.12.0-beta.3
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventGrid.Namespaces --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventHubs --version 5.11.3
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventHubs --version 5.12.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor --version 5.11.3
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor --version 5.12.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Monitor.OpenTelemetry.AspNetCore --version 1.2.0-beta.4
$> dotnet add package Azure.Monitor.OpenTelemetry.AspNetCore --version 1.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Monitor.OpenTelemetry.Exporter --version 1.3.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.Monitor.OpenTelemetry.Exporter --version 1.3.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Monitor.Query --version 1.4.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning --version 0.3.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.AppConfiguration --version 0.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.CognitiveServices --version 0.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.CosmosDB --version 0.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.EventHubs --version 0.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.KeyVault --version 0.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.OperationalInsights --version 0.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.PostgreSql --version 0.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.Redis --version 0.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.Resources --version 0.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.Search --version 0.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.ServiceBus --version 0.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.SignalR --version 0.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.Sql --version 0.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.Storage --version 0.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.WebPubSub --version 0.1.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.DataFactory --version 1.1.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Dns --version 1.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.EventGrid --version 1.1.0-beta.5
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.EventHubs --version 1.1.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.HybridCompute --version 1.0.0-beta.9
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Nginx --version 1.1.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.NotificationHubs --version 1.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Search --version 1.3.0-beta.3
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.StorageActions --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.StorageCache --version 1.3.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs --version 12.20.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs --version 12.21.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs.Batch --version 12.17.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs.Batch --version 12.18.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs.ChangeFeed --version 12.0.0-preview.44
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs.ChangeFeed --version 12.0.0-preview.45
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Common --version 12.19.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Common --version 12.20.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake --version 12.18.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake --version 12.19.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Files.Shares --version 12.18.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Files.Shares --version 12.19.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Queues --version 12.18.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Queues --version 12.19.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.AuthenticationEvents --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventHubs --version 6.3.3
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.ServiceBus --version 5.16.0
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.ServiceBus --version 5.16.1
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Tables --version 1.3.2
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Azure --version 1.7.4
$> dotnet add package System.ClientModel --version 1.1.0-beta.4


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please file an issue in our repo.