The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our June 2022 client library releases.

30 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (15)

  • Cosmos DB

  • Document Translation

  • Event Hubs

  • Resource Management - App Configuration

  • Resource Management - App Platform

  • Resource Management - Application Insights

  • Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI

  • Resource Management - Cognitive Services

  • Resource Management - Compute

  • Resource Management - Confidential Ledger

  • Resource Management - Container Service

  • Resource Management - Data Factory

  • Resource Management - KeyVault

  • Resource Management - Service Linker

  • Service Bus

Patch Updates (1)

  • Core - Client - Core

Beta Packages (12)

  • Certificates

  • Conversation Analysis

  • Event Hubs

  • Form Recognizer

  • Keys

  • Monitor OpenTelemetry Exporter

  • Resource Management - Communication

  • Resource Management - Cosmos DB

  • Resource Management - Service Fabric Managed Clusters

  • Resource Management - Video Analyzer

  • Secrets

  • Text Analytics

Release highlights

Certificates 4.5.0b1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Port numbers are now preserved in the vault_url property of a KeyVaultCertificateIdentifier (#24446)

Conversation Analysis 1.1.0b1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Conversation summarization task (Long-running operation)
  • Conversation PII extraction task (Long-running operation)

Breaking Changes

  • Client now uses python dictionaries for method parameters and results instead of classes.
  • Many input and result parameter name changes in analyze_conversation() method

Core - Client - Core 1.24.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Declare method level span as INTERNAL by default #24492
  • Fixed type hints for azure.core.paging.ItemPaged #24548

Cosmos DB 4.3.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • GA release of Async I/O APIs, including all changes from 4.3.0b1 to 4.3.0b4.

Breaking Changes

  • Method signatures have been updated to use keyword arguments instead of positional arguments for most method options in the async client.
  • Bugfix: Automatic Id generation for items was turned on for upsert_items() method when no ‘id’ value was present in document body. Method call will now require an ‘id’ field to be present in the document body.

Document Translation 1.0.0 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Changed: begin_translation parameter target_language_code has been renamed to target_language.
  • Changed: begin_translation keyword-only argument source_language_code has been renamed to source_language.
  • Changed: DocumentTranslationInput keyword-only argument and property source_language_code has been renamed to source_language.
  • Changed: TranslationTarget keyword-only argument and property language_code has been renamed to language.
  • Changed: TranslationStatus property documents_not_yet_started_count has been renamed to documents_not_started_count.
  • Removed: results_per_page keyword-only argument from list_translation_statuses and list_document_statuses.

Event Hubs 5.8.0a4 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for connection using websocket and http proxy.
  • Added support for custom endpoint connection over websocket.

Event Hubs 5.10.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Includes the following features related to buffered sending of events:
  • A new method send_event to EventHubProducerClient which allows sending single EventData or AmqpAnnotatedMessage.
  • Buffered mode sending to EventHubProducerClient which is intended to allow for efficient publishing of events without having to explicitly manage batches in the application.
  • The constructor of EventHubProducerClient and from_connection_string method takes the following new keyword arguments for configuration:
  • buffered_mode: The flag to enable/disable buffered mode sending.
  • on_success: The callback to be called once events have been successfully published.
  • on_error: The callback to be called once events have failed to be published.
  • max_buffer_length: The total number of events per partition that can be buffered before a flush will be triggered.
  • max_wait_time: The amount of time to wait for a batch to be built with events in the buffer before publishing.
  • A new method EventHubProducerClient.flush which flushes events in the buffer to be sent immediately.
  • A new method EventHubProducerClient.get_buffered_event_count which returns the number of events that are buffered and waiting to be published for a given partition.
  • A new property EventHubProducerClient.total_buffered_event_count which returns the total number of events that are currently buffered and waiting to be published, across all partitions.
  • A new boolean keyword argument flush to EventHubProducerClient.close which indicates whether to flush the buffer or not while closing.

Form Recognizer 3.2.0b5 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed bounding_box to polygon on BoundingRegion, DocumentContentElement, DocumentLine, DocumentSelectionMark, DocumentWord.
  • Renamed language_code to locale on DocumentLanguage.
  • Some models that previously returned string for address related fields may now return AddressValue. TIP: Use get_model() on DocumentModelAdministrationClient to see updated prebuilt model schemas.
  • Removed entities property on AnalyzeResult.
  • Removed DocumentEntity model.

Features Added

  • Added paragraphs property on AnalyzeResult.
  • Added new DocumentParagraph model to represent document paragraphs.
  • Added new AddressValue model to represent address fields found in documents.
  • Added kind property on DocumentPage.

Keys 4.6.0b1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • If a key’s ID contains a port number, this port will now be preserved in the vault URL of a CryptographyClient instance created from this key (#24446)
  • Port numbers are now preserved in the vault_url property of a KeyVaultKeyIdentifier

Monitor OpenTelemetry Exporter 1.0.0b6 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • Update to OpenTelemetry api/sdk 1.12.0rc1 (#24619)

Features Added

  • Implement log exporter using experimental OT logging sdk (#23486)
  • Implement sending of exception telemetry via log exporter (#23633)
  • Implement exporting span events as message/exception telemetry (#23708)
  • Implement metrics exporter using experimental OT metrics sdk (#23960)

Resource Management - App Configuration 2.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - App Platform 7.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Application Insights 3.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI 7.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Cognitive Services 13.2.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Communication 2.0.0b1 Changelog

Resource Management - Compute 27.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Compute 27.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Confidential Ledger 1.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Container Service 19.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Container Service 20.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Cosmos DB 7.0.0b6 Changelog

Resource Management - Data Factory 2.6.0 Changelog

Resource Management - KeyVault 10.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Service Fabric Managed Clusters 2.0.0b1 Changelog

Resource Management - Service Linker 1.1.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Video Analyzer 1.0.0b4 Changelog

Secrets 4.5.0b1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Port numbers are now preserved in the vault_url property of a KeyVaultSecretIdentifier (#24446)

Service Bus 7.7.0 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bug to make AMQP exceptions retryable by default, if condition is not non-retryable, to ensure that InternalServerErrors are retried.

Features Added

  • The ServiceBusClient constructor now accepts optional custom_endpoint_address argument which allows for specifying a custom endpoint to use when communicating with the Service Bus service, and is useful when your network does not allow communicating to the standard Service Bus endpoint.
  • The ServiceBusClientconstructor now accepts optional connection_verify argument which allows for specifying the path to the custom CA_BUNDLE file of the SSL certificate which is used to authenticate the identity of the connection endpoint.

Text Analytics 5.2.0b4 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for Healthcare Entities Analysis through the begin_analyze_actions API with the AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesAction type.
  • Added keyword argument fhir_version to begin_analyze_healthcare_entities and AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesAction. Use the keyword to indicate the version for the fhir_bundle contained on the AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResult.
  • Added property fhir_bundle to AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResult.
  • Added keyword argument display_name to begin_analyze_healthcare_entities.

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of Python packages here.

Installation Instructions

To install the latest beta version of the packages, copy and paste the following commands into a terminal:

$> pip install azure-ai-formrecognizer==3.2.0b5
$> pip install azure-ai-language-conversations==1.1.0b1
$> pip install azure-ai-textanalytics==5.2.0b4
$> pip install azure-ai-translation-document==1.0.0
$> pip install azure-core==1.24.1
$> pip install azure-cosmos==4.3.0
$> pip install azure-eventhub==5.8.0a4
$> pip install azure-eventhub==5.10.0
$> pip install azure-keyvault-certificates==4.5.0b1
$> pip install azure-keyvault-keys==4.6.0b1
$> pip install azure-keyvault-secrets==4.5.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-appconfiguration==2.1.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-applicationinsights==3.1.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-appplatform==7.1.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-azurestackhci==7.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices==13.2.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-communication==2.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-compute==27.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-compute==27.1.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-confidentialledger==1.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-containerservice==19.1.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-containerservice==20.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-cosmosdb==7.0.0b6
$> pip install azure-mgmt-datafactory==2.6.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-keyvault==10.0.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-servicefabricmanagedclusters==2.0.0b1
$> pip install azure-mgmt-servicelinker==1.1.0
$> pip install azure-mgmt-videoanalyzer==1.0.0b4
$> pip install azure-monitor-opentelemetry-exporter==1.0.0b6
$> pip install azure-servicebus==7.7.0


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue to GitHub.