The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our April 2022 client library releases.

15 packages released this month.

Beta Packages (15)

  • Core

  • Identity

  • Key Vault - Certificates

  • Key Vault - Keys

  • Key Vault - Secrets

  • Messaging Internal

  • Resource Management - Cognitive Services

  • Resource Management - Datafactory

  • Resource Management - Media Services

  • Resource Management - Mobilenetwork

  • Resource Management - MySQL Flexible Servers

  • Resource Management - Resources

  • Resource Management - Signalr

  • Service Bus

  • Tables

Release highlights

Core 0.23.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added runtime.Pager[T any] and runtime.Poller[T any] supporting types for central, generic, implementations.
  • Added cloud package with a new API for cloud configuration
  • Added FinalStateVia field to runtime.NewPollerOptions[T any] type.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the Poller type-alias to the internal poller implementation.
  • Added Ptr[T any] and SliceOfPtrs[T any] in the to package and removed all non-generic implementations.
  • NullValue and IsNullValue now take a generic type parameter instead of an interface func parameter.
  • Replaced arm.Endpoint with cloud API
  • Removed the endpoint parameter from NewRPRegistrationPolicy()
  • arm/runtime.NewPipeline() and .NewRPRegistrationPolicy() now return an error
  • Refactored NewPoller and NewPollerFromResumeToken funcs in arm/runtime and runtime packages.
  • Removed the pollerID parameter as it’s no longer required.
  • Created optional parameter structs and moved optional parameters into them.
  • Changed FinalStateVia field to a const type.

Identity 0.14.0 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • This module now requires Go 1.18
  • Removed AuthorityHost. Credentials are now configured for sovereign or private clouds with the API in azcore/cloud, for example: ```go // before opts := azidentity.ClientSecretCredentialOptions{AuthorityHost: azidentity.AzureGovernment} cred, err := azidentity.NewClientSecretCredential(tenantID, clientID, secret, &opts)

// after import “”

opts := azidentity.ClientSecretCredentialOptions{} opts.Cloud = cloud.AzureGovernment cred, err := azidentity.NewClientSecretCredential(tenantID, clientID, secret, &opts)

### Key Vault - Certificates 0.3.0 [Changelog](
#### Features Added
* Added PossibleValues functions for `CertificateKeyUsage`, `CertificateKeyType`, `CertificateKeyCurveName`, and `CertificatePolicyAction` constants.
* Added the `ResumeToken` method on pollers for resuming operations later
* Added the `ResumeToken` field to the options structs of `Begin` methods for resuming operations
* Added the `Name *string` field to `Certificate`, `CertificateItem`, `DeletedCertificate`, `DeletedCertificateItem`

#### Breaking Changes
* Requires Go 1.18
* Fixed a misspelling of `CerificateKeyUsage`, changed to `CertificateKeyUsage`
* Removed all `ToPtr` methods from constants
* Renamed `CertificateOperation` to `Operation`
* Renamed `Operation.Csr` to `Operation.CSR`
* Renamed `KeyVaultCertificateWithPolicy` to `CertificateWithPolicy`
* Abbreviated `EmailAddress` to `Email`
* Changed `Upns` to `UserPrincipalNames`
* Removed the `Trigger` struct and elevated it to the `LifetimeAction`
* Renamed `DeletedDate` to `DeletedOn` and `Expires` to `ExpiresOn`

### Key Vault - Keys 0.5.0 [Changelog](
#### Features Added
* Added the Name property on `Key`

#### Breaking Changes
* Requires go 1.18
* `ListPropertiesOfDeletedKeysPager` has `More() bool` and `NextPage(context.Context) (ListPropertiesOfDeletedKeysPage, error)` for paging over deleted keys.
* `ListPropertiesOfKeyVersionsPager` has `More() bool` and `NextPage(context.Context) (ListPropertiesOfKeyVersionsPage, error)` for paging over deleted keys.
* Removing `RawResponse *http.Response` from `crypto` response types

### Key Vault - Secrets 0.7.0 [Changelog](
#### Features Added
* Added `PossibleDeletionRecoveryLevelValues` to iterate over all valid `DeletionRecoveryLevel` values
* Implemented generic pagers from `runtime.Pager` for all List operations
* Added `Name *string` to `DeletedSecret`, `Properties`, `Secret`, `SecretItem`, and `SecretItem`
* Added `Client.VaultURL` to determine the vault URL for debugging
* Adding `ResumeToken` method to pollers for resuming polling at a later date by using the added `ResumeToken` optional parameter on client polling methods

#### Breaking Changes
* Requires a minimum version of go 1.18
* Removed `RawResponse` from pollers
* Removed `DeletionRecoveryLevel`
* Polling operations return a Poller struct directly instead of a Response envelope
* Removed `ToPtr` methods
* `Client.UpdateSecretProperties` takes a `Secret`
* Renamed `Client.ListSecrets` to `Client.ListPropertiesOfSecrets`
* Renamed `Client.ListSecretVersions` to `Client.ListPropertiesOfSecretVersions`
* Renamed `DeletedDate` to `DeletedOn` and `Managed` to `IsManaged`
* Moved `ContentType`, `Tags`, `KeyID`, and `IsManaged` to `Properties`

### Messaging Internal 0.1.0 [Changelog](
- Internal package, only for support of azservicebus.

### Resource Management - Cognitive Services 0.4.0 [Changelog](

### Resource Management - Datafactory 0.3.0 [Changelog](

### Resource Management - Media Services 0.4.0 [Changelog](

### Resource Management - Mobilenetwork 0.2.0 [Changelog](

### Resource Management - MySQL Flexible Servers 0.4.0 [Changelog](

### Resource Management - Resources 0.4.0 [Changelog](

### Resource Management - Signalr 0.3.0 [Changelog](

### Service Bus 0.4.0 [Changelog](
#### Bugs Fixed

- Fixed bug where message batch size calculation was inaccurate, resulting in batches that were too large to be sent. (#17318)
- Fixing an issue with an entity not being found leading to a longer timeout than needed. (#17279)
- Fixed the RPCLink so it does better handling of connection/link failures. (#17389)
- Fixed issue where a message lock expiring would cause unnecessary retries. These retries could cause message settlement calls (ex: Receiver.CompleteMessage)
to appear to hang. (#17382)
- Fixed issue where a cancellation on ReceiveMessages() would work, but wouldn't return the proper cancellation error. (#17422)

#### Features Added

- Support for using a SharedAccessSignature in a connection string. Ex: `Endpoint=sb://<sb>;SharedAccessSignature=SharedAccessSignature sr=<sb><base64-sig>&se=<expiry>&skn=<keyname>` (#17314)

#### Breaking Changes

- This module now requires Go 1.18
- Multiple functions have had `options` parameters added.
- `SessionReceiver.RenewMessageLock` has been removed - it isn't used for sessions. SessionReceivers should use `SessionReceiver.RenewSessionLock`.
- The `admin.Client` type has been changed to conform with the latest Azure Go SDK guidelines. As part of this:
- Embedded `*Result` structs in `admin.Client`'s APIs have been removed. Inner *Properties values have been hoisted up to the `*Response` instead.
- `.Response` fields have been removed for successful results. These will be added back using a     different pattern in the next release.
- Fields that were of type `time.Duration` have been changed to `*string`, where the value of the string is an ISO8601 timestamp.
Affected fields from Queues, Topics and Subscriptions: AutoDeleteOnIdle, DefaultMessageTimeToLive, DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow, LockDuration.
- Properties that were passed as a parameter to CreateQueue, CreateTopic or CreateSubscription are now in the `options` parameter (as they were optional):
// older code
adminClient.CreateQueue(context.Background(), queueName, &queueProperties, nil)

And now:

// new code
adminClient.CreateQueue(context.Background(), queueName, &admin.CreateQueueOptions{
Properties: queueProperties,
  • Pagers have been changed to use the new generics-based runtime.Pager:


// older code
for queuePager.NextPage(context.TODO()) {
for _, queue := range queuePager.PageResponse().Items {
fmt.Printf("Queue name: %s, max size in MB: %d\n", queue.QueueName, *queue.MaxSizeInMegabytes)

if err := queuePager.Err(); err != nil {

And now:

// new code
for queuePager.More() {
page, err := queuePager.NextPage(context.TODO())

if err != nil {

for _, queue := range page.Queues {
fmt.Printf("Queue name: %s, max size in MB: %d\n", queue.QueueName, *queue.MaxSizeInMegabytes)

Tables 0.7.0 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • This module now requires Go 1.18
  • Removed the ODataID, ODataEditLink, and ODataType on TableProperties
  • Removed ODataMetadata on ListTablesPageResponse
  • Removed ResponsePreference on AddEntityOptions
  • Renamed ListEntitiesOptions.PartitionKey to ListEntitiesOptions.NextPartitionKey.
  • Renamed ListEntitiesOptionsRowKey to ListEntitiesOptions.NextRowKey
  • Renamed Client.Create to Client.CreateTable
  • Renamed ListEntitiesPageResponse to ListEntitiesResponse
  • Removed the Entity prefix on EntityUpdateModeMerge and EntityUpdateModeReplace
  • Renamed Client.InsertEntity to Client.UpsertEntity
  • Removed the Continuation prefix from ContinuationNextPartitionKey, ContinuationNextRowKey, and ContinuationNextTable
  • Removed the ResponseFormat type
  • Renamed Client.List to Client.ListEntities
  • Renamed Client.GetTableSASToken to Client.GetTableSASURL and ServiceClient.GetAccountSASToken to ServiceClient.GetAccountSASURL
  • ServiceClient.GetProperties returns a ServiceProperties struct which can be used on the ServiceClient.SetProperties
  • Removed the Type suffix from GeoReplicationStatusType
  • ServiceClient.CreateTable returns a response struct with the name of the table created, not a Client
  • SASSignatureValues.NewSASQueryParameters is now SASSignatureValues.Sign and returns an encoded SAS

Features Added

  • Added the NextTableName continuation token option to ListTablesOptions
  • Added the TableName property to CreateTableResponse

Need help

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of go packages here.

Installation Instructions

To use the latest GA and beta libraries use the go get command to add the package to a go.mod file. If your project does not use Go modules, refer to the Go documentation for information about specifying dependencies.

go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue to GitHub.