The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our August 2021 client library releases.

62 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (19)

  • App Configuration

  • Communication Common

  • Core - Client

  • Core - HTTP

  • Core - LRO

  • Core - XML

  • Core Rest Pipeline

  • Cosmos DB

  • Event Grid

  • Form Recognizer

  • Identity

  • Key Vault - Administration

  • Key Vault - Certificates

  • Key Vault - Keys

  • Key Vault - Secrets

  • Storage - Blobs

  • Storage - Files Data Lake

  • Storage - Files Shares

  • Storage - Queues

Patch Updates (5)

  • Core - Client

  • Core Rest Pipeline

  • Cosmos DB

  • Identity

  • Tables

Beta Packages (31)

  • Cognitive Search

  • Communication Chat

  • Communication Network Traversal

  • Core - Client Paging

  • Core - Tracing

  • Identity

  • Key Vault - Administration

  • Key Vault - Keys

  • Monitor Query

  • Resource Management - App Service

  • Resource Management - Compute

  • Resource Management - Features

  • Resource Management - Key Vault

  • Resource Management - Links

  • Resource Management - Locks

  • Resource Management - Managed Applications

  • Resource Management - Network

  • Resource Management - Policy

  • Resource Management - Resources

  • Resource Management - SQL

  • Resource Management - Storage

  • Resource Management - WebPubSub

  • Storage - Blobs

  • Storage - Files Data Lake

  • Storage - Files Shares

  • Synapse - AccessControl

  • Synapse - Artifacts

  • Synapse - Managed Private Endpoints

  • Synapse - Spark

  • Text Analytics

  • Web PubSub CloudEvents Handlers for Express

Release highlights

App Configuration 1.3.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added “continuationToken” option for the byPage APIs of the listing methods (listConfigurationSettings and the listRevisions), this lets you keep track of where to continue the iterator from. #16472
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.

Bugs Fixed

  • Throttling may have resulted in retrying the request indefinitely if the service responded with retry-after-ms header in the error for each retried request. The behaviour has been changed to retry for a maximum of 3 times by default from #16376.
  • Additionally, #16376 also exposes retryOptions on the AppConfigurationClient’s client options, which lets you configure the maxRetries and the maxRetryDelayInMs.
  • More resources - [App Configuration Throttling]( and [App Configuration Requests Quota](

Cognitive Search 11.3.0-beta.2 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added a new parameter ignoreResetRequirements for the createOrUpdate operation of Data Sources.
  • Added new parameters ignoreResetRequirements & disableCacheReprocessingChangeDetection for the createOrUpdate operation of Indexers and Skillsets.

Bugs Fixed

  • Converted the complex fields correctly within the Search Fields. Please refer #16489 for more details.
  • Fixed the typos anayzerName to analyzerName and normalizerNames to normalizerName in convertFieldsToPublic method of serviceUtils.ts.

Communication Chat 1.1.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features
  • Added support to add metadata for message
  • Added senderDisplayName in sendTypingNotification operation.
  • Updated to @azure/communication-signaling@1.0.0-beta.5.
  • Enabled real-time notification for React Native.

Communication Common 1.1.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.

Communication Network Traversal 1.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Features Added

  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed CommunicationTurnServer to CommunicationIceServer
  • Renamed turnServers to iceServers
  • Renamed CommunicationNetworkTraversalIssueTurnCredentialsResponse to CommunicationNetworkTraversalIssueRelayConfigurationResponse
  • Renamed issueTurnCredentials to issueRelayConfiguration

Core - Client 1.2.2 Changelog

Key Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed the return value during the flattening the response for HEAD HTTP Requests. This will ensure that the return value will indicate the presence/absence of the resource. Please refer #1037 for more details.

Core - Client 1.3.0 Changelog

Key Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where APIs that accepted a Blob didn’t work with File objects. See #16754 for more details.

Features Added

  • Updated to use version 1.0.0-preview.13 of @azure/core-tracing.

Core - Client Paging 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

  • First release of package, see for details.

Core - HTTP 2.1.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • tracingPolicy will no longer inject invalid traceparent headers if an incorrect tracer implementation is used.
  • proxyPolicy now allows passing in a list of no-proxy patterns to override global ones loaded from NO_PROXY environment variable PR #16414

Core - LRO 2.1.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Provides a long-running operation engine.

Core - LRO 2.2.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • LroEngine supports a new isDone() function in its options bag which can be used to provide a custom logic for determining when an LRO finished processing.

Core - Tracing 1.0.0-preview.13 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for disabling distributed tracing using the AZURE_TRACING_DISABLED environment variable.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed TestTracer and TestSpan from public API and into @azure/test-utils. PR #16315
  • TestTracer and TestSpan are intended for test support when used by other Azure packages and not intended for use by end users.
  • Removed setTracer, @azure/core-tracing will now rely on the trace API to fetch a tracer from the global tracer provider. PR #16347
  • If you are using setTracer, please use trace.setGlobalTracerProvider(provider) instead as described in the OpenTelemetry documentation.
  • Removed NoOpTracer and NoOpSpan from the public API. Please use trace.wrapSpanContext(INVALID_SPAN_CONTEXT) from @opentelemetry/api instead. PR #16315

Core - XML 1.0.0 Changelog

GA release of this package.

Core Rest Pipeline 1.1.1 Changelog

Key Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with HEAD HTTP Requests. Destroyed the response before resolving the promise which will ensure that the code does not hang up. Please refer #1037 for more details.

Core Rest Pipeline 1.2.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Updated to use version 1.0.0-preview.13 of @azure/core-tracing.
  • tracingPolicy will no longer inject invalid traceparent headers if an incorrect tracer implementation is used.
  • proxyPolicy now allows passing in a list of no-proxy patterns to override global ones loaded from NO_PROXY environment variable PR #16414

Cosmos DB 3.12.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.
  • Added background refresher for endpoints, and new ConnectionPolicy options. Refreshing defaults to true, and the default refresh rate is every 5 minutes.
    const client = new CosmosClient({
    key: masterKey,
    connectionPolicy: {
    endpointRefreshRateInMs: 700,
    enableBackgroundEndpointRefreshing: true
  • Added client.dispose() for closing the endpoint refresher verbosely. Necessary when destroying the CosmosClient inside existing processes like an express web server, or when you want to destroy the client and create a new one in the same process.
    const client = new CosmosClient()
    client.dispose() // cancels background endpoint refreshing

Cosmos DB 3.12.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Returned default retryPolicy option fixedRetryIntervalInMilliseconds to its original default 0.

Cosmos DB 3.12.2 Changelog

Features Added

  • Adopted target ES2017 to reduce bundle size.

Cosmos DB 3.12.3 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix bulk operations on containers with multiple partitions with nested partition keys

Cosmos DB 3.13.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Adds TransactionalBatch to items container.items.batch(operations)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bulk requests which had operations without partitionKey specified.

Event Grid 4.4.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.

  • EventGridPublisherClient now supports Azure Active Directory (AAD) for authentication. When constructing an EventGridPublisherClient you may now pass an instance of a TokenCredential as the credential. See the readme for @azure/identity to learn more about using Azure Active Directory for authentication.

  • Added a “metadata” property for the following system events:

  • Microsoft.Communication.AcsChatMessageReceived
  • Microsoft.Communication.AcsChatMessageEdited
  • Microsoft.Communication.AcsChatMessageReceivedInThread
  • Microsoft.Communication.AcsChatMessageEditedInThread

Form Recognizer 3.2.0 Changelog

Key Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue in which form recognition would sometimes fail due to encountering an element reference pointing to a selection mark, causing an exception to be thrown. These references are now handled correctly.

Features Added

  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features

Identity 1.4.0 Changelog

  • With this release, we drop support for Node.js versions that have reached the end of life, like Node.js 8. Read our support policy for more details.
  • Updated the default timeout of the first request of the IMDS MSI from half a second to three seconds to compensate for the slowness caused by node-fetch for initial requests in specific environments, like Kubernetes pods.
  • Upgraded @azure/core-http to version ^2.0.0, and @azure/core-tracing to version 1.0.0-preview.12.

Identity 1.5.0 Changelog

  • With this release, we’ve migrated from using @azure/core-http to @azure/core-rest-pipeline for the handling of HTTP requests. See Azure Core v1 vs v2 for more on the difference and benefits of the move. This removes our dependency on node-fetch and along with it issues we have seen in using this dependency in specific environments like Kubernetes pods.

Identity 2.0.0-beta.5 Changelog

Breaking Changes

These changes do not impact the API of stable versions such as 1.6.0. Only code written against a beta version such as 1.7.0b1 may be affected.


Features Added

  • This release adds support by default for CP1 client capabilities, enabling all credentials to respond to claims challenges that occur due to insufficient claims. Claims challenges, for example, can occur due to requirements of Continuous Access Enforcement (CAE) and Conditional Access authentication context. You may optionally disable this behavior by setting the environment variable AZURE_IDENTITY_DISABLE_CP1 (to any value). You can read more about client capabilities, CAE, and Conditional Access on the Microsoft Documentation.
  • ChainedTokenCredential and DefaultAzureCredential now expose a property named selectedCredential, which will store the selected credential once any of the available credentials succeeds.
  • Implementation of ApplicationCredential for use by applications which call into Microsoft Graph APIs and which have issues using DefaultAzureCredential. This credential is based on EnvironmentCredential and ManagedIdentityCredential.

Bugs Fixed

  • With this release, we’ve migrated from using @azure/core-http to @azure/core-rest-pipeline for the handling of HTTP requests. See Azure Core v1 vs v2 for more on the difference and benefits of the move. This removes our dependency on node-fetch and along with it issues we have seen in using this dependency in specific environments like Kubernetes pods.

Identity 1.5.1 Changelog

  • Fixed how we verify the IMDS endpoint is available. Now, besides skipping the Metadata header, we skip the URL query. Both will ensure that all the known IMDS endpoints return as early as possible.
  • Added support for the AZURE_POD_IDENTITY_AUTHORITY_HOST environment variable. If present, the IMDS endpoint initial verification will be skipped.

Key Vault - Administration 4.1.0 Changelog

New Features

  • Support for Node.js 8 and IE 11 has been dropped. Please see our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features.
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0, which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.

Key Vault - Administration 4.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

  • Move generated client to use @azure/core-rest-pipeline. For more information about Core V2, please refer to the documentation.

  • With this change, the response types no longer contain the raw response _response. To access the raw response, an onResponse callback has to be passed in the request options bag.

let rawResponse: FullOperationResponse | undefined;
await client.getRoleDefinition(globalScope, "roleDefinitionName", {
onResponse: (response) => (rawResponse = response)

Key Vault - Certificates 4.3.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features.
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.

Key Vault - Keys 4.3.0 Changelog

New Features

  • Support for Node.js 8 and IE 11 has been dropped. Please see our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features.
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0, which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.

Key Vault - Keys 4.4.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for Secure key Release from a Managed HSM.
  • Added KeyClient.releaseKey to release a key from a Managed HSM.
  • Added exportable and releasePolicy to, createKeyOptions, and importKeyOptions in order to specify whether the key is exportable and the associated release policy.
  • Added an overload to KeyClient.updateKeyProperties that allows the version to be omitted, updating the latest key version.
  • Added support for KeyClient.getRandomBytes which, when connected to a managed HSM, can be used to generate a byte array of a given length with random values.
  • Updated the service version to 7.3-preview.

Key Vault - Secrets 4.3.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features.
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.

Monitor Query 1.0.0-beta.4 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added additionalWorkspaces as an optional parameter to QueryLogsOptions and BatchQuery for the queryLogs and queryLogsBatch API to allow multiple workspaces
  • Allow returning statistics and visualization information to user for each query result in QueryLogsBatchResult
  • Adding Error information in QueryLogsResult.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed workspace to workspaceId in querybatch

Resource Management - App Service 30.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Compute 30.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

This is the first preview for the new version of the @azure/arm-compute package that follows the new guidelines for TypeScript SDKs for Azure services.

While this package remains auto generated, the SDK generator itself has undergone changes to comply with the above guidelines in order to generate packages that are idiomatic to the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem and consistent with other packages for Azure services. For more on this, please see State of the Azure SDK 2021.

Please note that this version has breaking changes, all of which were made after careful consideration during the authoring of the guidelines and user studies.

Noteworthy changes and features

  • Authentication: The packages @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth or @azure/ms-rest-browserauth are no longer supported. Use package @azure/identity instead. Select a credential from Azure Identity examples based on the authentication method of your choice.
  • Callbacks: Method overloads that used callbacks have been removed and the use of promises is encouraged instead.
  • List operations now return an iterable result that follows the PagedAsyncIterableIterator interface as opposed to the previous model where you had to make a new request using the link to the next page.
  • Long running operations i.e. the Lro related object returned by methods whose names started with begin, now uses pollUntilDone to check whether the request is finished, instead of pollUntilFinished. To get the final result, use the corresponding method that will have the suffix AndWait.
  • The SDK only supports ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and beyond, all projects that referenced this SDK should be upgraded to use ES6.

Resource Management - Compute 30.0.0-beta.2 Changelog


  • Added operation group CapacityReservationGroups
  • Added operation group CapacityReservations
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationGroupInstanceView
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationGroupListResult
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationGroupsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationGroupsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationGroupsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationGroupsListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationGroupsListByResourceGroupOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationGroupsListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationGroupsListBySubscriptionOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationGroupsUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationInstanceView
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationListResult
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationProfile
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationsListByCapacityReservationGroupNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationsListByCapacityReservationGroupOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationsUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CapacityReservationUtilization
  • Added Interface SpotRestorePolicy
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservation
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationGroup
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationGroupInstanceViewTypes
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationGroupsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationGroupsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationGroupsListByResourceGroupNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationGroupsListByResourceGroupResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationGroupsListBySubscriptionNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationGroupsListBySubscriptionResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationGroupsUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationGroupUpdate
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationInstanceViewTypes
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationInstanceViewWithName
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationsListByCapacityReservationGroupNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationsListByCapacityReservationGroupResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationsUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias CapacityReservationUpdate
  • Added Type Alias ExpandTypesForGetCapacityReservationGroups
  • Interface VirtualMachineScaleSetVMProfile has a new optional parameter capacityReservation
  • Type Alias VirtualMachine has a new parameter capacityReservation
  • Type Alias VirtualMachineScaleSet has a new parameter spotRestorePolicy
  • Type Alias VirtualMachineUpdate has a new parameter capacityReservation
  • Added Enum KnownCapacityReservationGroupInstanceViewTypes
  • Added Enum KnownCapacityReservationInstanceViewTypes
  • Added Enum KnownExpandTypesForGetCapacityReservationGroups

Breaking Changes

  • Class ComputeManagementClient has a new required parameter capacityReservationGroups
  • Class ComputeManagementClient has a new required parameter capacityReservations

Resource Management - Features 30.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

This is the first preview for the new version of the @azure/arm-features package that follows the new guidelines for TypeScript SDKs for Azure services.

While this package remains auto generated, the SDK generator itself has undergone changes to comply with the above guidelines in order to generate packages that are idiomatic to the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem and consistent with other packages for Azure services. For more on this, please see State of the Azure SDK 2021.

Please note that this version has breaking changes, all of which were made after careful consideration during the authoring of the guidelines and user studies.

Noteworthy changes and features

  • Authentication: The packages @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth or @azure/ms-rest-browserauth are no longer supported. Use package @azure/identity instead. Select a credential from Azure Identity examples based on the authentication method of your choice.
  • Callbacks: Method overloads that used callbacks have been removed and the use of promises is encouraged instead.
  • List operations now return an iterable result that follows the PagedAsyncIterableIterator interface as opposed to the previous model where you had to make a new request using the link to the next page.
  • Long running operations i.e. the Lro related object returned by methods whose names started with begin, now uses pollUntilDone to check whether the request is finished, instead of pollUntilFinished. To get the final result, use the corresponding method that will have the suffix AndWait.
  • The SDK only supports ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and beyond, all projects that referenced this SDK should be upgraded to use ES6.

Resource Management - Features 30.0.0-beta.3 Changelog


  • Added operation group SubscriptionFeatureRegistrations
  • Added Interface AuthorizationProfile
  • Added Interface ErrorDefinition
  • Added Interface ErrorResponse
  • Added Interface ProxyResource
  • Added Interface SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationList
  • Added Interface SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationProperties
  • Added Interface SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsListAllBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsListAllBySubscriptionOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsListBySubscriptionOptionalParams
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionFeatureRegistration
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationApprovalType
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsListAllBySubscriptionNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsListAllBySubscriptionResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsListBySubscriptionNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsListBySubscriptionResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationState
  • Added Enum KnownSubscriptionFeatureRegistrationApprovalType
  • Added Enum KnownSubscriptionFeatureRegistrationState

Breaking Changes

  • Removed operation Features.listAllNext
  • Removed operation Features.listNext
  • Class FeatureClient has a new required parameter subscriptionFeatureRegistrations

Resource Management - Key Vault 30.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

This is the first preview for the new version of the @azure/arm-links package that follows the new guidelines for TypeScript SDKs for Azure services.

While this package remains auto generated, the SDK generator itself has undergone changes to comply with the above guidelines in order to generate packages that are idiomatic to the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem and consistent with other packages for Azure services. For more on this, please see State of the Azure SDK 2021.

Please note that this version has breaking changes, all of which were made after careful consideration during the authoring of the guidelines and user studies.

Noteworthy changes and features

  • Authentication: The packages @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth or @azure/ms-rest-browserauth are no longer supported. Use package @azure/identity instead. Select a credential from Azure Identity examples based on the authentication method of your choice.
  • Callbacks: Method overloads that used callbacks have been removed and the use of promises is encouraged instead.
  • List operations now return an iterable result that follows the PagedAsyncIterableIterator interface as opposed to the previous model where you had to make a new request using the link to the next page.
  • Long running operations i.e. the Lro related object returned by methods whose names started with begin, now uses pollUntilDone to check whether the request is finished, instead of pollUntilFinished. To get the final result, use the corresponding method that will have the suffix AndWait.
  • The SDK only supports ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and beyond, all projects that referenced this SDK should be upgraded to use ES6.

Resource Management - Locks 30.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

This is the first preview for the new version of the @azure/arm-locks package that follows the new guidelines for TypeScript SDKs for Azure services.

While this package remains auto generated, the SDK generator itself has undergone changes to comply with the above guidelines in order to generate packages that are idiomatic to the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem and consistent with other packages for Azure services. For more on this, please see State of the Azure SDK 2021.

Please note that this version has breaking changes, all of which were made after careful consideration during the authoring of the guidelines and user studies.

Noteworthy changes and features

  • Authentication: The packages @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth or @azure/ms-rest-browserauth are no longer supported. Use package @azure/identity instead. Select a credential from Azure Identity examples based on the authentication method of your choice.
  • Callbacks: Method overloads that used callbacks have been removed and the use of promises is encouraged instead.
  • List operations now return an iterable result that follows the PagedAsyncIterableIterator interface as opposed to the previous model where you had to make a new request using the link to the next page.
  • Long running operations i.e. the Lro related object returned by methods whose names started with begin, now uses pollUntilDone to check whether the request is finished, instead of pollUntilFinished. To get the final result, use the corresponding method that will have the suffix AndWait.
  • The SDK only supports ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and beyond, all projects that referenced this SDK should be upgraded to use ES6.

Resource Management - Managed Applications 30.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

This is the first preview for the new version of the @azure/arm-managedapplications package that follows the new guidelines for TypeScript SDKs for Azure services.

While this package remains auto generated, the SDK generator itself has undergone changes to comply with the above guidelines in order to generate packages that are idiomatic to the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem and consistent with other packages for Azure services. For more on this, please see State of the Azure SDK 2021.

Please note that this version has breaking changes, all of which were made after careful consideration during the authoring of the guidelines and user studies.

Noteworthy changes and features

  • Authentication: The packages @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth or @azure/ms-rest-browserauth are no longer supported. Use package @azure/identity instead. Select a credential from Azure Identity examples based on the authentication method of your choice.
  • Callbacks: Method overloads that used callbacks have been removed and the use of promises is encouraged instead.
  • List operations now return an iterable result that follows the PagedAsyncIterableIterator interface as opposed to the previous model where you had to make a new request using the link to the next page.
  • Long running operations i.e. the Lro related object returned by methods whose names started with begin, now uses pollUntilDone to check whether the request is finished, instead of pollUntilFinished. To get the final result, use the corresponding method that will have the suffix AndWait.
  • The SDK only supports ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and beyond, all projects that referenced this SDK should be upgraded to use ES6.

Resource Management - Network 30.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

This is the first preview for the new version of the @azure/arm-network package that follows the new guidelines for TypeScript SDKs for Azure services.

While this package remains auto generated, the SDK generator itself has undergone changes to comply with the above guidelines in order to generate packages that are idiomatic to the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem and consistent with other packages for Azure services. For more on this, please see State of the Azure SDK 2021.

Please note that this version has breaking changes, all of which were made after careful consideration during the authoring of the guidelines and user studies.

Noteworthy changes and features

  • Authentication: The packages @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth or @azure/ms-rest-browserauth are no longer supported. Use package @azure/identity instead. Select a credential from Azure Identity examples based on the authentication method of your choice.
  • Callbacks: Method overloads that used callbacks have been removed and the use of promises is encouraged instead.
  • List operations now return an iterable result that follows the PagedAsyncIterableIterator interface as opposed to the previous model where you had to make a new request using the link to the next page.
  • Long running operations i.e. the Lro related object returned by methods whose names started with begin, now uses pollUntilDone to check whether the request is finished, instead of pollUntilFinished. To get the final result, use the corresponding method that will have the suffix AndWait.
  • The SDK only supports ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and beyond, all projects that referenced this SDK should be upgraded to use ES6.

Resource Management - Policy 30.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

This is the first preview for the new version of the @azure/arm-policy package that follows the new guidelines for TypeScript SDKs for Azure services.

While this package remains auto generated, the SDK generator itself has undergone changes to comply with the above guidelines in order to generate packages that are idiomatic to the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem and consistent with other packages for Azure services. For more on this, please see State of the Azure SDK 2021.

Please note that this version has breaking changes, all of which were made after careful consideration during the authoring of the guidelines and user studies.

Noteworthy changes and features

  • Authentication: The packages @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth or @azure/ms-rest-browserauth are no longer supported. Use package @azure/identity instead. Select a credential from Azure Identity examples based on the authentication method of your choice.
  • Callbacks: Method overloads that used callbacks have been removed and the use of promises is encouraged instead.
  • List operations now return an iterable result that follows the PagedAsyncIterableIterator interface as opposed to the previous model where you had to make a new request using the link to the next page.
  • Long running operations i.e. the Lro related object returned by methods whose names started with begin, now uses pollUntilDone to check whether the request is finished, instead of pollUntilFinished. To get the final result, use the corresponding method that will have the suffix AndWait.
  • The SDK only supports ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and beyond, all projects that referenced this SDK should be upgraded to use ES6.

Resource Management - Resources 30.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

This is the first preview for the new version of the @azure/arm-resources package that follows the new guidelines for TypeScript SDKs for Azure services.

While this package remains auto generated, the SDK generator itself has undergone changes to comply with the above guidelines in order to generate packages that are idiomatic to the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem and consistent with other packages for Azure services. For more on this, please see State of the Azure SDK 2021.

Please note that this version has breaking changes, all of which were made after careful consideration during the authoring of the guidelines and user studies.

Noteworthy changes and features

  • Authentication: The packages @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth or @azure/ms-rest-browserauth are no longer supported. Use package @azure/identity instead. Select a credential from Azure Identity examples based on the authentication method of your choice.
  • Callbacks: Method overloads that used callbacks have been removed and the use of promises is encouraged instead.
  • List operations now return an iterable result that follows the PagedAsyncIterableIterator interface as opposed to the previous model where you had to make a new request using the link to the next page.
  • Long running operations i.e. the Lro related object returned by methods whose names started with begin, now uses pollUntilDone to check whether the request is finished, instead of pollUntilFinished. To get the final result, use the corresponding method that will have the suffix AndWait.
  • The SDK only supports ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and beyond, all projects that referenced this SDK should be upgraded to use ES6.

Resource Management - SQL 30.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Storage 30.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

This is the first preview for the new version of the @azure/arm-storage package that follows the new guidelines for TypeScript SDKs for Azure services.

While this package remains auto generated, the SDK generator itself has undergone changes to comply with the above guidelines in order to generate packages that are idiomatic to the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem and consistent with other packages for Azure services. For more on this, please see State of the Azure SDK 2021.

Please note that this version has breaking changes, all of which were made after careful consideration during the authoring of the guidelines and user studies.

Noteworthy changes and features

  • Authentication: The packages @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth or @azure/ms-rest-browserauth are no longer supported. Use package @azure/identity instead. Select a credential from Azure Identity examples based on the authentication method of your choice.
  • Callbacks: Method overloads that used callbacks have been removed and the use of promises is encouraged instead.
  • List operations now return an iterable result that follows the PagedAsyncIterableIterator interface as opposed to the previous model where you had to make a new request using the link to the next page.
  • Long running operations i.e. the Lro related object returned by methods whose names started with begin, now uses pollUntilDone to check whether the request is finished, instead of pollUntilFinished. To get the final result, use the corresponding method that will have the suffix AndWait.
  • The SDK only supports ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and beyond, all projects that referenced this SDK should be upgraded to use ES6.

Resource Management - WebPubSub 0.1.0-beta.1 Changelog

Storage - Blobs 12.8.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for service version 2020-10-02.
  • Added support for Immutable Storage with Versioning
  • Added BlobClient.setImmutibilityPolicy()
  • Added BlobClient.seleteImmutabilityPolicy()
  • Added BlobClient.setLegalHold()
  • Added support for listing deleted root blobs with versions ContainerClient.listBlobFlat() and ContainerClient.listBlobHierarchy().
  • Added support for OAuth copy sources for synchronous copy operations.
  • Added support for Parquet as an input format in BlockBlobClient.query().
  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features

Storage - Blobs 12.7.0 Changelog

  • Support for Node.js 8 and IE 11 has been dropped. Please see our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.

Storage - Files Data Lake 12.7.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for service version 2020-10-02.
  • Added support for Parquet as an input format in DataLakeFileClient.query().
  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features

Storage - Files Data Lake 12.6.0 Changelog

  • Support for Node.js 8 and IE 11 has been dropped. Please see our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.

Storage - Files Shares 12.8.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for service version 2020-10-02.
  • Added support for including additional information in ShareDirectoryClient.listFilesAndDirectories().
  • Added support for OAuth in copying source in ShareFileClient.uploadRangeFromURL() when source is a Blob.
  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features

Storage - Files Shares 12.7.0 Changelog

  • Support for Node.js 8 and IE 11 has been dropped. Please see our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.

Storage - Queues 12.6.0 Changelog

  • Support for Node.js 8 and IE 11 has been dropped. Please see our support policy for more details.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.

Synapse - AccessControl 1.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Migrate to CoreV2
  • Re-generate with swagger 2020-12-01

Synapse - Artifacts 1.0.0-beta.5 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Migrate to CoreV2
  • Re-generate with swagger 2021-06-01-preview

Synapse - Managed Private Endpoints 1.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Migrate to CoreV2
  • Re-generate with swagger 2021-06-01-preview

Synapse - Spark 1.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Other Changes

  • Migrate to CoreV2
  • Re-generate with swagger 2020-12-01

Tables 12.1.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed inconsistent return type for number and strings when setting disableTypeConversion option. #16736
  • Fix #15854 when submitting transactions by ensuring the allowInsecureConnection client option is respected. #16587

Text Analytics 5.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • We are now targeting the service’s v3.2-preview.1 API as the default instead of v3.1.
  • beginAnalyzeActions now supports extract summary actions.

Web PubSub CloudEvents Handlers for Express 1.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

  • Support reading and setting connection states, sample usage:
    const handler = new WebPubSubEventHandler("chat", [""], {
    handleConnect(req, res) {
    // You can set the state for the connection, it lasts throughout the lifetime of the connection
    res.setState("calledTime", 1);
    handleUserEvent(req, res) {
    var calledTime = req.context.states.calledTime++;
    // You can also set the state here
    res.setState("calledTime", calledTime);

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of JavaScript packages here.

Installation Instructions

To install the packages, copy and paste the below into a terminal.

$> npm install @azure-rest/core-client-paging@1.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/ai-form-recognizer@3.2.0
$> npm install @azure/ai-text-analytics@5.2.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/app-configuration@1.3.0
$> npm install @azure/arm-appservice@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-compute@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-compute@30.0.0-beta.2
$> npm install @azure/arm-features@30.0.0-beta.2
$> npm install @azure/arm-features@30.0.0-beta.3
$> npm install @azure/arm-keyvault@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-links@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-locks@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-managedapplications@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-network@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-policy@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-resources@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-sql@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-storage@30.0.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/arm-webpubsub@0.1.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/communication-chat@1.1.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/communication-common@1.1.0
$> npm install @azure/communication-network-traversal@1.0.0-beta.2
$> npm install @azure/core-client@1.2.2
$> npm install @azure/core-client@1.3.0
$> npm install @azure/core-http@2.1.0
$> npm install @azure/core-lro@2.1.0
$> npm install @azure/core-lro@2.2.0
$> npm install @azure/core-rest-pipeline@1.1.1
$> npm install @azure/core-rest-pipeline@1.2.0
$> npm install @azure/core-tracing@1.0.0-preview.13
$> npm install @azure/core-xml@1.0.0
$> npm install @azure/cosmos@3.12.0
$> npm install @azure/cosmos@3.12.1
$> npm install @azure/cosmos@3.12.2
$> npm install @azure/cosmos@3.12.3
$> npm install @azure/cosmos@3.13.0
$> npm install @azure/data-tables@12.1.1
$> npm install @azure/eventgrid@4.4.0
$> npm install @azure/identity@1.4.0
$> npm install @azure/identity@1.5.0
$> npm install @azure/identity@2.0.0-beta.5
$> npm install @azure/identity@1.5.1
$> npm install @azure/keyvault-admin@4.1.0
$> npm install @azure/keyvault-admin@4.2.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/keyvault-certificates@4.3.0
$> npm install @azure/keyvault-keys@4.3.0
$> npm install @azure/keyvault-keys@4.4.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/keyvault-secrets@4.3.0
$> npm install @azure/monitor-query@1.0.0-beta.4
$> npm install @azure/search-documents@11.3.0-beta.2
$> npm install @azure/storage-blob@12.8.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/storage-blob@12.7.0
$> npm install @azure/storage-file-datalake@12.7.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/storage-file-datalake@12.6.0
$> npm install @azure/storage-file-share@12.8.0-beta.1
$> npm install @azure/storage-file-share@12.7.0
$> npm install @azure/storage-queue@12.6.0
$> npm install @azure/synapse-access-control@1.0.0-beta.3
$> npm install @azure/synapse-artifacts@1.0.0-beta.5
$> npm install @azure/synapse-managed-private-endpoints@1.0.0-beta.3
$> npm install @azure/synapse-spark@1.0.0-beta.3
$> npm install @azure/web-pubsub-express@1.0.0-beta.3


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue at the azure-sdk-for-js repository