The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our June 2021 client library releases.

29 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (15)

  • Cognitive Search

  • Core

  • Core - AMQP

  • Event Grid

  • Key Vault - Administration

  • Key Vault - Certificates

  • Key Vault - Keys

  • Key Vault - Secrets

  • Storage - Blobs

  • Storage - Blobs Batch

  • Storage - Common

  • Storage - Files Data Lake

  • Storage - Files Shares

  • Storage - Queues

  • Tables

Patch Updates (2)

  • Form Recognizer

  • Tables

Beta Packages (12)

  • App Configuration

  • ConfidentialLedger

  • Container Registry

  • Document Translation

  • Event Hubs

  • Event Hubs - Event Processor

  • Identity

  • Metrics Advisor

  • Monitor Query

  • Storage - Blobs ChangeFeed

  • WebJobs Extensions - Event Grid

  • WebJobs Extensions - Event Hubs

Release highlights

App Configuration 1.1.0-beta.3 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added a GetConfigurationSettingAsync overload that takes an instance of MatchConditions.

Key Bugs Fixed

  • FeatureFlagFilter now allows parameter modification.

Cognitive Search 11.3.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Adds stable features and bug fixes from the 11.3.0-beta.1 and 11.3.0-beta.2 releases. Preview service features not generally available yet, like Semantic Search and Normalizers, are not included in this GA release.

ConfidentialLedger 1.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Breaking Changes

  • The namespace of the client has changed to Azure.Security.ConfidentialLedger

Container Registry 1.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added ContainerRegistryModelFactory for use in mocking library types.
  • Added AuthenticationScope option on ContainerRegistryClientOptions to allow setting the AAD scope for national clouds.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed ContentProperties type in favor of per resource property types such as ArtifactManifestProperties.
  • Renamed Pageable APIs with the Collection suffix.
  • Removed LoginServer, Name, and RegistryUri from ContainerRegistryClient.
  • Removed TagOrDigest from RegistryArtifact and renamed FullyQualifiedName to FullyQualifiedReference.
  • Removed DeleteRepositoryResult type and return Response from DeleteRepository methods.
  • Various other renames for consistency and clarity.

Core 1.15.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Types to represent GeoJson primitives.


  • Response.Content no longer throws InvalidOperationException when the response is backed by a MemoryStream with a non publicly visible buffer.

Core - AMQP 1.1.0 Changelog


  • General availability for Sequence and Value body messages.

Document Translation 1.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for authentication with Azure Active Directory.

Breaking changes

  • This version of the SDK defaults to the latest supported service version, which currently is v1.0.
  • Renamed method GetTranslations to GetAllTranslationStatuses and same for the async equivalent method.
  • Renamed property TranslateTo to TranslatedTo in type DocumentStatusResult.

Event Grid 4.3.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added the following new system events:
  • StorageBlobInventoryPolicyCompletedEventData

  • Updated existing system events:
  • AcsRecordingChunkInfoProperties - Added ContentLocation and MetadataLocation properties.


  • Fixed SystemEventNames.ServiceBusDeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListener value.

Event Hubs 5.5.0-beta.1 Changelog

Features Added

  • When stopping, the EventProcessor<TPartition> will now attempt to aggressively abort the connection to avoid blocking on timeouts. This should significantly help reduce the amount of time the processor takes to stop in many scenarios. (Based on a community prototype contribution, courtesy of danielmarbach)
  • When the EventProcessor<TPartition> detects a partition being stolen outside of a load balancing cycle, it will immediately surrender ownership rather than waiting for a load balancing cycle to confirm the ownership change. This will help reduce event duplication from overlapping ownership of partitions.
  • The EventProcessor<TPartition> now exposes the ListPartitionIdsAsync method, allowing custom processors to control the set of partitions known to the processor. This can be used to reduce complexity when a custom processor is directly assigned a set of partitions to process rather than using load balancing to control ownership.
  • The ConnectionOptions available when creating client types now support registering a callback delegate for participating in the validation of SSL certificates when connections are established. This delegate may override the built-in validation and allow or deny certificates based on application-specific logic.

Key Bugs Fixed

  • The EventProcessor<TPartition> will now properly respect another another consumer stealing ownership of a partition when the service forcibly terminates the active link in the background. Previously, the client did not observe the error directly and attempted to recover the faulted link which reasserted ownership and caused the partition to “bounce” between owners until a load balancing cycle completed.
  • The EventProcessor<TPartition> will now be less aggressive when considering whether or not to steal a partition, doing so only when it will correct an imbalance and preferring the status quo when the overall distribution would not change. This will help reduce event duplication due to partitions moving between owners.

Event Hubs - Event Processor 5.5.0-beta.1 Changelog


Thank you to our developer community members who helped to make the Event Hubs client libraries better with their contributions to this release:

Features Added

  • When stopping, the EventProcessorClient will now attempt to force-close the connection to the Event Hubs service to abort in-process read operations blocked on their timeout. This should significantly help reduce the amount of time the processor takes to stop in many scenarios. (Based on a community prototype contribution, courtesy of danielmarbach)
  • When the EventProcessorClient detects a partition being stolen outside of a load balancing cycle, it will immediately surrender ownership rather than waiting for a load balancing cycle to confirm the ownership change. This will help reduce event duplication from overlapping ownership of processors.
  • The ConnectionOptions available when creating a processor now support registering a callback delegate for participating in the validation of SSL certificates when connections are established. This delegate may override the built-in validation and allow or deny certificates based on application-specific logic.
  • The ConnectionOptions available when creating a processor now support setting a custom size for the send and receive buffers of the transport.

Key Bugs Fixed

  • The EventProcessorClient will now properly respect another another consumer stealing ownership of a partition when the service forcibly terminates the active link in the background. Previously, the client did not observe the error directly and attempted to recover the faulted link which reasserted ownership and caused the partition to “bounce” between owners until a load balancing cycle completed.
  • The EventProcessorClient will now be less aggressive when considering whether or not to steal a partition, doing so only when it will correct an imbalance and preferring the status quo when the overall distribution would not change. This will help reduce event duplication due to partitions moving between owners.

Form Recognizer 3.1.1 Changelog

Key Bugs Fixed

  • Handles invoices and other recognition operations that return a FormField with Text and no BoundingBox or Page information.

Identity 1.5.0-beta.1 Changelog

Fixes and improvements

  • Added LoginHint property to InteractiveBrowserCredentialOptions which allows a user name to be pre-selected for interactive logins. Setting this option skips the account selection prompt and immediately attempts to login with the specified account.
  • Added AuthorizationCodeCredentialOptions which allows for configuration of a ReplyUri.

Key Vault - Administration 4.0.0 Changelog

  • Initial release of KeyVaultAccessControlClient to managed role assignments and definitions for Managed HSM.
  • Initial release of KeyVaultBackupClient to backup and restore Managed HSM.

Key Vault - Certificates 4.2.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Changed default service version to “7.2”.
  • Added KeyVaultCertificateIdentifier to parse certificate URIs.
  • Added CertificateClient.DownloadCertificate and DownloadCertificateAsync to download an X509Certificate2 with private key.

Key Vault - Keys 4.2.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Changed default service version to “7.2”.
  • Added KeyVaultKeyIdentifier to parse certificate URIs.
  • Added local-only support for CryptographyClient using only a JsonWebKey using LocalCryptographyClientOptions.
  • Added CreateEcKeyOptions class and associated KeyClient.CreateEcKey and CreateEcKeyAsync methods.
  • Added KeyType.OctHsm to support “oct-HSM” key operations to support Managed HSM.
  • Added AES-GCM and AES-CBC support for encrypting and decrypting, including new Encrypt and Decrypt overloads.

Key Vault - Secrets 4.2.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Changed default service version to “7.2”.
  • Added KeyVaultSecretIdentifier to parse certificate URIs.

Metrics Advisor 1.0.0-beta.4 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added DatasourceCredential CRUD operations to the MetricsAdvisorAdministrationClient. This API provides new ways of authenticating to a DataFeedSource.
  • Added property Authentication to data sources AzureBlobDataFeedSource, AzureDataExplorerDataFeedSource, AzureDataLakeStorageGen2DataFeedSource, and SqlServerDataFeedSource to specify the authentication type to use.
  • Added property DatasourceCredentialId to data sources AzureDataExplorerDataFeedSource, AzureDataLakeStorageGen2DataFeedSource, and SqlServerDataFeedSource to specify the datasource credential to use for authentication.
  • Added setters to models that use the Update APIs to make updating easier.
  • Added two new data feed sources: AzureEventHubsDataFeedSource and LogAnalyticsDataFeedSource.

Breaking Changes

  • Update methods will now return the updated entity instead of an empty response. For example, UpdateDataFeed now returns a Response<DataFeed>.
  • Removed data feed sources ElasticsearchDataFeedSource and HttpRequestDataFeedSource as they are not supported by the service anymore. A different type of data feed source must be used for data ingestion instead.
  • Removed getters for secrets in data feed sources, such as AzureBlobDataFeedSource.ConnectionString and InfluxDbDataFeedSource.Password.
  • In MetricsAdvisorAdministrationClient, Update operations such as UpdateDataFeed don’t take the ID as a method parameter anymore. You now need to pass an instance that has been returned from another CRUD operation and has its Id property populated.

Monitor Query 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

  • First beta release of Azure.Monitor.Query

Storage - Blobs 12.9.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.9.0-beta.4.
  • Fixed bug where BlobClient.DownloadStreaming or BlobClient.DownloadData could corrupt data on retry.
  • Fixed bug where specifying “*” as IfMatch condition could lead to inconsistend read in BlobClient.DownloadTo.
  • Fixed bug where specifying conditions in BlobBaseClient.OpenRead could override allowModifications flag in BlobOpenReadOptions leading to inconsistent read.
  • Fixed bug where BlobProperties.IsLatestVersion from BlobBaseClient.GetProperties did not set the value (defaulted to false).
  • Fixed bug where reading blob with Client Side Encryption enabled results in high CPU.

Storage - Blobs Batch 12.6.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.6.0-beta.4.

Storage - Blobs ChangeFeed 12.0.0-preview.13 Changelog

  • This release contains bug fixes to improve quality.

Storage - Common 12.8.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.8.0-beta.4.
  • This release contains bug fixes to improve quality.

Storage - Files Data Lake 12.7.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.7.0-beta.4
  • Fixed bug where DataLakeFileClient.Read could corrupt data on retry.
  • Fixed bug where specifying “*” as IfMatch condition could lead to inconsistend read in DataLakeFileClient.ReadTo.
  • Fixed bug where specifying conditions in DataLakeFileClient.OpenRead could override allowModifications flag in DataLakeOpenReadOptions leading to inconsistent read.

Storage - Files Shares 12.7.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.7.0-beta.4.
  • Fixed bug where specifying conditions in ShareFileClient.OpenRead could override allowModifications flag in ShareFileOpenReadOptions leading to inconsistent read.
  • Fixed bug where retry during streaming of ShareFileClient.Download result could lead to inconsistent read.

Storage - Queues 12.7.0 Changelog

  • Includes all features from 12.7.0-beta.4.
  • This release contains bug fixes to improve quality.

Tables 12.0.1 Changelog

Key Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue which would result in calls to TableClient.Delete, TableClient.DeleteAsync, TableClient.DeleteEntity, TableClient.DeleteEntityAsync throwing a NullReferenceException if the client was constructed with the TableClient(string connectionString, string tableName, TableClientOptions options) constructor.

Tables 12.0.0 Changelog

  • Added GenerateSasUri methods to both TableClient and TableServiceClient.

WebJobs Extensions - Event Grid 3.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Key Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue when parsing CloudEvent schema subscription validation request.

WebJobs Extensions - Event Hubs 5.0.0-beta.6 Changelog


Key Bug Fixes
  • Single dispatch now uses one thread per partition.

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of .NET packages here.

Installation Instructions

To install any of our packages, please search for them via Manage NuGet Packages... in Visual Studio (with Include prerelease checked) or copy these commands into your terminal:

$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.FormRecognizer --version 3.1.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.MetricsAdvisor --version 1.0.0-beta.4
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.Translation.Document --version 1.0.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.Containers.ContainerRegistry --version 1.0.0-beta.3
$> dotnet add package Azure.Core --version 1.15.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Core.Amqp --version 1.1.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Data.AppConfiguration --version 1.1.0-beta.3
$> dotnet add package Azure.Data.Tables --version 12.0.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Data.Tables --version 12.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Identity --version 1.5.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventGrid --version 4.3.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventHubs --version 5.5.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor --version 5.5.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Monitor.Query --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Search.Documents --version 11.3.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.ConfidentialLedger --version 1.0.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Administration --version 4.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Certificates --version 4.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys --version 4.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets --version 4.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs --version 12.9.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs.Batch --version 12.6.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs.ChangeFeed --version 12.0.0-preview.13
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Common --version 12.8.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake --version 12.7.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Files.Shares --version 12.7.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Queues --version 12.7.0
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventGrid --version 3.0.0-beta.3
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventHubs --version 5.0.0-beta.6


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please file an issue in our repo.