The Azure SDK team is pleased to make available the December 2020 client library release.


  • Azure Synapse Access Control
  • Azure Synapse Artifacts
  • Azure Synapse Spark
  • Azure Synapse Managed Private Endpoints
  • Azure Synapse Monitoring
  • Azure Storage Blob
  • Azure Storage File Shares
  • Azure Storage Files Data Lake
  • Azure Storage Queues

Installation Instructions

To install the packages, copy and paste the below into a terminal.

$> npm install @azure/synapse-access-control@next
$> npm install @azure/synapse-artifacts@next
$> npm install @azure/synapse-spark@next
$> npm install @azure/synapse-managed-private-endpoints@next
$> npm install @azure/synapse-monitoring@next
$> npm install @azure/storage-blob@next
$> npm install @azure/storage-file-share@next
$> npm install @azure/storage-file-datalake@next
$> npm install @azure/storage-queue@next


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue at the azure-sdk-for-js repository

Release highlights


This is the first release of the Synapse packages to support the new Azure Synapse Analytics service.

The packages released under the Synapse name are as follow:

Azure Storage

@azure/storage-blob Changelog

We are releasing to add support for new service features in Azure Storage Service API version 2020-04-08.

New Features on @azure/storage-blob@12.4.0-beta.1
  • Added a new interface BlockBlobClient.syncUploadFromURL() to support creating a new Block Blob where the contents of the blob are read from a given URL.
  • BlobClient.setTags() and BlobClient.getTags() now support the LeaseAccessConditions and BlobServiceClient.findBlobsByTags() will return all matching tags for each blob.
  • Added generateSasUrl to BlobClient and ContainerClient to generate a service-level SAS URI for the client.
  • Added generateAccountSasUrl to BlobServiceClient to generate an account-level SAS URI for the client.

@azure/storage-file-datalake Changelog

New Features on @azure/storage-blob@12.3.0-beta.1
  • Added generateSasUrl to DataLakeFileSystemClient, DataLakeDirectoryClient and DataLakeFileClient to generate a service-level SAS URI for the client.
  • Added generateAccountSasUrl to DataLakeServiceClient to generate an account-level SAS URI for the client.

@azure/storage-file-share Changelog

New Features on @azure/storage-file-share@12.4.0-beta.1
  • Share now supports for NFS. User can specify the protocols when creating a Share via ShareClient.create(). Also added an rootSquash option for NFS shares.
  • Added generateSasUrl to ShareClient and ShareFileClient to generate a service-level SAS URI for the client.
  • Added generateAccountSasUrl to ShareServiceClient to generate an account-level SAS URI for the client.

storage-queue Changelog

New Features on @azure/storage-queue@12.3.0-beta.1
  • Added generateSasUrl to QueueClient to generate a service-level SAS URI for the client.
  • Added generateAccountSasUrl to QueueServiceClient to generate an account-level SAS URI for the client.

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of JavaScript packages here.