The Azure SDK team is pleased to make available the November 2020 client library release.


  • Azure Identity
  • Azure Tables
  • Azure Storage Blob
  • Azure Storage Data Lake
  • Azure Storage File Share
  • Azure Service Bus


  • Azure Event Hubs
  • Azure Storage Queue


  • Azure Communication Administration
  • Azure Communication Chat
  • Azure Communication Common
  • Azure Communication SMS
  • Azure Metrics Advisor
  • Azure Form Recognizer
  • Azure Text Analytics

Installation Instructions

To install the packages, copy and paste the below into a terminal.

$> npm install @azure/identity
$> npm install @azure/tables
$> npm install @azure/storage-blob
$> npm install @azure/storage-file-datalake
$> npm install @azure/storage-file-share
$> npm install @azure/service-bus
$> npm install @azure/storage-queue
$> npm install @azure/event-hubs
$> npm install @azure/communication-administration@next
$> npm install @azure/communication-chat@next
$> npm install @azure/communication-common@next
$> npm install @azure/communication-sms@next
$> npm install @azure/ai-metrics-advisor@next
$> npm install @azure/ai-form-recognizer@next
$> npm install @azure/ai-text-analytics@next


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue at the azure-sdk-for-js repository.

Release highlights

Service Bus

@azure/service-bus Changelog

This release marks the general availability of version 7 of the @azure/service-bus package.

Breaking Changes on @azure/service-bus@7.0.0
New Features on @azure/service-bus@7.0.0
  • A new ServiceBusAdministrationClient to perform operations like create/get/list/update/delete on queues/topics/subscriptions/rules. These were already available as part of a separate package @azure/arm-servicebus that uses Azure Resource Manager APIs but had the drawback of not supporting connection strings.
  • Ability to create a batch of messages with the smarter ServiceBusSender.createBatch() and ServiceBusMessageBatch.tryAddMessage() APIs. This will help you manage the messages to be sent in the most optimal way.
  • Ability to configure the retry policy used by the operations on the client, sender and receivers.
  • Ability to cancel async operations on the client, sender and receivers and the management operations using the abort signal from @azure/abort-controller.


@azure/identity Changelog

We’re glad to announce a new major release of our Identity package. This release includes standardized ManagedIdentityCredential support across languages, as well as improvements to VisualStudioCodeCredential, DeviceCodeCredential and InteractiveBrowserCredential.

New Features on @azure/identity@1.2.0
  • A new dependency has been added: the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). MSAL allows us to provide secure and reliable implementations for InteractiveBrowserCredential and DeviceCodeCredential.
  • InteractiveBrowserCredential now works for Node, which spawns the user’s browser and connects via a browser-based auth code flow.
  • With 1.2, we’ve added support for Azure Arc to our Managed Identity credential.
  • Identity now supports Subject Name/Issuer (SNI) as part of authentication for ClientCertificateCredential.
  • Added Active Directory Federation Services authority host support to the node credentials.
  • Added support for multiple clouds on VisualStudioCodeCredential.
  • Added support for authenticating with user assigned identities on Azure App Service.

Azure Storage

@azure/storage-blob Changelog

We are releasing to add support for new service features in Azure Storage Service API version 2020-02-10.

New Features on @azure/storage-blob@12.3.0
  • Added BlockBlobClient.uploadData(data: Buffer | Blob | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView, options) for parallel uploading. It’s available in both Node.js and browsers.

@azure/storage-file-datalake Changelog

Major Fixes on @azure/storage-file-datalake@12.2.0
  • Fixed an issue where DataLakePathClient.move() will give an InvalidSourceUri error when the copy source name contains characters that need to be URL encoded.

@azure/storage-file-share Changelog

New Features on @azure/storage-file-share@12.3.0
  • Added ShareClient.setProperties(), which can be used to set both Share Tier and Share Quota.

storage-queue Changelog

New Features on @azure/storage-queue@12.2.0
  • Updated Azure Storage Service API version to 2020-02-10.

Event Hubs

@azure/event-hubs Changelog.

We’re releasing an Azure Event Hubs client patch update with bug fixes.

Major Fixes on @azure/event-hubs@3.5.1
  • Fixes an issue where the processEvents handler passed to EventHubConsumerClient.subscribe() could ignore the maxWaitTimeInSeconds parameter after a disconnection, resulting in processEvents being invoked rapidly without events.

Azure Tables

@azure/data-tables Changelog.

We’re releasing a new preview of our Azure Tables library. System properties odata.etag and Timestamp are renamed to etag and timestamp to be more idiomatic with the JavaScript ecosystem.

Metrics Advisor

@azure/ai-metrics-advisor Changelog

This version 1.0.0-beta.2 incorporates feedback from UX Studies and Architecture Board Review.

New Features on @azure/ai-metrics-advisor@1.0.0-beta.2
  • Parameters of Date type now also accept strings
  • Handle potential new data feed source types gracefully
Breaking Changes on @azure/ai-metrics-advisor@1.0.0-beta.2
  • Various renames of types, methods, and properties to improve the API surface. Please see the CHANGELOG for more details.


@azure/communication-administration Changelog

New Features on @azure/communication-administration@1.0.0-beta.3

  • Added support for long-running operations. See details under Breaking Changes.

Breaking Changes on @azure/communication-administration@1.0.0-beta.3

Model types
  • Renamed CancelSearchOptions to CancelReservationOptions.
  • Removed GetReleaseOptions.
  • Removed GetSearchOptions.
  • Replaced CreateSearchOptions with BeginReservePhoneNumbersOptions.
  • Replaced PurchaseSearchOptions with BeginPurchaseReservationOptions.
  • Replaced ReleasePhoneNumbersOptions with BeginReleasePhoneNumbersOptions.
  • Renamed PhoneNumberSearch to PhoneNumberReservation.
  • Renamed searchId property to reservationId.
  • Renamed cancelSearch to cancelReservation.
  • Removed getRelease and GetReleaseOptions.
  • Removed getSearch and GetSearchOptions.
  • Replaced createSearch with beginReservePhoneNumbers which returns a poller for the long-running operation.
  • Replaced purchaseSearch with beginPurchaseReservation which returns a poller for the long-running operation.
  • Replaced releasePhoneNumbers with beginReleasePhoneNumbers which returns a poller for the long-running operation.

@azure/communication-chat Changelog

This release contains minor fixes.

@azure/communication-common Changelog

This release contains minor fixes.

@azure/communication-sms Changelog

This release contains minor fixes.

Form Recognizer

@azure/ai-form-recognizer Changelog

This beta package targets Azure Form Recognizer API version 2.1-preview.2, and introduces support for its new form recognition features, including:

New Features on @azure/ai-form-recognizer@3.1.0-beta.1
  • Support for two new prebuilt recognition models for invoices and business cards through the beginRecognizeInvoices and beginRecognizeBusinessCards methods (as well as their FromUrl counterparts) of FormRecognizerClient.
  • Support for “Selection Marks” as a new fundamental form element. A selection mark is a mark such as a checkbox or a radio button on a form that can be either “selected” or “unselected”. This type is supported in content recognition where it is a new type of FormElement as well as in custom and prebuilt model recognition where it is a new type of FormField.
  • Support for the bitmap image format (with content type “image/bmp”) in prebuilt model recognition and content recognition. Custom form recognition does not currently support bitmap images.
  • A locale option for all prebuilt model methods, allowing for the specification of a document’s origin to assist the service with correct analysis of the documents contents.
  • A language option for the content recognition method beginRecognizeContent that specifies the document’s language (the service supports language auto-detection, so this option allows for forcing the service to use a particular language).
  • A pages option for the content recognition method beginRecognizeContent that specifies which pages in a multi-page document (a document with a content type of “application/pdf” or “image/tiff”) should be analyzed, allowing for the analysis of only certain pages of a document.
  • Two new response fields:
    • A boundingBox property on recognized FormTable objects that indicates the extent of the entire table on the page (previously, only individual elements had boundingBox).
    • An appearance property of FormLine objects that contains information about the line’s appearance in the document such as its style (e.g. “handwritten”).

In addition to the above form recognition features, there is also a new set of model training features, including:

  • Creating composed models from an array of model GUIDs through the beginCreateComposedModel method of FormTrainingClient. Composed models combine a set of custom labeled models into a single model with a unique model GUID, and when the new composed model is used for recognition, it will insert a classification step that determines the most appropriate of its submodels to use for recognition. This feature also encompasses some new fields, including:
    • A properties field of CustomFormModelInfo and CustomFormModel that may optionally contain extra properties of the custom model. Currently, the only such property is isComposedModel, which indicates that the model is a composed model rather than a standard trained model.
    • A modelId property of RecognizedForm that contains the GUID of the specific submodel that was used to analyze the form and generate the result.
    • A formTypeConfidence property of RecognizedForm that represents the service’s confidence that it chose the correct submodel to use during analysis (and therefore the correct value of formType).
  • A modelName option for model training (both beginTraining and beginCreateComposedModel) that can specify a human-readable name for a model. The model name does not have to be unique, and because models are immutable it cannot be changed. The modelName field of CustomFormModelInfo and CustomFormModel will now contain the name of the model, if one was associated during model creation.

Text Analytics

@azure/ai-text-analytics Changelog

This beta package targets Azure Text Analytics API version 3.1-preview.3, and introduces support for its new text analytics features, including:

New Features on @azure/ai-text-analytics@5.1.0-beta.3
  • Support for the new API for batch tasks processing through the beginAnalyze method. The currently supported tasks are Named Entity Recognition, Personally identifiable Information, and Key Phrase Extraction.
  • Support for the recognition of healthcare entities API with the introduction of the beginAnalyzeHealthcare method. Since the Health API is currently only available in a gated preview, you need to have your subscription on the service’s allow list. Also, note that since this is a gated preview, AAD is not supported. For more information, see the Text Analytics for Health documentation.

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of JavaScript packages here.