The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our February 2020 client library releases.


  • Event Hubs


  • Storage (Blobs, Blobs Batch, Queues, File Shares, DataLake)


  • Cosmos
  • Identity
  • Key Vault (Keys)
  • Text Analytics

Installation Instructions

To use the GA and beta libraries, refer to the Maven dependency information below, which may be copied into your projects Maven pom.xml file as appropriate. If you are using a different build tool, refer to its documentation on how to specify dependencies.

















If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue to GitHub.


Detailed changelogs are linked from the Quick Links below. Here are some of the highlights:

Event Hubs (Changelog)

  • The Event Hub connection is reestablished when a transient failure is encountered.
  • Error handling in EventProcessor is broken out and handled in several scenarios.

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Identity (Changelog)

  • All credential builders support setting a pipeline via httpPipeline method.
  • SharedTokenCacheCredentialBuilder supports setting the tenant id via tenantId method.

KeyVault Keys (Changelog)

  • KeyVaultKey model can be instantiated using factory methods fromKeyId(String keyId, JsonWebKey jsonWebKey) and fromName(String name, JsonWebKey jsonWebKey).
  • KeyEncryptionKeyClientBuilder can consume KeyVaultKey and build KeyEncryptionKey and AsyncKeyEncryptionKey via buildKeyEncryptionKey(KeyVaultKey key) and buildAsyncKeyEncryptionKey(KeyVaultKey key) methods respectively.

Text Analytics (Changelog)

  • General class and method rename to comply with API guidelines.
  • All single text operation methods now return an atomic type of operation result.
  • Simplified TextAnaylticsError to only contain code, message, and target.
  • Added the ability to create a Text Analytics client with a credential that can be updated in long-lived clients.
  • All batch overload methods have been renamed by adding the suffix Batch.
  • Accessing a result on a DocumentError now raises a TextAnalyticsException with a description of the error.

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