WordPress on App Service Public Preview

4 minute read • By Abhishek Reddy • February 23, 2022

We are happy to announce the public preview of the WordPress offering on App Service. This offering will enable you to deploy and host new WordPress websites with ease.

Check out the following docs to learn more about deploying a WordPress website on AppService: Quickstart: Create a WordPress site - Azure App Service

For more details refer to our blog post on MS Techcommunity

Known limitations

  • In the preview period, WP installation may take up to 10 minutes. We’re working to improve the deployment time.

WordPress Linux Hosting Plans

The latest update provides you with four hosting plans. Hosting plans and SKUs are detailed below:

Hosting plan Web app Database (MySQL Flexible Server)
Basic B1 Burstable, B1s
Development S1 Burstable, B1ms
Standard P1V2 Burstable, B2s
Premium P1V3 Gen Purpose, D2ds_v4


The new experience ships with two pre-installed plugins, W3TC and WP Smush. W3TC plugin pre-installed. It uses Redis cache to process requests faster. WordPress pages, objects, and DB objects are cached to improve performance. WP Smush will compress images while retaining optimal quality. This will improve load times and increase WordPress performance.

Changing MySQL Database Password

WordPress deployment creates an AppService and a MySQL database server, under the same resource group. Login credentials for the MySQL server are generated randomly during deployment process.

Database connection details are configured into WordPress via ‘Application Settings’ option available in the AppService. Note that you can retrieve the database connection details from Application Setting section in case you forgot to note them down during the creation time.

First, go to the MySQL resource corresponding to your WordPress deployment, and click on ‘Reset Password’ option as shown below. Now enter the new password and click on Save. Wait until the action is completed.

Then navigate to the Configuration section of your AppService and update the Application Settings corresponding to the database connection details. Once you update the values, click on Save and wait for app to get restarted. The settings are as follows


Changing WordPress Admin Password

WordPress is installed on the AppService with the admin credentials provided by the user during the create process. These details are also added to the Application Settings of the AppService for initial deployment purpose. You can retrieve the credentials from here in case you forgot to note them during the creation time.

Note that changing the admin credentials values in Application Settings after the deployment doesn’t update the same in WordPress, meaning that it does not actually changes the credentials. These App Settings only meant for initial deployment purpose and, also to help the users note them down for the first time.

Actual update of admin credentials must be done via WordPress Admin dashboard. And this process doesn’t update the values back in the Application Settings of the AppService, as those parameters are out of sync once the app is created.

Go to the admin dashboard of your WordPress site by using the following link format https://.azurewebsites.net/wp-admin. It will prompt you to login. Use the credentials you have entered during the create process to login to the dashboard.

Then navigate to Users section as shown below and move your cursor over the user entry you want to make changes to and click Edit option which appears there.

Set the new password using the option provided there and click on “Update Profile” to save the changes.

Environment variables

Application Setting Scope Value Max Description
WEBSITES_CONTAINER_START_TIME_LIMIT Web app 900 - The amount of time the platform will wait (for the site to come up) before it restarts your container. WP installation takes around 5-10 mins after the AppService is deployed. By default, timeout limit for Linux AppService is 240 seconds. So, overriding this value to 900 seconds for WordPress deployments to avoid container restarts during the setup process. This is a required setting, and it is recommended to not change this value.
WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE Web App true - When set to TRUE, file contents are preserved during restarts.
WP_MEMORY_LIMIT WordPress 128M 512M Frontend or general wordpress PHP memory limit (per script). Can’t be more than PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT
WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT WordPress 256M 512M Admin dashboard PHP memory limit (per script). Generally Admin dashboard/ backend scripts takes lot of memory compared to frontend scripts. Can’t be more than PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT.
PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT PHP 512M 512M Memory limits for general PHP script. It can only be decreased.
FILE_UPLOADS PHP On - Can be either On or Off. Note that values are case sensitive. Enables or disables file uploads.
UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE PHP 50M 256M Max file upload size limit. Can be increased up to 256M.  
POST_MAX_SIZE PHP 128M 256M Can be increased up to 256M. Generally should be more than UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE.
MAX_EXECUTION_TIME PHP 120 120 Can only be decreased. Please break down the scripts if it is taking more than 120 seconds. Added to avoid bad scripts from slowing the system.
MAX_INPUT_TIME PHP 120 120 Max time limit for parsing the input requests. Can only be decreased.
MAX_INPUT_VARS PHP 10000 10000 -
DATABASE_HOST Database - - Database host used to connect to WordPress.
DATABASE_NAME Database - - Database name used to connect to WordPress.
DATABASE_USERNAME Database - - Database username used to connect to WordPress.
DATABASE_PASSWORD Database - - Database password used to connect to WordPress.

WordPress installation simple, just provide the desired admin email, username, and password and everything else is taken care of. The latest update also brings significant performance enhancements like integrated caching and image compression.