App Service Support for Availability Zones

4 minute read • By Jordan Selig • August 25, 2021

NOTE! As of March 2023, the content in this post may be outdated. For the latest information on Availability Zone support for App Service, see Azure App Service and reliability and Migrate App Service to availability zone support.

Availability Zone (AZ) support for public multi-tenant App Service is now available. The official doc has been published to Microsoft Azure docs. AZ support for App Service Environments (ASEs) is also available, see Availability Zone support for App Service Environments. Additionally, AZ support for the Azure Functions Premium plan is now available, see Azure Functions support for availability zone redundancy.

Availability Zone Overview

An Availability Zone is a high-availability offering that protects your applications and data from datacenter failures. Availability Zones are unique physical locations within an Azure region. Each zone is made up of one or more datacenters equipped with independent power, cooling, and networking. To ensure resiliency, there’s a minimum of three separate zones in all enabled regions. Build high-availability into your application architecture by co-locating your compute, storage, networking, and data resources within a zone and replicating in other zones. To learn more about Availability Zones, continue reading here.


AZ support, otherwise known as zone redundancy, is a property of the App Service Plan (ASP). The following are the current requirements/limitations for enabling zone redundancy:

  • Both Windows and Linux are supported
  • Requires either Premium v2 or Premium v3 App Service Plans
  • Minimum instance count of 3
    • The platform will enforce this minimum count behind the scenes if you specify an instance count fewer than 3. This is due to the platform automatically spreading these VMs across 3 zones when zone redundancy is enabled.
  • Can be enabled in any of the following regions:
    • West US 2
    • West US 3
    • Central US
    • East US
    • East US 2
    • Canada Central
    • Brazil South
    • North Europe
    • West Europe
    • Germany West Central
    • France Central
    • UK South
    • Japan East
    • Southeast Asia
    • Australia East
  • Zone redundancy can only be specified when creating a new App Service Plan
    • Currently you can not convert pre-existing App Service Plan. See next bullet for details on how to create a new App Service Plan that supports zone redundancy.
  • AZ is only supported in the newer portion of the App Service footprint
    • Currently if you are running on Pv3 then you are already on the footprint that supports AZ and all you need to do is create a new App Service Plan
    • If you are not using Pv3 or a scale unit that supports AZ, are in a region that isn’t supported, or are unsure, follow the steps below:
      • Create a new resource group in a region that is supported
      • Create a new App Service Plan (and app) in a region of your choice using the new resource group
  • Must be created using ARM templates

How to Deploy a Zone Redundant App Service

Currently, you need to use an ARM templates to create a zone redundant App Service. Once created via an ARM template, the App Service Plan can be viewed and interacted with via the Azure Portal as well as CLI tooling. An ARM template is only needed for the initial creation of the App Service Plan.

The only changes needed in an ARM template to specify a zone redundant App Service are the new zoneRedundant property (required) and optionally the App Service Plan instance count (i.e. capacity) on the Microsoft.Web/serverfarms resource. If you don’t specify a capacity, the platform defaults to 3. The zoneRedundant property should be set to true and capacity should be set based on the workload requirement, but no less than 3. Choosing the right capacity varies based on a number of factors as well as high availability/fault tolerance strategies, however a good rule of thumb is to ensure sufficient instances for the application such that losing one zone of instances leaves sufficient capacity to handle expected load.

TIP To decide instance capacity, you can use the following calculation:

Since the platform spreads VMs across 3 zones and you need to account for at least the failure of 1 zone, multiply peak workload instance count by a factor of zones/(zones-1), or 3/2. For example, if your typical peak workload requires 4 instances, you should provision 6 instances: (2/3 * 6 instances) = 4 instances.

In the case when a zone goes down, the App Service platform will detect lost instances and automatically attempt to find new instances to replace the ones that were lost. Note that if auto-scale is also configured, and if it decides more instances are needed, auto-scale will also issue a request to App Service to add more instances (auto-scale behavior is independent of App Service platform behavior). It is important to note that there is no guarantee that requests for additional instances in a zone-down scenario will succeed since back filling lost instances occurs on a best-effort basis. The recommended solution is to provision your App Service Plans to account for losing a zone as described previously in this article.

The ARM template snippet below shows the new zoneRedundant property and capacity specification.

"resources": [
    "type": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms",
    "apiVersion": "2018-02-01",
    "name": "your-appserviceplan-name-here",
    "location": "West US 3",
    "sku": {
        "name": "P1v3",
        "tier": "PremiumV3",
        "size": "P1v3",
        "family": "Pv3",
        "capacity": 3
    "kind": "app",
    "properties": {
        "zoneRedundant": true

For details on how to deploy ARM templates, see this doc. For App Service ARM quickstarts, visit this GitHub repo.