Deployment Slot support for Azure Functions (preview)
Azure functions now support creation of deployment slots, just like apps on App Service you can create slots and perform swap operations between slots.
New Backup experience for apps on App Service
We have revamped the backup experience to make it more streamlined and easier to configure.
New Delete experience for apps on App Service
The new Delete experience provides more information about what will be deleted and allows you to opt out of deleting the App Service plan when deleting the last app hosted in it.
App Service support for Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Database for PostgreSQL
App Service fully supports the new
Azure Database for MySQL and
Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
You can get started using one of the following templates:
If you have any questions about any of this features or App Service in general be sure to check our forums in
MSDN and
Stack Overflow.
For any feature requests or ideas check out our
User Voice