Using kubelogin in Jenkins
In Jenkins, since workspaces are most likely run under jenkins
user, different login modes may have different configuration requirements to allow multiple builds to run concurrently. When it is not configured properly, there may be clashing in cache or login context that results in You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
error message.
Using Azure CLI Login mode
When Azure CLI is installed in Jenkins environment, Azure CLI’s config directory likely resides in Jenkins workspace directory. To use the Azure CLI, environment variable AZURE_CONFIG_DIR
should be specified.
Using kubelogin convert-kubeconfig
subcommand with --azure-config-dir
, the generated kubeconfig will configure the environment variable for get-token
subcommand to find the corresponding Azure config directory. For example,
stage('Download kubeconfig and convert') {
steps {
sh 'az aks get-credentials -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${CLUSTER_NAME}'
sh 'kubelogin convert-kubeconfig -l azurecli --azure-config-dir ${AZURE_CONFIG_DIR:-${WORKSPACE}/.azure}'
stage('Run kubectl') {
steps {
sh 'kubectl get nodes'
Using Device Code, Web Browser, and ROPC Login Modes
Since kubelogin
by default caches authentication record (a json file containing user identification such as object ID and tenant ID) at ${HOME}/.kube/cache/kubelogin/auth.json
in device code,
web browser interactive, and ropc login modes,
kubelogin covert-kubeconfig --cache-dir
should be specified to a directory under Jenkins workspace such as ${WORKSPACE}/.kube/cache/kubelogin