
To make a new release and publish please follow the following steps.

  1. Create a branch publish-x.y.z
  2. Add a section to with the header ## [x.y.z] (N.B: make sure to write the new version in square brackets as the changelog-reader action only works if the file follows the Keep a Changelog standard)
  3. Create a new PR, get approval and merge
  4. Run the release workflow manually from the GH Actions tab

Sample Changelog content for first release.

For first release using new release and publish using changelog here is a sample:

## [0.0.26]

* What is getting released here + @commit

Thanks to whoever was involved, pm.

In Event of Special Case Failures Post Build and Release.

In an event where build and release were successful but publish failed for something else, in that case please make sure we delete the unsucessful release note and release tag, before re-running the release again, this will get release fresh release notes and tag.