Using in different environments
supports Azure Environments:
- AzurePublicCloud (default value)
- AzureChinaCloud
- AzureUSGovernmentCloud
- AzureStackCloud
You can specify --environment
in kubelogin convert-kubeconfig
When using AzureStackCloud
you will need to specify the actual endpoints in a config file, and set the environment variable AZURE_ENVIRONMENT_FILEPATH
to that file.
The configuration parameters of this file:
"name": "AzureStackCloud",
"managementPortalURL": "...",
"publishSettingsURL": "...",
"serviceManagementEndpoint": "...",
"resourceManagerEndpoint": "...",
"activeDirectoryEndpoint": "...",
"galleryEndpoint": "...",
"keyVaultEndpoint": "...",
"graphEndpoint": "...",
"serviceBusEndpoint": "...",
"batchManagementEndpoint": "...",
"storageEndpointSuffix": "...",
"sqlDatabaseDNSSuffix": "...",
"trafficManagerDNSSuffix": "...",
"keyVaultDNSSuffix": "...",
"serviceBusEndpointSuffix": "...",
"serviceManagementVMDNSSuffix": "...",
"resourceManagerVMDNSSuffix": "...",
"containerRegistryDNSSuffix": "...",
"cosmosDBDNSSuffix": "...",
"tokenAudience": "...",
"resourceIdentifiers": {
"graph": "...",
"keyVault": "...",
"datalake": "...",
"batch": "...",
"operationalInsights": "..."
The full configuration is available in the source code at