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The cleanup section consists in deleting the resources created during the workshop. If you followed the assignment on secret store or the assignment on managed identities, please follow the complete instructions below. If not, you can just delete the resource group:

az group delete --name rg-dapr-workshop-java --no-wait --yes

Role assignement, Azure AD application and its service principal are not deleted when deleting the resource group. You need to delete them manually. Therefore follow the instruction below if you setup the secret store and/or the managed identities.

Secret Store cleanup

The application in Azure AD, its service principal and the role assigned to the service principal are not delete when the resource group is deleted. Therefore, before deleting the resource group, you need to delete the role assignment, the service principal and the application. Follow these instructions only if you have done the bonus assignment on secret store or the assignment 7 of the container apps challenge.

This is already done if you followed the Step 2 of bonus assignment on managed identities or if you have completed the assignment 8 of the container apps challenge.

  1. Remove the role assignment for the service principal:

     az role assignment delete \
       --assignee "$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID" \
       --role "Key Vault Secrets User" \
       --scope "$KEY_VAULT_ID"

    The role assignment is not deleted when a service principal is deleted. So you need to delete it explicitely.

  2. Delete the service principal:

     az ad sp delete \
  3. Delete that application in Azure AD:

     az ad app delete \
       --id "$APP_ID"

Managed Identities cleanup

The role assignments are not deleted when managed identities are delete. Therefore, before deleting the managed identities in the resource group, you need to delete the role assignment. You need also to delete the role assignment for the SMI of the container apps. Follow these instructions only if you have done the bonus assignment on managed identities or the assignment 8 of the container apps challenge.

  1. Delete role assignment for the container registry:

     az role assignment delete \
       --assignee "$ACR_PULL_UMI_PRINCIPAL_ID" \
       --role "AcrPull" \
       --scope "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ID"
  2. Delete role assignment for the key vault:

     az role assignment create \
       --role "Key Vault Secrets User" \
       --scope "$KEY_VAULT_ID"
  3. Delete role assignment for the service bus:

     az role assignment create \
       --assignee "$SERVICE_BUS_UMI_PRINCIPAL_ID" \
       --role "Azure Service Bus Data Owner" \
       --scope "$SERVICE_BUS_ID"

Delete all other resources

To delete all other resources, you can delete the resource group:

az group delete --name rg-dapr-workshop-java --no-wait --yes