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Deploying service invocation to Azure Kubernetes Service

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In this assignment, you will deploy the service communication to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). You will use the service invocation building block provided by Dapr.


Step 1: Deploy service invocation to AKS

  1. Open deploy/vehicleregistrationservice.yaml in your code editor and uncomment the following lines:

         # annotations:
             # "true"
             # "vehicleregistrationservice"
             # "6002"

    to give Vehicle Registration Service an id and a port known to Dapr.

  2. Delete the image from local docker and from the Azure Container Registry:

     docker rmi fine-collection-service:1.0-SNAPSHOT
     az acr repository delete -n $CONTAINER_REGISTRY --image fine-collection-service:latest

    Where $CONTAINER_REGISTRY is the name of your Azure Container Registry.

  3. In the root folder of FineCollectionService, run the following command to build and push the image:

     mvn spring-boot:build-image
     docker tag fine-collection-service:1.0-SNAPSHOT $
     docker push $

    Where $CONTAINER_REGISTRY is the name of your Azure Container Registry.

  4. From the root folder of the repo, run the following command:

     kubectl apply -k deploy

Step 2. Test the applications running in AKS

  1. Run the following command to identify the name of each microservice pod:

     kubectl get pods
  2. l\Look at the log file of each application pod to see the same output as seen when running on your laptop. For example:

     kubectl logs finecollectionservice-ccf8c9cf5-vr8hr -c fine-collection-service
  3. Delete all application deployments:

     kubectl delete -k deploy


When the workshop is done, please follow the cleanup instructions to delete the resources created in this workshop.

< Invoke Service using Dapr