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Deploying to AKS with Dapr Extension

Table of contents


  1. Install Helm

  2. Login to azure:

     az login
  3. Create a resource group:

    • Create Resource Group (if not already created):

      az group create --name rg-dapr-workshop-java --location eastus
    • Set Resource Group as default:

      az configure --defaults group=rg-dapr-workshop-java
  4. Azure Container Registry is a private registry for hosting container images. Using the Azure Container Registry, you can store Docker images for all types of container deployments. This registry needs to be gloablly unique. Use the following command to generate a unique name:

    • Linux/Unix shell:

        UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER=$(LC_ALL=C tr -dc a-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 5)
    • Powershell:

        $ACCEPTED_CHAR = [Char[]]'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
        $UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = (Get-Random -Count 5 -InputObject $ACCEPTED_CHAR) -join ''
        $CONTAINER_REGISTRY = "crdaprworkshopjava$UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER"
  5. Create an Azure Container Registry (ACR) resource:

     az acr create --name "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY" --sku Basic
  6. Create an AKS cluster with the ACR attached:

     az aks create \
         --name aks-dapr-workshop-java \
         --generate-ssh-keys \
         --attach-acr "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY" \
  7. Update AKS with Dapr extension:

     az k8s-extension create --cluster-type managedClusters \
       --cluster-name aks-dapr-workshop-java \
       --name myDaprExtension \
       --extension-type Microsoft.Dapr
  8. Download AKS cluster kubecofig file, and install kubectl CLI:

     az aks install-cli
     az aks get-credentials -n aks-dapr-workshop-java -g rg-dapr-workshop-java

Step 1 - Deploy kafka to AKS, and configure Dapr

  1. Deploy kafka to kubernetes using helm chart:

     helm repo add bitnami
     helm install my-release bitnami/kafka
  2. Configure Dapr to use kafka for pubsub:

     cd deploy
     kubectl apply -f kafka-pubsub.yaml

Step 2 - Generate Docker images for applications, and push them to ACR

  1. Login to your ACR repository:

     az acr login --name "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY"
  2. In the root folder of TravelRegistrationService microservice, run the following command:

     mvn spring-boot:build-image
     docker tag vehicle-registration-service:1.0-SNAPSHOT "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY"
     docker push "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY"
  3. In the root folder of FineCollectionService microservice, run the following command:

     mvn spring-boot:build-image
     docker tag fine-collection-service:1.0-SNAPSHOT "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY"
     docker push "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY"
  4. In the root folder of TrafficControlService microservice, run the following command:

     mvn spring-boot:build-image
     docker tag traffic-control-service:1.0-SNAPSHOT "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY"
     docker push "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY"
  5. In the root folder of the simulation (Simulation), run the following command:

     mvn spring-boot:build-image
     docker tag simulation:1.0-SNAPSHOT "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY"
     docker push "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY"

Step 3 - Deploy Kubernetes manifest files for applications to AKS

  1. In the deploy folder, update all <service-name>-deployment.yaml files to use the correct container registry: replace <REPLACE_WITH_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME> with the name of the container registry ($CONTAINER_REGISTRY).

  2. From the root folder of the repo, run the following command:

     kubectl apply -k deploy

    Please note below the kubectl apply is with -k option, which is applying kustomize.yaml file in the deploy folder.

Step 4 - Test the applications running in AKS

  1. Run the following command to identify the name of each microservice pod:

     kubectl get pods
  2. Look at the log file of each application pod to see the same output as seen when running on your laptop. For example:

     kubectl logs trafficcontrolservice-7d8f48b778-rx8l8 -c traffic-control-service
  3. Delete all application deployments:

     kubectl delete -k deploy

Next Steps

Well done, you have successfully completed the workshop!


When the workshop is done, please follow the cleanup instructions to delete the resources created in this workshop.

< Dapr Sidecar in k8’s (Optional) Observability >