Reference a secret in Dapr components
Table of contents
Previously, you have created an Azure Key Vault and added the Dapr component. Now you will use a secret from a secret store in another Dapr component. This bonus assignment is about using Azure Key Vault as a secret store to store the connection string of the Azure Service Bus and use it in the pubsub
If the setup of the Azure Key Vault is not done yet, please follow the instructions in Setup Azure Key Vault as a secret store.
Assignment 3 - Setup Azure Service Bus
is also a pre-requisite for this assignment. If not done yet, please follow the instructions in Assignment 3 - Setup Azure Service Bus.
Step 1: Create a secret in the Azure Key Vault for the connetion string
Azure Service Bus’ connection string will be store as a string/literal secret:
Open a terminal window.
Create a secret in the Azure Key Vault for Azure Service Bus’ connection string:
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $KEY_VAULT --name azSericeBusconnectionString --value "<connection-string>"
with the connection string of the Azure Service Bus created in assignement 3.
Step 2: Use the secret in the application FineCollectionService
Open the file
(created in assignment 3) in your code editor, and inspect it. -
Replace value:
value: "Endpoint=sb://{ServiceBusNamespace};SharedAccessKeyName={PolicyName};SharedAccessKey={Key};EntityPath={ServiceBus}"
secretKeyRef: name: azSericeBusconnectionString key: azSericeBusconnectionString
When the secret is a string/literal, the
is the same as thename
of the secret, see How-To: Reference secrets in components. -
Add the following lines before
:auth: secretStore: secretstore
This tells Dapr to use the secret store component
to retrieve the secret.
Step 3: Test the application
You’re going to start all the services now.
Make sure no services from previous tests are running (close the command-shell windows).
Open the terminal window and make sure the current folder is
. -
Enter the following command to run the VehicleRegistrationService with a Dapr sidecar:
mvn spring-boot:run
Open a new terminal window and change the current folder to
. -
Enter the following command to run the FineCollectionService with a Dapr sidecar:
- Ensure you have run
dapr init
command prior to running the below command
dapr run --app-id finecollectionservice --app-port 6001 --dapr-http-port 3601 --dapr-grpc-port 60001 --resources-path ../dapr/components mvn spring-boot:run
- Ensure you have run
Open a new terminal window and change the current folder to
. -
Enter the following command to run the TrafficControlService with a Dapr sidecar:
dapr run --app-id trafficcontrolservice --app-port 6000 --dapr-http-port 3600 --dapr-grpc-port 60000 --resources-path ../dapr/components mvn spring-boot:run
Open a new terminal window and change the current folder to
. -
Start the simulation:
mvn spring-boot:run
You should see the same logs as Assignment 3 with Azure Service Bus. Obviously, the behavior of the application is exactly the same as before.
You can use the secret store to store Cosmos DB master key as well. Try it out! More information on Cosmos DB as a state store can be found in Bonus Assignment: State Store.
Retreive a secret in the application Deploy to ACA