Azure IoT

Now that the basics of how asymmetric encryption and certificates work have been described, it’s possible to move on to how they work in Azure IoT scenarios.

Server certificates

Like any secure web services, Azure IoT Hub and the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service (DPS) support TLS, and in fact they both require it. The services expose this through the REST-based APIs for the management plane and through the AMQP, MQTT, and HTTP endpoints for the data plane. These services enforce the use of TLS and do not support unencrypted access on any of these three protocols. Because of that, it’s necessary for an IoT device using the Azure IoT platform to support TLS in its runtime, including an appropriate root certificate store.

Furthermore, because Azure, like all service providers, rotates certificates at times, it’s necessary to take that into account. This may even happen at the root level, as described at How to migrate hub root certificate - Azure IoT Hub | Microsoft Learn. The devices must have an appropriate root store in place to support all known issuers, as well as have a way to update the devices to new certificates as necessary.

Client (device) certificates (device authentication) for IoT Hub DPS

Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service (DPS) supports three attestation mechanisms (types of device identity verification) for devices:

  1. Shared access signature (SAS) tokens, built on a shared password (“symmetric key”) that is associated with the device or the enrollment group
  2. Trusted Platform Module (TPM) nonce challenges
  3. X.509 certificates

For the purposes of this topic, SAS tokens are out of scope.

TPM nonce challenges

For the purposes of this topic, the implementation details of TPM nonce challenges are not important. The important understanding for this selection is that the TPM is not being used to store a certificate, but is instead acting as its own identification mechanism. If the TPM is being used to store a certificate, which is then used to attest to the device identity, then the nonce challenge mechanism is not being used, and the next option, through the use of an X.509 certificate, applies. As this topic is focusing on certificate use cases, there’s no more discussion of this topic here, but refer to the documentation for more information, if desired.

X.509 certificates

As described earlier, an X.509 certificate consists of a public key and a private key, and the client’s possession of the private key is proven through work done against the public key. For DPS, this is done as part of the provisioning transaction. The device must have a certificate where the subject common name (CN) matches the registration ID for the device, where the registration ID is a unique per-device identifier.

As with any asymmetric encryption implementation, it’s critical that the device securely stores the private key, because if it’s compromised, any device can present as the target device. This means that a secure device design includes a hardware security module (HSM), which may be part of a TPM or it may be a distinct unit. The HSM in this scenario is used to store the device’s private key.

But, what is happening to validate that certificate is trusted and has been issued by a trusted CA? There are two options available.

Individual enrollments

Individual enrollment entries are configured with the public key of the device certificate associated with a specific device. Managing this is easiest for small deployments, as every new device means a new enrollment entry in DPS, including uploading of a public key.

Enrollment groups

Enrollment group entries are associated with a specific intermediate or root CA certificate. These entries control enrollments for all devices that have that intermediate or root certificate in their certificate chain. Managing this is preferred for larger deployments, as all new devices are covered with a single entry, as long as the devices have their certificates issued by a trusted CA. The DPS configuration here indicates the trusted CA from some level of the hierarchy (an intermediate CA or a root CA); any device certificates that chain to a trusted CA are associated with the enrollment group.

When configuring DPS with the trusted CA public key information, if an intermediate CA certificate is referenced, the full chain to the root CA must be configured, otherwise certificate validation will fail. This is not unusual for certificate-based authentication validation, but it’s worth calling it out to avoid possible misunderstanding.

Certificate sourcing and installation

When using certificate authentication, a natural question to answer is “where are the certificates coming from?”

Traditionally, this is done on the manufacturing line, where a local CA issues certificates to the device as it’s going through initial programming. This CA would be an intermediate CA that chains to a manufacturer’s root CA, which is either a self-signed root or is itself an intermediate CA that chains to a trusted public CA. For smaller manufacturing scenarios, this is a valid path. Security is as high as the manufacturing line itself (which must be at least somewhat trusted by definition).

However, there is a potential scalability concern here, because the time for a CA to issue a certificate now becomes a bottleneck; furthermore, a failure of the CA potentially leads to a failure of the manufacturing line. The latter is sometimes brought up as an objection to this pattern in 24x7x365 manufacturing scenarios, but there are very few truly 24x7x365 manufacturing scenarios. For example, automobile manufacturing is often referenced, but auto manufacturing has built-in stops for retooling, vacation time, etc. (thus supporting maintenance windows on the CAs). Also, certificates are not going to be issued to the vehicle as a whole, but to one or more modules on the vehicle, which are built, then installed into the vehicle, which means that the certificate installation process can be decoupled from the assembly line. In other words, with proper planning, the CA is not part of the mainline assembly process, and the objections to this process are safely satisfied.

There is another way to approach this, however; there is a DPS capability in preview that allows issuing a per-device certificate to a device on first boot, as part of zero-touch provisioning. The initial request must authenticate using one of the standard authentication methods, but once that is done, the device will receive a certificate, and optionally a new trust bundle (collection of certificates to apply to the local device trusted root store), and then be able to use that for its future authentication work. This does still mean a temporary, secured connection, including a TLS-protected DPS transaction and authentication, but it allows a bootstrapping of later steps.

What CA does DPS use to retrieve that device certificate? It uses a CA configured as part of the DPS configuration. Similarly, the trust bundle is part of the DPS configuration. The overall process diagram is shown below:

    participant IoT Device
    participant DPS
    participant CA
    participant IoT Hub
    actor Customer

    note over IoT Device, Customer: Setup
    Customer->>CA: Setup account, configure CA for client certs
    CA-->>Customer: API key, profile
    Customer->>DPS: Create CA object (API key, client cert profile)
    DPS->>CA: Connect
    CA-->>DPS: Success
    Customer->>DPS: Create enrollment (TPM, X.509, Key) and link to CA object

    note over IoT Device, Customer: Zero touch provisioning when device boots up and connects to DPS
    IoT Device->>IoT Device: Create keypair
    IoT Device->>IoT Device: Create CSR
    IoT Device->>DPS: Register(CSR) + AuthN
    DPS->>CA: CSR
    CA-->>DPS: X.509 client certificate
    DPS->>IoT Hub: Register device, X.509 client certificate thumbprint, twin settings
    DPS->>IoT Device: X.509 client certificate + assigned IoT Hub
    IoT Device->>IoT Hub: Connect() + AuthN with x.509 client certificate
    IoT Device->>IoT Hub: Send telemetry

Client (device) certificates (device authentication) for IoT Hub

Azure IoT Hub supports three authentication mechanisms for devices connecting to IoT Hub:

  1. Shared secrets (“symmetric key”), which is a per-device password
  2. SAS tokens, which are generated based on a symmetric key
  3. X.509 certificates

Only the last choice, X.509 certificates, is in scope for this topic.

In general, the same rules as for DPS apply. If DPS is in use, the preview for certificates can be used for obtaining a certificate, or the device can have one installed during manufacturing. Some customers choose to develop their own onboarding solution independent of, or in concert with, DPS that handles certificate issuance.

Because there is a lot of overlap with the DPS design considerations, there’s not a need for substantial detail here.