Certificates and public-key crypto

Digital certificates

Digital certificates address and solve the foundational issue of enabling trust between parties that want to securely exchange information (like the browser and the website in our example), by creating strong and verifiable identities vouched by Certification Authorities (CAs).

CAs are entities acting as “anchors of trust”, which means that they must be inherently trusted by both parties. They are responsible for issuing, retaining, and revoking those certificates.

Public-key cryptography

At the core of digital certificates there’s the public-key cryptography (or asymmetric cryptography), which is used to cryptographically bind an identity (such as organization name or a website’s URL) to a public key using a digital signature. The result are strong identities, in the sense of neither cloneable nor alterable, protected by a signature which authenticity can be verified. That’s how trust is established.

The public key and the private key

So how does public-key cryptography work? Public-key cryptography uses a keypair consisting of two mathematically related, but different, keys: a public key, and a private key. Unlike symmetric key algorithms that rely on one key to both encrypt and decrypt, in public-key algorithms, each key performs a unique function.

Key Type Decryption Encryption Digital signatures Signature verification Protection
Private Yes No Yes No Kept secret
Public No Yes No Yes Shared openly

The table refers to a digital signature. This is explained later in the content.

The key pair is a pair of large, related prime numbers, which are related to each other through multiplication. Because prime factorization of large numbers is computationally infeasible with all currently available technology, it’s not possible to derive the private key from the public key or vice-versa, and thus you can freely distribute the public key associated with the private key that you own. That’s why it’s called “public”.

As an aside, note that the selection of “private” and “public” is arbitrary in this scenario; the important thing is that the key chosen as the “private” key is kept safe and protected.

The X.509 certificate format

Going back to certificates: ITU standard X.509 defines the format of Digital Certificates which use asymmetric encryption to cryptographically seal a data object.

Certificates consist of a set of fields, which have been expanded over time from Version 1, through Version 2, to Version 3. As said, the goal is cryptographically binding the subject’s identity to the subject’s public key via a digital signature made by an entity which is the “issuer” of the certificate. An X.509 certificate includes:

  • The subject’s identity, consisting of information such as a hostname, a fully qualified domain name, an organization name, an individual name, and so on
  • The subject’s public key, associated with a private key which is NOT included in the certificate but rather kept securely under the certificate owner’s control
  • The issuer of the certificate
  • The signature algorithm used for the digital signature on the certificate; there are multiple signature algorithms including some that are no longer considered secure (e.g. SHA-1) and thus are deprecated in many scenarios; in general, the stronger the hashing algorithm, the better
  • Miscellaneous other information in “extensions” possibly including fields such as:
    • The method to check the revocation status of the certificate
    • The allowed use cases for the certificate (e.g. “this can be used by a server to identify the server”)
  • A digital signature, made by the issuer, to seal the entire data object

"A sample certificate layout"

(image source)

The full list of fields is documented at Tutorial - Understand X.509 public key certificates for Azure IoT Hub | Microsoft Learn and at X.509 Public Key Certificates - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn.

Because the signature generation includes the CA’s private key, it’s possible to validate that the certificate has not been tampered with after the CA has issued it.

The certificate itself is meant to be public, and it is freely distributed to tell other parties who the owner is, and to let others verify such an identity statement.

But how can someone verify the certificate (and hence the identity stated in the certificate)?

The certificate “chain of trust”

Let’s say that A (the browser) receives a X.509 digital certificate from B (Microsoft website) with:

  • The subject’s information (such as the “Common Name” or a “Subject Alternate Name”) set to “www.microsoft.com”

  • An “issuer” field pointing to an entity C, which issued (i.e. signed) the certificate.

For A to validate the B’s certificate signature, A needs C’s public key (which is paired to the private key that C used to create the signature). Where does the browser get that from? Through a certificate, of course! That certificate in turn may be issued by a Certification Authority “D” and recursively by other CA entities all chained together. That’s the concept of “chain of trust”.

A sample certificate chain of trust

(image source)

Is the “chain of trust” endless? No - the so-called “intermediate” CAs chain up to a “root” CA certificate, which is a special one: it’s a “self-signed” certificate (where the subject equals the issuer).

That’s the “anchor of trust”:

  • If you don’t trust the root, you won’t trust the entire chain and hence you cannot trust the end (or “leaf”) certificate.

  • If you trust the root, and if all the signatures along the chain are successfully validated, you can eventually trust the end certificate.

This still causes a problem, though, because how and why does the device trust the root CA?

Private CAs vs Public CAs

Let’s distinguish between two cases:

  • A private (or “enterprise”) CA, which you create and manage

  • A public CA, owned and managed by a 3^rd^ party

Private CAs

A private CA is an internal entity that you manage and control that issues digital certificates that are only known (and trusted) within the boundaries of your organization, network, IT environment, supply chain and business processes. You own the private keys (of root and intermediate CAs), which you must safely stored. Those are used to issue your certificates through a robust process, properly monitored and audited, to make sure there’s no leakage of misuse of the keys. Assuming you have appropriate knowledge, skills, QA processes, and security processes for safely running a private CA, then that’s all for internal use cases: you trust it because you trust yourself. You must deploy the root CA certificate to as a trusted CA to all the downstream entities that are expected to accept (and validate) your certificates.

However, only devices on which you directly or indirectly manage the collection of trusted root CAs will be able to accept and validate certificates issued by your private root CA or an intermediate CA that chains back to your private root.

Public CAs

But what if you want parties outside of your trust boundaries to trust your certificates? They would need to receive your root CA certificate through a secure and trusted channel. Most importantly, they should trust your ability to run the CA properly, and keep it monitored and audited.

That’s why public CAs exist: they are companies, or institutions, that are well-known and respected in the industry for running the entire process in a proper, secure, reliable, documented, audited way. How this is done and validated depends on the CA and the party responsible for managing the list of trusted CAs. For example, Microsoft manages the list of root CAs trusted by default on the Windows operating system, while Mozilla manages the list of root CAs trusted by the Firefox browser. There are also public, cross-vendor discussions around these lists.

Public CAs traditionally were paid-for, commercial enterprises or government-associated entities, capable of issuing certificates for many different use cases. However, with the establishment of the non-profit organization Let’s Encrypt, there is a now a third option, where, in exchange for a higher level of automation and a lower level of validation (domain-name based validation only), a basic web site certificate can be created for free. Let’s Encrypt does not offer the full range of certificate types, but instead focuses instead on the very specific use case of “securing client communications against a web server”.

But, where is that list of root CAs trusted by a client service or device stored? That’s where the idea of a “trusted root store” comes in.

Trusted Root Store

The trusted root store is a mechanism, usually embedded in the operating system or in the browser, that automatically and securely collects and keeps up to date the public Root CA certificates that can be trusted. As mentioned above, companies such as Microsoft, or organizations such as Mozilla, create and maintain such databases. Those companies continuously monitor the reputation of public CAs, possibly participating in due diligence and auditing processes, investigating, and reacting to incidents that may compromise trust. That’s how they build and maintain trust between you and the public CAs.

In some specific cases, such as node.js, an application runtime may choose to host its own trusted root store, independent of the operating system, similar to how a browser might choose to do so. It’s up to each runtime owner to make the decision about how to approach this problem and up to each application owner to understand how their runtime environment handles this.

Generally, trusted root CA certificates are “self-signed”, meaning they have no parent trust. This makes sense, because if the root CA certificate was signed by another certificate, it would actually be an intermediate certificate. (footnote 1)

Certificate lifecycle

Once established, trust must be maintained over time. Trust can be renewed or revoked. Because of this, digital certificates have a finite lifespan and are considered invalid upon expiration. (As an aside, this means that the system depends on the client device having a proper local date and time to be able to properly validate the expiration date.)

Certificates are usually renewed before the expiration to avoid service disruption (e.g. a service is not trusted anymore by a client or an IoT device cannot connect anymore to the cloud). However, there are cases where certificates must be replaced earlier, such as:

  • Deprecation of weak cryptographic algorithms (e.g. SHA-1)
  • Flaws (e.g. Heartbleed affecting OpenSSL)
  • Changes to the company organization, process, and policies

A certificate may also be explicitly revoked for different reasons, such as:

  • Its private key has been compromised or lost
  • The information stored in the certificate is outdated

Managing the certificates lifecycle in a robust, consistent, and ideally automated way is key to preventing failures and typically required to meet compliance requirements. In addition to service disruption, failures could be exploited by malicious actors to launch attacks or steal sensitive data.

The lifecycle of a certificate can be broken into the following stages:

  • Certificate Enrollment
  • Certificate Validation
  • Certificate Renewal
  • Certificate Revocation

Certificate enrollment

The process of certificate enrollment is the generation of a certificate signed by a certificate authority:

  1. An administrator requests the device create a private/public keypair.
  2. The administrator requests the device generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) tied to the public key of the keypair. Notice that the private key remains exclusively with the device and is never sent to the CA or another party.
  3. The administrator sends the request to a Certificate Authority (CA).
  4. The CA validates the entity using whatever processes used by the CA.
  5. The CA creates a signed X.509 certificate as described earlier in this document.
  6. Optionally, the CA notifies the administrator of issuance.
  7. The administrator retrieves the certificate from the CA
  8. The administrator installs the certificate on the device.

Note that “administrator” here could be a person, or it could be an automated process on the device.

This diagram illustrates the process:

    actor Administrator
    participant Device
    participant CA

    Administrator->>Device: Requests key pair creation
    Administrator->>Device: Requests CSR from public key
    Administrator->>CA: Send CSR
    CA->>CA: Validates entity
    CA->>CA: Creates signed certificate

        CA->>Administrator: Notification of issuance

    Administrator->>CA: Requests certificate
    Administrator->>Device: Installs certificate

Certificate validation

When a certificate is presented by an entity to a client, the certificate status is validated to verify that:

  • It’s issued by a trusted CA
  • It’s listed identity matches the entity’s presented identity
  • It isn’t expired
  • It isn’t revoked
  • It’s issuance has been logged properly

Certificate validation is a complex process and applications typically use APIs and libraries such as OpenSSL, CryptoAPI, or Java JCE to perform it. At a very high-level, the validation process is as follows:

  1. Construct the presented CA chain. Constructing the complete certificate path requires that the validator is in possession of all the certificates in that path. This requires that the validator keep a database of intermediate certificates or that the protocol using the certificate supply the needed intermediates. In case of TLS certificates, a server will typically present the complete chain (the server certificate, any intermediate certificates, and the root CA certificate) as part of the TLS negotiation.
  2. Validate the root certificate is trusted by comparing to the list of certificates in the root certificate store to ensure the entire chain is trusted.
  3. Check chain validity dates (not-before and not-after) and constraints, if present (policy and key usage).
  4. Consult CA revocation information, if available; certificates may contain extensions that point to Certificate Revocation List (CRL) storage locations or to Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responders. These methods allow the verifier to check that a CA has not revoked the certificate in question.
  5. Consult the CA issuance log, if available; modern CAs are expected to host a Certificate Transparency (CT) log that clients can check on a regular basis. (This is oversimplifying this process on purpose; more can be found at DigiCert and at IBM Developer, among other places.)

Certificate pinning

Certificate validation has an optional extra step as well, related to a feature known as certificate pinning. With certificate pinning, the certificate subject (e.g. domain name) is permanently stored with the associated valid certificate, either as part of the first time the certificate is seen or as part of the configuration of the client. This prevents the certificate from being changed later by a malicious actor, as it will no longer be the “pinned” certificate and thus not trusted. This is a stronger validation than just validating the issuer is trusted by the root certificate store, as it’s very specific for a certificate subject. This allows for a perceived higher level of security, but it also makes it much harder to deal with valid field changes in the case of public certificates where the client is managed by an organization unrelated to the subject’s organization. For example, when Azure rotated its IoT CA, field devices that had pinned the specific certificates for their IoT Hubs that were issued by the old CA broke, because they no longer trusted the service certificates presented by Azure services (as they had changed).

As stated in Microsoft Learn:

External domain names, where the certificate issued to these domains is issued by a public certificate authority, are not ideal for enterprise certificate pinning.

There’s mixed opinions in the community about the use of certificate pinning — for example, while Microsoft Learn and DigiCert discourage it, the OWASP foundation states:

You should pin anytime you want to be relatively certain of the remote host’s identity or when operating in a hostile environment. Since one or both are almost always true, you should probably pin all the time.

However, even in that article is this statement:

Assuming your application has no bugs or security defects, the application would be updated every year or two.

In an IoT scenario, this may not be a practical option, depending on field update capabilities. Thus, when implementing an IoT device, an implementer needs to be very careful if implementing certificate pinning to make sure that there is the ability to securely update the pinning information in the field, including considering the possibility of a device being offline for a long period of time.

Thumbprint validation and self-signed certificates

Although that process is the common certificate validation process, there are other processes possible, although they are not as commonly seen.

One alterative validation mechanism known as thumbprint validation. Thumbprint validation essentially calculates a binary hash of the entire certificate, and then compares it to a list of trusted hashes. This is a very specialized use case, as it’s tied to the specific certificate, and does not tolerate any variation. This means that standard rotation on expiration will break validation, which means it’s not practical for field use. It is useful for very highly controlled environments or very short-term use cases, however.

Another is the handling of “self-signed” certificates, which are created without using a CA (private or public). Due to the absence of a CA acting as an anchor of trust that you can use for validating a certificate, self-signed certificates have no trust value. They can only be compared to the trusted validation list (similar to thumbprint validation). Because this does not inherently allow for validation of trust, it’s of limited value outside of development scenarios. The one production case where this is seen commonly is that root CAs are generally self-signed, and thus are trusted through the root certificate store, which is essentially a list of known certificates as described above. (footnote 2)

Certificate revocation

If a certificate needs to be revoked before the expiration date, the CA can be requested to add such certificate to its Certificate Revocation List (CRL). A certificate may be revoked because its private key has been compromised or lost, or the information in the certificate is outdated. The concept of a CRL is also part of the X.509 standard, and it identifies all of the digital certificates that have been revoked by the issuing CA prior to the scheduled expiration date. These revoked certificates should no longer be trusted.

CRLs offer a simple way to distribute information about these invalid certificates. However, their use is increasingly deprecated by popular web browsers and clients in favor of the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) and OCSP stapling, which offer complete revocation features.

Certificate renewal

Upon expiration, a certificate may be either automatically renewed (if allowed by the policy and if there’s an automatic lifecycle management solution in place) or manually renewed.

Asymmetric encryption in practice and TLS

As described above, in an asymmetric encryption algorithm, there are two keys involved, a public key and a private key. Although this is very secure, and is directly used in some cases, such as in email encryption scenarios, it’s relatively slow and resource intensive.

Thus, for bulk encryption and/or for resource-constrained devices, something different is done; this includes the case of transport-layer security (TLS), which is used for secure web communication (HTTPS) and other secured protocols. In those situations, asymmetric encryption is used to protect a negotiated symmetric encryption key for bulk encryption and decryption. That symmetric key is rotated on a regular basis as part of TLS.

The symmetric key negotiation includes deciding on an encryption algorithm and an encryption key length as well as a data integrity (message authentication code, or MAC) algorithm. This is shown in mentions of things like “DHE-PSK (forward secrecy)” and “AES GCM”. For the purposes of this topic, these are not particularly important details. There is published guidance around recommended IoT device configuration at Azure IoT Hub TLS support | Microsoft Learn, and an implementer is advised to follow the documented best practices.

Digital signatures

One use of asymmetric encryption mentioned above that hasn’t been explained before is the concept of digital signatures. Digital signatures allow for ensuring content (which may be encrypted or unencrypted) has not been altered in transit.

A digital signature is created by hashing the document, then encrypting the hash with the private key of the issuer. Because the public key is shared, this allows anyone to verify the document has not been changed. These diagrams illustrate this:

Document signing

flowchart TD
    h[Hash document contents] --> e[Encrypt hash with private key to get signature]
    e --> w[Write signature to document metadata]

Signature validation

flowchart TD
    rd[Read document with metadata] --> h[Hash document contents]
    h --> rs[Read signature from document metadata]
    rs --> d[Decrypt hash with public key]
    d --> c[Compare computed hash with supplied hash]
    c --> m{Do they match?}
    m -->|Yes| v[Document is unaltered]
    m -->|No| i[Document has been altered]

footnote 1: This is deliberately avoiding a discussion of so-called “cross-signing”, which adds a layer of complexity to this discussion that is not necessary for our purposes.

footnote 2: Again, ignoring “cross-signed certificates”.