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· 5 min read
#60Days Of IA

Let’s ride the buzz of AI with the focus on building intelligent apps using cloud-native technologies. Build '#IntelligentApps' brings to you a learning journey to build your skills on creating differentiated experiences while modernizing your applications. It’s time to 'learn it all'.

What We’ll Cover​

Build intelligent apps

Get Ready To Build #IntelligentApps starting February 19!​

Today, we kick off with content and activities for you to skill up on all things Intelligent Apps or AI Apps on Azure with content, events, and community interactions! Read on to learn about what is coming!

Explore Our Initiatives​

We have a number of initiatives planned for the month to help you learn and skill up on relevant technologies. Click on the links to visit the relevant pages for each.

  • #60Days of IA - 8 themed weeks of blogs on AI led application development
  • Learn Live Series – 8 weekly live episodes on 'Kubernetes' and 'Serverless'
  • Ask The Expert – join live Q&A sessions with Product Engineering and Advocacy teams
  • Cloud Skills Challenge – skill up by competing with peers to complete modules

Build intelligent apps


Register for the events!​

What are 4 things you can do today, to jumpstart your learning journey?

#60Days Of Intelligent Apps​

#60Days of IA is a series of blog posts grouped into themed weeks - taking you from core concepts to end-to-end solution examples in 60 days. Each blog will provide conceptual lessons paired with exercises and resources to help you reinforce learnings and take next steps.

This series takes you through learning journey in eight stages, each building on the previous week to help you skill up in a beginner-friendly way:

We will start with defining intelligent apps and then expand on how to build with cloud-native technologies like Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Apps and Azure Functions, as well as integrate AI and cloud-scale data. You will learn how to build end-to-end scenarios for real world application development based on reference architectures. Before we dive deep on intelligent apps, here is a high-level overview of the Intelligent Apps landscape on Azure for you to leverage the most comprehensive, trusted cloud to prime the customer and employee experiences.

intelligent apps on Azure

Bring your applications to a modern application platform in the cloud, which leverages a cloud data platform at scale and agile development methods with DevOps is the best way to prime the customer and employee experiences. Azure offers the latest apps, data, AI and is the most comprehensive, trusted cloud.

intelligent apps

Containers on Azure services offer you a wide range of capabilities, from simplicity to control to suit your different needs.

containers on azure

containers on azure

To start with the basics for developing Kubernetes applications, explore #30Days of CloudNative.

Cloud-native development when paired with serverless computing enhances your solution architecture for building cost optimized, resilient applications.

serverless on Azure

To start with the basics for serverless computing, explore #30DaysOfServerless.

Let’s Get Started​

Now you know everything! We hope you are as excited as we are to dive into a full month of active learning and doing! Don't forget to subscribe for updates in your favorite feed reader. And, look out for our first Intelligent Apps blog on Monday, February 19!