Known Issues

Permission denied when reading the projected service account token file

In Kubernetes 1.18, the default mode for the projected service account token file is 0600. This causes containers running as non-root to fail while trying to read the token file:

F0826 20:03:20.113998 1 main.go:27] failed to get secret from keyvault, err: autorest/Client#Do: Preparing request failed: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: failed to read service account token: open /var/run/secrets/azure/tokens/azure-identity-token: permission denied

The default mode was changed to 0644 in Kubernetes v1.19, which allows containers running as non-root to read the projected service account token.

If you ran into this issue, you can either:

  1. Upgrade your cluster to v1.20+ or

  2. Apply the following securityContext field to your pod spec:

    fsGroup: 65534

User tried to log in to a device from a platform (Unknown) that’s currently not supported through Conditional Access policy

When creating a federated identity credential, your request might be blocked by Azure Active Directory Conditional Access: Require compliant devices policy:

az rest --method POST --uri "${APPLICATION_OBJECT_ID}/federatedIdentityCredentials" --body @body.json
AADSTS50005: User tried to log in to a device from a platform (Unknown) that's currently not supported through Conditional Access policy. Supported device platforms are: iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows flavors.
To re-authenticate, please run:
az login --scope

Another quick way to verify if your tenant has a conditional access policy in place:

az account get-access-token --resource-type=ms-graph

To bypass this policy:

  • az login with a user account on a supported system - Windows or MacOS, and make the device compliant.
  • az login --service-principal with a service principal which does not have the above compliance check.

In the case of service principal, you will have to grant the Application.ReadWrite.All API permission:

# get the app role ID of `Application.ReadWrite.All`
APPLICATION_OBJECT_ID="$(az ad app show --id ${APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID} --query id -otsv)"
GRAPH_RESOURCE_ID="$(az ad sp list --display-name "Microsoft Graph" --query '[0].id' -otsv)"
APPLICATION_READWRITE_ALL_ID="$(az ad sp list --display-name "Microsoft Graph" --query "[0].appRoles[?value=='Application.ReadWrite.All' && contains(allowedMemberTypes, 'Application')].id" --output tsv)"

az rest --method post --uri "${URI}" --body "${BODY}" --headers "Content-Type=application/json"

Environment variables not injected into pods deployed in the kube-system namespace in an AKS cluster

To protect the stability of the system and prevent custom admission controllers from impacting internal services in the kube-system, namespace AKS has an Admissions Enforcer, which automatically excludes kube-system and AKS internal namespaces. Refer to doc for more details.

If you’re deploying a pod in the kube-system namespace of an AKS cluster and need the environment variables, projected service account token volume injected by the Azure Workload Identity Mutating Webhook, add the "admissions.enforcer/disabled": "true" label or annotation in the MutatingWebhookConfiguration.

Proxy sidecar not injected into pods that have hostNetwork: true

The proxy sidecar modifies the iptables rules to redirect traffic to the Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) endpoint to the proxy sidecar. This is not supported when hostNetwork: true is set on the pod as it will modify the host’s iptables rules which will impact other pods running on the same host.