JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS)

The JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) document contains the public signing key(s) that allows AAD to verify the authenticity of the service account token.


Assuming you have access to your service account signing key pair and followed the guide on how to create and upload the discovery document to an Azure blob storage account. See this section on how to generate a minimal signing key pair.

1. Install azwi

Installation guide

2. Generate the JWKS document

azwi jwks --public-keys <PublicKeyPath> --output-file jwks.json

If you have multiple public signing keys, you can append additional --public-keys flag to the command.

3. Upload the JWKS document

az storage blob upload \
  --container-name "${AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER}" \
  --file jwks.json \
  --name openid/v1/jwks

4. Verify that the JWKS document is publicly accessible

curl -s "https://${AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT}.blob.core.windows.net/${AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER}/openid/v1/jwks"
  "keys": [
      "use": "sig",
      "kty": "RSA",
      "kid": "Me5VC6i4_4mymFj7T5rcUftFjYX70YoCfSnZB6-nBY4",
      "alg": "RS256",
      "n": "ywg7HeKIFX3vleVKZHeYoNpuLHIDisnczYXrUdIGCNilCJFA1ymjG2UAADnt_FpYUsCVyKYJTqcxNbK4boNg_P3uK39OAqXabwYrilEZvsVJQKhzn8dXLeqAnM98L8eBpySU208KTsfMkS3Q6lqwurUP7c_a3g_1XRJukz_EmQxg9jLD_fQd5VwPTEo8HJQIFqIxFWzjTkkK5hbcL9Cclkf6RpeRyjh7Vem57Fu-jAlxDUiYiqyieM4OBNm4CQjiqDE8_xOC8viNpHNw542MYVDKSRnYui31lCOj32wBDphczR8BbnrZgbqN3K_zzB3gIjcGbWbbGA5xKJYqSu5uRwN89_CWrT3vGw5RN3XQPSbhGC4smgZkOCw3N9i1b-x-rrd-mRse6F95ONaoslCJUbJvxvDdb5X0P4_CVZRwJvUyP3OJ44ZvwzshA-zilG-QC9E1j2R9DTSMqOJzUuOxS0JIvoboteI1FAByV9KyU948zQRM7r7MMZYBKWIsu6h7",
      "e": "AQAB"